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Repentence Church Court

Postby popples » Sun May 06, 2012 4:28 am

Today I went to church and the Bishop asked to talk to me. It didnt go too well and I was only half hearted about what I told him. That was enough he said I needed to go to a church court that broke my heart. I thought I was doing good up until now. Does God really dislike me or what I have done enough to make me feel worthless.
See Gwen sooner or later you have to pay the price for what may happen.
What is it you want from me??? What is it?? havnt I done or shown you enough.
Is this how God would want things done or am I just looking for the easy way out. I cant partake of the sacrement the bread or water. Am I now a hyprocrit?? Lord where are you?/ Show me somthing?? Show me this is your will Lord.
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Re: You have no place here!!Repentence Church Court

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Sun May 06, 2012 8:05 am

Dearest sis
I don't know exactly what denomination you go to but this makes me sad that there would be any belief out there that would make you feel this way.
No you do not have to "pay for what has happened"'s already BEEN payed for, and as for God disliking you or what you've done enough to make you feel worthless..........that's NOT God sis!!
church court and the likes, I have never heard of but I know my Lord does not think at ANY time we are worthless nor will He EVER turn away from us due to things we have done.
Gwen you came to the Lord broken and ALL He wants to do is heal His child, it is my opinion you are doing well, yes we ALL stumble and make mistakes....we ALL fall short of the glory of God, BUT it is my belief that He is standing there just as any parent would with His arms open wanting to comfort you from your fall, picture a parent and child and the child is running up the sidewalk (of life) the parent (God) says don't run your going to fall and get hurt.......boom down goes the child (drugs or some other form of satans tools)...hurt and crying does the parent get upset and turn away....not if they are a loving parent such as God they will go and pick the child up brush them off and see if they are ok hold them to let them know they are loved as well as ok and tell them don't do that anymore I don't want you to hurt, whats most kids gonna do *Doh* but it does not change the parents love only their reaction may change after a few times of the same thing but the love is just as strong as ever.
PLEASE know I am not making light of your church but I feel that the beliefs are a little radical.
What is it you want from me??? What is it?? havnt I done or shown you enough.

All He wants is your love and to forgive you of all things past and you to follow Him.....if you ask......that's it.
God bless
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Re: You have no place here!!Repentence Church Court

Postby popples » Sun May 06, 2012 8:23 am

thankyou cuc but it doesnt change the fact that even shown that I am clean from drugs and that I went to him with my heart opening up, being honest I am to face the church court. He said he would let me know definitly net sunday well I am meant to go for my treatment tomorrow and I dont wanna go. I think if I could score right now I would. Whats it all about?? Why even try?? If God is there wanting this child then I shouldnt need any treatment. He will bring me through the cancer too. Im sorry God maybe some are your children maybe some arent??
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Re: You have no place here!!Repentence Church Court

Postby dantyriverside » Sun May 06, 2012 3:27 pm

hi popples *Wave*

Please don't give up that's what satan wants you to do. He wants to steal your glory. He does his best work when we are at our lowest because we are our weakest. Dear sis above all else you must remember that God's love is like no others. He has the ability to forgive unlike any we will ever know. As CUC has explained he is like a parent loving a child. Like you love your girls but times a zillion. DO not be afraid of church court because no matter what they decide they cannot take away God's love for you. I also do not understand church court so I mean no disrespect by saying that. I just know that God created us to love us and Jesus came to forgive us of our sins. Hang in there Gwen Fight with all your might to save your life and to resist temptation. I will keep you in my prayers.

