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Re: I LIED satan tried to steel and destroy

Postby dema » Sun May 27, 2012 7:22 am

People from that church may be able to guide you to one that is closer so that you can get to the close one aften and the far one now and then. Praise God you found a place to be filled.
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What are we to learn??

Postby popples » Wed May 30, 2012 6:02 am

We were born and we live so different lives, then one day it all ends. What is it all about? What are we meant to learn?
I remember when my children were young and I always said to them (MAKE SURE YOUR HEART IS IN THE RIGHT PLACE)
I have been pondering this and asked myself the same question. Do we do a favour for a friend because we want to bless them or help them or is it to make myself feel better.?? I want to be mindful of making sure Im doing things in my life for God I am going to make sure my heart is in the right place from now on. Praise God
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Re: Making sure my heart is in the right place.

Postby dema » Wed May 30, 2012 6:22 am

When the disciples asked Jesus what they were supposed to do about people preaching without permission, Jesus said to let them preach.

I think this is one example of people doing the right things for the wrong reasons and Jesus endorsing it.

I believe Satan is trying so hard to bury us in guilt and condemnation so that we can't hear God. God speaks in the peace. If Satan can get us to always be questioning and condemning ourselves then we block out the voice of God.

Seek the peace. If you know something is good, and you think you are supposed to do it - then do. And if you get praised, then let the praise warm you. We aren't too think more highly than we ought to think - but that is an interesting phrase.

It is saying, DO think highly of yourselves - but not TOO highly. Don't get all stuck up and weird about it.

Don't you think that is what it is saying?

Let God love you. God wants to love us and Satan wants us to be like Adam and Eve in the garden - hiding because of our sin.
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Re: Making sure my heart is in the right place.

Postby popples » Wed May 30, 2012 8:55 am

yes you are right and it seems so easy God does want to love us but we find it so hard to except
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Re: Eric wants to meet??

Postby popples » Wed May 30, 2012 7:45 pm

I left my home a few weeks ago, been in the city, Lee had her baby, I have had my other granchild running back and forth to the hospital, attending a great christian church. Making plans for the future, but after many attempts of trying to talk to Eric he was busy partying, other woman, drinking,drugs but I still wanted t o give him the oportunity to decide which path he was going to walk. I could and cannot walk that old path anymore. So after many attempts he finally rings me this morning and wants to see me tonight, and before I knew it I agreed. Im writeing this because Im not sure if I should have said yes?? I just wanted some feedback from my brothers and sisters please.
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Re: Eric wants to meet??

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Wed May 30, 2012 10:10 pm

I may sound cruel and wrong but I think you have done nothing but give him chances BUT I respect your heart I just ask that you be careful and do all you can to stear clear of......circumstances of being hurt again
You are on the road of recovery and healing and if he joins great, if not......

I pray he opens his eyes but it will only happen if he chooses, let him know I'm still prayin for him
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Re: Eric wants to meet??

Postby popples » Thu May 31, 2012 8:46 am

thanks everyone meeting is done.
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Re: my walk

Postby popples » Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:16 am

You know It just hit me that our Lord always keeps his promises and sends people to us when we ask ye shall recieve. I just finished a Book called "Angel Walk" I recomend it to anyone thats feeling alone. As I read it I realised how grateful I am to have the chance to know our Lord because there are many that dont. Recently I asked God to help me with somthing and guess what he did, but me being human still chose my own path, the results were not because God didnt try and help me but because I chose to ignore his help. Just a little something for you to think about!!!!
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Re: We try to walk alone!

Postby popples » Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:45 am

I come here with tears today as God is showing me its ok Im not alone. I seem to be writeing here less and less, because I keep trying to do things alone. Its like a secret life Im living with God, but it seems so lonely. Back home in my small town, most of my friends have chosen Eric over me and I guess thats because they are all still living that same life as him. Being on this path is definitly lonely. Huge big house with little old me.
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Re: We try to walk alone!

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:24 am

Popples it is ALL thier loss NOT yours, you have so much to gain just give the lord time to work
He will do things in His time not ours but we must be patient and obedient and you seem to be both
As for being alone, maybe physically such as I and many others here BUT we have each other and God and that WILL see us all through *Clap*
May God wrap His loving arms around you and give you rest, and show you that you ARE one of His prize posessions
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Re: We try to walk alone!

Postby Mackenaw » Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:05 pm

Hello Popples (((hugs)))

God bless you this day.

I understand, and so do all your brothers and sisters in Christ. When we begin walking with Christ, our lives are forever changed, and yes...sometimes, it does "feel" lonely. But, we have the best Friend in The Lord, and He gives us a new family...our Christian brothers and sisters. (((hugs)))

Here is a link to a wonderful study on this site called "Family Ties That Bind" :

God bless and keep you, Popples.
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Re: Jesus does walk with us

Postby popples » Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:42 am

Its been awhile since I wrote in here and it seems I get further and futher away from doing so......well I want to reflect on what God HAS done in my life. He gives me strenghth everyday to rise and face my day. Gosh he gave us life. How grateful I am again for this website, you know Im at a place in my life that I have spoken before off but had different intentions, Its a PEACE praise God for our life, praise God for the peace he gives us. Thankyou to all those that reply and help us through our day and thank God for each and every day. Look forward to many more with you all. GOD BLESS
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