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Help...I am drowning!!
I can see no one has been posting here for awhile but I am trying to find peace and comfort once again in my life so I decided to begin by posting what is going on in my life and waiting to see who can offer me some Christian based help. I have been a a downward spiral now for the past 2 months with my life but have neglected my relationship with the Lord for the past few years. Now for the past 2 months I have been suffering from severe anxiety, panic, worry, fear, and some depression. I don't want to have to be on medication to help because I know the Lord has provided everything I need right here on His beautiful earth that I could ever need or want. Today, I come into this site to find restoration in my life, fellowship with Christian, hope, and peace for my life and family. Anyone, please help guide me in the right direction...Thank you in advance.
ElsieJoPerigo - Posts: 1
- Location: United States
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Help...I am drowning!!
Your request is very broad. There are people here who help with substance abuse, others who help with childhood trauma. Many have marriage advice.
There is no Jesus Juice. When we accept the Lord as our savior, we are immediately saved. However, all our problems don't evaporate miraculously. This is a journey, a walk.
When you have a broken arm, hopefully you go to get a cast on it. When you have deep emotional injuries, you require help. Not, "Touch me lord" and miraculously it all goes away. It is easier to heal a broken bone that way than deep emotional pain.
Yes, I very much believe in miracles. But I believe more in choreography - God leading us through the valley of the shadow of death and directing events in our lives so that we do enter the sunshine again.
Again, it isn't free and easy. Salvation is a free gift - but accepting Jesus as LORD is an obligation.
There isn't a destination - the work never ends.
When we refuse to face what we need to face, it can cause all sorts of anxiety symptoms. Bad ones. And depression. These symptoms can come from other reasons too. But anxiety is very destructive. And getting past it is work.
God bless. Don't want to scare you off. Just want you to know that nobody can tell you to turn around three times before you pray and everything will then be all better.
There is no Jesus Juice. When we accept the Lord as our savior, we are immediately saved. However, all our problems don't evaporate miraculously. This is a journey, a walk.
When you have a broken arm, hopefully you go to get a cast on it. When you have deep emotional injuries, you require help. Not, "Touch me lord" and miraculously it all goes away. It is easier to heal a broken bone that way than deep emotional pain.
Yes, I very much believe in miracles. But I believe more in choreography - God leading us through the valley of the shadow of death and directing events in our lives so that we do enter the sunshine again.
Again, it isn't free and easy. Salvation is a free gift - but accepting Jesus as LORD is an obligation.
There isn't a destination - the work never ends.
When we refuse to face what we need to face, it can cause all sorts of anxiety symptoms. Bad ones. And depression. These symptoms can come from other reasons too. But anxiety is very destructive. And getting past it is work.
God bless. Don't want to scare you off. Just want you to know that nobody can tell you to turn around three times before you pray and everything will then be all better.
Shame and blame are the devil's tools. With God ALL things are possible.
Shame and blame are the devil's tools. With God ALL things are possible.
dema - Posts: 1133
- Location: Indiana
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Help...I am drowning!!
Hello ElsieJo 
God bless you this day, and welcome to Christianity Oasis.
I'm glad that you have responded to God's call to you. He did guide you here. God is Good!!!
There is a blessed study on this site entitled "COOL Confidential Christian Counseling" or CCCC for short. It is a 14 Day Study, and it really helps us get into God's Word. Jesus is The Word and The Word will set you free. Here is the link to the CCCC Study:
Even though you may have wandered a bit the last 2 years, God is still there and He wants to re-ignite the relationship between the two of you. Even though Christians still live in their temporary body (while here on this earth), we can also learn to live in our eternal life given us by God through the bloodshed of Christ Jesus.
John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
He is willing; therefore, if you are willing, also, there is much to look forward to.
When I first came to this site 8 1/2 years ago, I was also in that place where it's difficult to be hopeful. God has been faithful and He continues to help me to walk in faithfulness to Him and His blessed Word. God is Good!!! The CCCC Study and all the other blessed studies on this site have helped me in this faith walk. Each of the studies have their foundation on God's Word, and they were Holy Spirit inspired.
ElsieJo, it's a tough world out there with lots of challenges and temptations. We can't do it alone, we NEED The Lord. I am excited for you, ElsieJo, because I know what The Lord has done in my own life, how He has given me HOPE, purpose, pure passion for Him, and the fire that He stoked inside of me cannot be extinguished as long as I hold onto Him.
Hold tight to Him, ElsieJo. He loves you so very much.
Prayers are rising to our Lord in the name of Jesus on your behalf. May God's blessed and perfect will be done.
God bless and keep you.
In Christ Jesus' love,
Sister Mack

God bless you this day, and welcome to Christianity Oasis.
I'm glad that you have responded to God's call to you. He did guide you here. God is Good!!!
There is a blessed study on this site entitled "COOL Confidential Christian Counseling" or CCCC for short. It is a 14 Day Study, and it really helps us get into God's Word. Jesus is The Word and The Word will set you free. Here is the link to the CCCC Study:
Even though you may have wandered a bit the last 2 years, God is still there and He wants to re-ignite the relationship between the two of you. Even though Christians still live in their temporary body (while here on this earth), we can also learn to live in our eternal life given us by God through the bloodshed of Christ Jesus.
John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
He is willing; therefore, if you are willing, also, there is much to look forward to.
When I first came to this site 8 1/2 years ago, I was also in that place where it's difficult to be hopeful. God has been faithful and He continues to help me to walk in faithfulness to Him and His blessed Word. God is Good!!! The CCCC Study and all the other blessed studies on this site have helped me in this faith walk. Each of the studies have their foundation on God's Word, and they were Holy Spirit inspired.
ElsieJo, it's a tough world out there with lots of challenges and temptations. We can't do it alone, we NEED The Lord. I am excited for you, ElsieJo, because I know what The Lord has done in my own life, how He has given me HOPE, purpose, pure passion for Him, and the fire that He stoked inside of me cannot be extinguished as long as I hold onto Him.
Hold tight to Him, ElsieJo. He loves you so very much.
Prayers are rising to our Lord in the name of Jesus on your behalf. May God's blessed and perfect will be done.
God bless and keep you.
In Christ Jesus' love,
Sister Mack
Mackenaw - Posts: 2426
- Location: NY
- Marital Status: Married
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