Joshua 1:5-6
New King James Version (NKJV)

5 No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you. 6 Be strong and of good courage,

loves *hug*
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Re: You have no place here!!Repentence Church Court

Postby popples » Sun May 06, 2012 9:45 pm

I am on my way to the city which is 2hour drive from my home I have some more treatment, that I dont want to have but Eric says I have to. I feel as though my freedom to choose has been taken away and I know he cares but dont I get a say in all this, maybe I dont want to prolong what is going to happen anyway. The doctors said without this treatment I have maybe a year, with it years. I think Im sick of being good, staying strong. Im sad today. Feeling worthless.
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Re: You have no place here! My Apology

Postby popples » Mon May 07, 2012 2:35 am

I am trully sorry for the past few posts, Please forgive me. I just finished my Radiation and reallise that the Lord has my best interest at heart. I was feeling sorry for myself. I have to RISE above all that. Satan I have to tell you again STAY OUT OF MY LIFE I have no room for him to put thoughts like this in my mind.
Lord please forgive me I know today I was mad at you and you held me through this treatment today as you hold me everyday. oh Lord I love you.
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Re: You have no place here!!My Apology

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Mon May 07, 2012 6:05 am

Gwen, I just felt the need to say may God continue to pour out His blessings on you and Eric
And to Eric, I am here anytime for anything you wish to discuss brother, please remember that when those times are rough when you are seeking the Lord there IS reasons for that, it is satan because he knows he is about to lose another soul and he is on the attack, stand up to him and remind him you are stronger through Christ than he will EVER be!!

Gwen please continue to do as needed through the doctors and treatments cause just as I said above to Eric when you are ready to give up that is satan attacking you at your weakness, and as for all else just remember one more thing
God is the REAL healer and only judge, continue to go to Him.

Please both of you know that we care for you both and want nothing more than you both to be healed of the bad things and to be lifted up in His glory.
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Re: You have no place here!!My Apology

Postby popples » Mon May 07, 2012 10:21 pm

I dont know what to say but Lord show me your here
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Re: You have no place here!!My Apology

Postby deetu » Tue May 08, 2012 10:24 am

popples, I felt like there was some reason I was reading about your life and trials... something more then just catching up.
the thing that came to me was that you were hearing God thru it all. when you stopped and talked to Him, He showed you what to do, He guided you and encouraged you and you did not doubt that He was there... even when you fell, you saw that it was satan and not God and that He was there to pick you back up :)

then the other thing that hit me was the hurt you were feeling in church and I had to tell you that man made religion, not God. you should not have to go thru man's judgement because you are already blessed by God. the Pharisees did that to Jesus and look what happened. they seemed like godly men who lived by rules and didn't hear God.

popples, there are some amazing churches that are full gospel, Holy Spirit filled that will understand you and accept you as we do... as God does. You are a new person, the old has died! God doesn't judge you according to your past, your church shouldn't either.
look up Hillsong to see how free you can be. Ask God what church you should go to, you hear Him... let Him show you where He wants you be... He has a bigger plan for you. don't let anyone get in the way... listen to Him

Father, I ask that you show gwen the plan you have for her
I ask that you fill her with new understanding and new strength
Jesus, I ask for more healing for her
supernatually touch her and heal the cancer
Jesus, touch that child and bring healing and peace
in your mighty name I pray Jesus
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Re: You have no place here!!My Apology

Postby popples » Tue May 08, 2012 10:43 am

I took a deep breathe and know what you said is from God, I think the problem is that I feel trapped to stay at the church even if its not of God.
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Re: You have no place here!!My Apology

Postby deetu » Tue May 08, 2012 1:04 pm

popples, you only believe that you are trapped and have to stay.
Ask God what HE wants you to do
HE has your best interest and wants you to grow and be free

also remember that your husband is willing to go to church with you too so do you want him to feel stuck there? or would you like him to also be free so you both can learn about what God really is like and what plans He has for you both?

You hear God so now ask Him and trust
step out of that boat girl

I bind the evil influences now that would interfer in Gwen's thoughts words or deeds in Jesus name
I ask you Lord to come strong and clear to her and guide her in what she is to do
and I ask that you fill her with peace about her decision.
In Jesus' mighty name I pray
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Re: You have no place here!!

Postby popples » Tue May 08, 2012 4:34 pm

I listened to a song this morning and it says "when we get through all this we can have all we wish" It made me think.
Earth is only a small part of what we will have in Heaven.
Lord I pray you can show me the way, with church, my husband and my treatment.
I believe I am here at Oasis to grow strong, to have the strenghth to carry on.
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