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I often deal with a spririt of lonliness. I feel like people dont understand me. Sometimes i feel like i am trapped in a box.. I cry out, but nobody hears me
Praiseus_Maximus - Posts: 62
- Location: Tennesssee
- Marital Status: Single
Hello Praiseus_Maximus,
God bless you this day.
I'm sorry you feel people don't understand you. I'll try to.
I'm often misunderstood too. But we are both loved by God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit.
God loves us and He and His love is something we Christians have in common -- being that we are in the family of Christ. Now, whether or not we extend it, is another matter.
I noticed on your profile/COOLspace that you like to watch the Food Network. Me too!!! What are some of your favs on Food Network?
Both my husband and I have gotten some really good recipes from watching. My hubby loves to cook, and I love to be the taster.
Well, I hope to see you around the site, and maybe even in Chat from time to time.
Oh, and welcome to Christianity Oasis.
God bless and keep you.
In Christ Jesus' love,
Sister Mack
God bless you this day.
I'm sorry you feel people don't understand you. I'll try to.

God loves us and He and His love is something we Christians have in common -- being that we are in the family of Christ. Now, whether or not we extend it, is another matter.

I noticed on your profile/COOLspace that you like to watch the Food Network. Me too!!! What are some of your favs on Food Network?
Both my husband and I have gotten some really good recipes from watching. My hubby loves to cook, and I love to be the taster.

Well, I hope to see you around the site, and maybe even in Chat from time to time.
Oh, and welcome to Christianity Oasis.
God bless and keep you.
In Christ Jesus' love,
Sister Mack
Mackenaw - Posts: 2426
- Location: NY
- Marital Status: Married

Cool name by the way.

That's where the HOLY SPIRIT comes in too. I don't know if you have tried the 14 day Christian Counseling Program on here or not, but if you haven't, you really need too! It will help you not only through the problem of loneliness but many others that you will be facing in your daily Christian walk.
Loneliness is a very DEEP pain in your heart. How it got there, well everyone has their own story that's for sure. But, it's still the same pain and it feels like you are truly ALL ALONE! Here how I was helped with fighting that GIANT in my life. And believe me that is ONE BIG GIANT!!!
First you have to say 'what is causing me to feel such loneliness when I am surrounded by people that love me?' In most cases that is a true statement... and from looking at your profile I see you love hanging out with friends. So, how could you be lonely and yet have friends??? SIMPLE! SATAN IS A LIAR! He feeds on our weaknesses and trust me, he knows everyone of them! And I'll tell you another thing... I'm sure you already know.... HE WON'T STOP LYING TO US UNTIL OUR LAST BREATH!
I'm telling you this because I myself went through a period of loneliness and tried to do some DEEP THINKING on all the reasons why I was that way and how will I ever get out? UNTIL one day the HOLY SPIRIT asked me... "Does it really matter how you got here? Don't you just want to have the loneliness gone?" Well... I don't say DUH to the HOLY SPIRIT, but... I sure did to myself!

There are lots of helps in all the programs you will find on this site. You can even look up about LONELINESS and it will really help you instantly. I really hope you do check all this out. And just PRAY to the HOLY SPIRIT that HE take the LONELINESS AND GIVE YOU PEACE INSTEAD! It really is that simple.. it is US who try and make things sooo complicated!

If you want you can add me as a friend. I am usually on here off and on all day & night!

So... get going on helping yourself to be filled with PEACE!!! I'm praying for you and KNOW if you follow the HOLY SPIRITS leading... you will have it in no time!!! Then you will wonder why you didn't see it before??? Well... we can't be perfect...

I'm always here if you need me... hope to talk to you soon... NEVER FORGET... GOD LOVES YOU ALWAYS!!! UNCONDITIONALLY!!! So your NEVER really alone!

Love in Christ,
havingfaithagain53 - Posts: 81
- Location: Arkansas
- Marital Status: Seperated
Your Welcome! Hope your doing better today. I know everyday will be a challenge to all of us. But we all choose how to deal with each one. Will we let satan win or will we let GOD win? Well... that's easy to say which one we want to choose... but doing it is another thing. Just realize that YOU CAN DO IT! With GOD all things are possible! May the Lord always show you His Love and Grace!
Love in Christ,
Love in Christ,
havingfaithagain53 - Posts: 81
- Location: Arkansas
- Marital Status: Seperated
Re: lonliness
Praiseus_Maximus wrote:I often deal with a spririt of lonliness. I feel like people dont understand me. Sometimes i feel like i am trapped in a box.. I cry out, but nobody hears me
I feel exactly the same way.

Mokie - Posts: 7

sbennett - Posts: 303
- Location: Texas
- Marital Status: Married
I too know the feeling, I can be in a room full of people and feel so alone and as for the depression it comes and goes
one thing I've realized in my life finally is it's not the friendship type of loneliness it's the "closer" type that I desire I am SO tired of the empty loves even the one with my wife of 13 years was not that best friend and confidaunt type of love and I have never had that, but I trust in the Lord that when HIS time is right it will happen, it's just the devil steps in and it's so hard waiting and wondering if I'll ever see that type of love before I leave this earth, and like you Praiseus I cry out in my lonely little home but no one hears....except God and without me realizing it He takes the thought away by steering my mind to other things
so know you are NOT alone we have God and friends and each other to see us through
God bless and keep trusting in our Lord He WILL provide when the time is right
one thing I've realized in my life finally is it's not the friendship type of loneliness it's the "closer" type that I desire I am SO tired of the empty loves even the one with my wife of 13 years was not that best friend and confidaunt type of love and I have never had that, but I trust in the Lord that when HIS time is right it will happen, it's just the devil steps in and it's so hard waiting and wondering if I'll ever see that type of love before I leave this earth, and like you Praiseus I cry out in my lonely little home but no one hears....except God and without me realizing it He takes the thought away by steering my mind to other things
so know you are NOT alone we have God and friends and each other to see us through
God bless and keep trusting in our Lord He WILL provide when the time is right
Christnundrconstruxn - Posts: 712
- Location: Ohio
- Marital Status: Divorced
Hello Everyone
God bless you this day.
I just wanted to give ya a link to a wonderful Study on Loneliness:
I pray you'll be blessed and be healed, in the name of Jesus. God's blessed will be done. Amen

God bless you this day.
I just wanted to give ya a link to a wonderful Study on Loneliness:
I pray you'll be blessed and be healed, in the name of Jesus. God's blessed will be done. Amen
Mackenaw - Posts: 2426
- Location: NY
- Marital Status: Married
Re: lonliness
Hey guys, I want you all to know you are not alone in your loneliness. There's tons of people in this world who feel trapped in a lonely box! It's one of the biggest problem in our society today. I am one of those of struggles with loneliness. I am not married and all my great friends have left. I feel desperately lonely sometimes- and the way I deal with it is watching TV- but the things I watch are not good-usually. sometimes listening to chrisian music helps- but that only works for a little while.....I feel like th answers people have are too simple- "Just give it to God," "Draw close to the Holy Spirit," "Look to God for comfort." I try turning to God, but it doesnt help much- I need PEOPLE too! God gave Eve to Adam because he was lonely without her. We were made to be with people, and connect with others- Thats what I lack in life- great, strong connections. No matter how much of "God" I have, I will always be lonely until I make some really good connction- what do you guys think?
swar9920 - Posts: 3
- Location: Mercersburg, PA
- Marital Status: Single
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