Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is a place where those who feel called by the Lord are able to post about any trials or victories they are going through as they serve the Lord by reaching and teaching His children. You can post and then lock your thread so no one can reply, if you so choose. Think of it as your own personal diary or journal that you choose to share with others who are called as to share ideas, experiences and tips as they too serve the Lord.

Postby mlg » Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:35 am

Things have taken a turn for the ugly in my life at the moment...should have known as I am now teaching Sunday School and going on this trip to and planning to witness....

My nene is being threatened....I've tried going through the school...but it has continued to get the point my nene is afraid to even go anywhere alone and she doesn't want to go to school...yesterday I finally broke down and called the the stuff happening outside the school the school said they could do nothing about...Hopefully the police will be able to take the steps necessary to protect my nene...they said they would start on this today and start intervening...and so I I have for days hurts to know your child is afraid for her well being and her hurts to know that another seeks to harm your child....I've spent hours with nene just talking and praying for her....may God continue to shelter her with His loving presence...

Work has been a much to do..little time to do it...been bringing work home with me trying to get everything done...but right now nene has needed much of my work is on the back burner...piling up...
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Postby mlg » Thu Sep 30, 2010 4:45 pm

God has heard my prayers and the prayers of many others...and today He moved in a big way for nene...
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Postby goldieluvs » Thu Sep 30, 2010 5:31 pm

awesome mlg *hug5*

Praise the Lord!
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Postby deetu » Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:36 pm

Thank you Lord for that blessing
It is better to light a candle then curse the darkness *lost*
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Postby mlg » Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:44 pm

My Father wants His lost sheep brought home...this has been heavy on my mind I've been reaching....and my heart breaks for the lost soul who is on my mind tonight....

I want to share a quick story...there is a child...not here at the Oasis but somewhere else who writes me every day to tell me he hates me...I always respond to him telling him I love him...tonight I had a heartbreaking convo with him...and I think about how easy it is for me to witness here at the Oasis with others to help reach out or at my home church...but when it's you alone...out in the world reaching into darkness it gets tough and scary at times because the enemy tries to make one doubt....but He that is within us is greater than he that is in the world right? So it's not really me reaching but God and I'm not really He is within me...

Wanted to share the e-mails traded tonight between me and this lost soul and ask that if you read this you pray for this soul. I had to back not to scare him away...but I will keep reaching for this one as long as God calls me to do so...may God's will be done.

Me: Do you know who Jesus is?
lost soul: yes i do im not retarded
Me: ok do you have a friendship with Him? and no one is calling you retarded
lost soul: i know no one is calling me retarded and what do you mean
Me: A friendship with Jesus...well Jesus is always there with you. He wants to be your friend. He wants to talk with you. He will be there through the good times and the bad. Do you spend time with Him?
lost soul: i dont think so and you are scaring me with this jeses stuff
Me: awwww I'm sorry...don't mean to scare you. If you ever want to know more though please ask questions and I'll try to answer them.
lost soul: well have a good night i need to go to bed
Me: angels on your pillows hun see ya soon. luv ya
lost soul: please dont say luv ya and dont say nothen about od i believe hes reall but i dont warship him so no angels
Me: I'm glad you believe in God. Rest well hun.
lost soul: you sleep well mam

My heart is in tears for this lost soul...just a child....oh to reach him if he will hear.
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Postby deetu » Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:17 pm

When I have someone like this, I pray that God make Himself real to the person. To bring someone into his life that he can associate with to help him find the truth. For a supernatural encounter. Pray this for my own son...

Sounds like this kid is afraid of anything spiritual...maybe associates God with vengence and spiritual beings as ghosts. I did when I was young.

I know what you mean about reaching into the darkness. Until Oasis, I didn't know that it was possible to reach people. I was one of those that touched a person to hear. God has shown me different. Now I just depend on Holy Spirit to guide me and believe.

Love your heart mlg
It is better to light a candle then curse the darkness *lost*
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Postby mlg » Mon Oct 04, 2010 9:44 pm

So nene goes back to school today...and the enemy decides to rear his ugly head again....getting so tired of this...I just want to get it handled before I leave for NY...going on Wednesday with another girl's parents to visit with the superintendent of the schools regarding the newest issues...which mind you is coming from the school administration...over their embarrassment of me having to involve the police in this matter...that they couldn't take care of. grrrrrr

Please pray we can get this situation calm and soon. I'm beginning to feel tired....tired of life.
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Postby vahn » Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:27 pm

Don't know mlg , is it just me that thinks this way or do we ALL get this silly idea in our heads ... "I wonder how nice it would be if I would just wake up in the morning , open the bedroom door , and , VOILA !! ... Shamrocks , Elves and ALL " Beautiful huh ?

Then I look in the mirror and the guy in there tries to slap me !! How ruuude !!

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Postby mlg » Thu Oct 07, 2010 12:33 pm

Things are pretty hectic for me right is madhouse...and I have to finish two major projects before I leave tomorrow...then I will be online just a bit here and there over the next week or I won't have internet access much...but here and there. I'm sure gonna miss my Oasis family...

I'm really tired....just pray that God is my strength to get me past the next couple of it won't slow down for awhile.
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Postby mlg » Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:48 pm

Whew I'm tuckered! But it's been exciting, fun, interesting, sad, happy....yep emotional! I looked through my Father's eyes today...and saw what He hurt to do that....standing there in tears as I watch so many suffer...yet then I turn and hear laughter...and joy....and then I see brought a smile...I know God often feels the same when He looks at wish everyone could just stop and LOOK....and LISTEN...if only they could see and hear...people are beautiful....they are each and every one created for God's is the people here that have touched me and that I have touched that I will remember most.
Do you know my Jesus? Do you know my friend? Have you heard He loves you? If not, I'd like to introduce you.
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Postby Dora » Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:22 am

Hope you don't mind me swinging by to let you're missed. Hope your trip went well and everyone stayed safe.

Love you!
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Postby Tam » Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:19 pm

I am gonna swing *Swinging* right on in behind Pine and say Miss You sis! Really want to hear about this trip.
Seeing through our Fathers eyes...hmmmm that is a lot to swallow huh?!
Love ya sis
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