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please join me

Postby stillstanding » Tue Nov 26, 2013 10:46 am

I had a dream
I went to a miley cyrus concert. after she finished a song I got up and walked backstage thinking I would tell her how repulsive her antics are. I just walked back there like no one saw me. when I got back stage miley was leaving the stage to her dressing room. she had thrown down her earphones. there was a piece broken off and everyone was searching for it frantically. I looked at the broken headphones and immediately knew what the missing piece was. I quickly scanned the entire stage and found the piece. this endeared me to all the workers and I was their friend. so miley came back out and she sat in this nice comfy chair and closed her eyes. but the chair had plexiglass "walls" that came up about 12 inches from the arms and back of the chair. it was as if the chair was especially for when fans would want to be close to her and keep them at a distance. I leaned close to her to whisper and instead of rebuking her behavior I told her how sweet and loveable she was. she looked at me and I guess she saw I was genuine and she got close to me as if to whisper. I noticed her skin was like a baby. she hugged me and said "you smell like my mom". I said "of course I do". we hugged each other and I said "God loves you". she hugged me tighter and said "I love you". I said "and I love you". she was just like a baby needing a mom. I walked back to my seat.

miley cyrus represents her generation and their complete lostness. they need Gods immeasurable Love. not our disdain. they have been abandoned and left to fend for themselves by their own lost parents. please pray with me for them. *Pray*

much love and blessings!

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Re: please join me

Postby Timothy » Thu Nov 28, 2013 4:47 am

Lord, how many of us have walked away from you in our young adult life as we experimented with today's earthly values.
Many of us have been tricked by a false, temporary, success for a season or more. But for Your Grace we have been saved.
After we realized we were tricked and left alone, to suffer pain, fear, hopelessness..., we turned to You. You accepted us
back as if to run down the road to welcome us home, to cleans us, reclothe us, to throw us a party in our honor forgiving
our trespasses and lifting us to higher levels.

Dear Lord,
I join my friend, stillstanding, in prayer...
Help us with the care of those young souls whom you have entrusted in our stewardship.
Bless the youth of today. Help them make safe and wise choices.
We pray for your mercy and grace over them. Help them to recognize, You, in their lives, Lord.
May they turn to, You Lord, for their hope and strength. Give them the courage to stand alone,
in Your name, as times may require. May their eyes and ears be open to Your truth.
We thank you, Lord, for the glory and honors is yours. Amen
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