littlesongbird's journal

This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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Postby vahn » Sat Jul 10, 2010 11:28 pm

Hello songbird

I sure am glad I stumbled upon this post . Actually I needed to hear something similar for my own confirmation in a situation I found myself to be in which brought back some memories .

One of the 12 tradition we have in a recovery program I am a member of states , "Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion ..." . Now couple that with a statement that says "Spiritual life is not a theory , we have to live it " we end up with something like , "show by example" or "I could be the only Bible that another person may have come into contact with " . No matter how hard we try to tell others what Scriptures says , or who did what in Testament times , whether new or old , nothing makes a greater impact than by showing them what Scriptures have done to us , and show them how we are receiving God's Grace in our day to day walk with Him .

Once again , glad you have posted .

In Christ , our Lord
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Postby Guest » Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:04 pm

day 10. feed the sheep.

as I'm writing this, Holland just lost the worldcup match against Spain. in the last month I've seen people who are enemies in soccer become united for the Dutch. I've seen the Dutch people being united, positive and kind to each other. it was one nation. gone was the economic crisis, gone was the radical politicians, gone was the violence and criminality. it was one country with a purpose, one faith. the Dutch players were like gods, worshiped and honored. many people were willing to sacrifice money, food, beer, sex for the sake of Holland winning the world cup.

why I'm sharing this story? cause all these people just lost their faith. all these people had a goal and BELIEVED in a victory which would change their lives. and now they're disappointed, fights and violence will start again and they're lost and don't know how to handle their emotions, how to move on.

it's a faith based on human actions, human efforts. and now they've lost it. and how did christians get in the media here? a pastor said he was praying for Holland to lose, so that things might get back to normal. all those people were judged, because they were going crazy for the dutch. instead of joining them, showing interest and giving a listening ear, there was lots of judgment and condemnation.

what does this have to with feed the sheep? everything. I feel like now is a great chance to share God's truth with people. I don't know how I'm going to do it yet, but it might just be by listening and showing God's love. it's not through condemnation about people getting drunk, but to help these people to come home.

I'm reminded of the song God of Justice by Tim Hughes.
the lyrics are great. although Holland is not a poor country, many people are weak and poor, cause they don't know Jesus. freely we've received, so freely we should give. I hope God shows me the options to feed the sheep, to show mercy and love to the broken. GBU
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Postby mlg » Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:48 pm

And you my sister are the Christian soldier that God needs more look for the opportunity to serve God through the world now that's inspiring...and it makes me smile. It's so often that people see things happening in the world...and they watch these things for their own pleasure...but never think of God at those times...and you are just the opposite...looking for an opportunity to feed His sheep...go get them sister! Wooohooo!

luv ya
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Postby Guest » Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:52 am

day 11. discernment

I personally find Job a really cool guy. the way he handles the trials is amazing. His wife and friends try to comfort him and want him to give up, yet He still praises God and blesses His name. wonderful

my mom has leukemia. when we heard the news it was like a shock for the family. immediately lots of people come to you telling you that they will listen and the famous quote: 'if you need help or an ear, just call'. they start interfering with your lives, telling you that it might be a curse from generations or just bad luck, but they try to influence you to feel sorry for yourself and your family. wrong. it's not the first time my mom ended up in hospital. she had a leaking heart valve and got a intense surgery for that one. in that period as in now with leukemia, she has found herself closer to God and so has our family (most of them).

I've seen it as a trial, but even more as spiritual warfare. the 7 weeks that she was in a hospital with me running a household and everyone stressed was tough, yet as a family we united and to speak for myself, I ran to God. I promised my mom to record a song for her (the one that I wrote the lyrics down in christian counseling blog), but it ended up being an expression to God. I didn't blame God, I just trusted Him that He would turn it into good.

God did heal my mom of leukemia, as the leukemia cells are still gone. there are some minor complications with checkups, but overall it's great.

I've learnt that there is only one Rock in these times and that's Jesus. what He speaks to me is more important than all those church members or friends around me. if I would have listened to them, I would have been depressed right now, but instead I'm happy. His joy is my strength.

discernment is really important to keep your garden, your heart fruitful. I think through trials and tribulations God is purifying us. Ahead of God there is a fire and we will be refined and be able to meet God if we've gone through the fire, cause He is holy. there is no other way. (the fire of delayed answers by Bob Sorge is a good book about it)

so yeah, to walk with God closely, we have to sacrifice, but the reward will be amazing :)
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Postby mlg » Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:48 am

Hey sis...discernment is also important in being able to feel the spirit of the can walk by and just know that something is wrong...and therefore become a better steward of the Lord as you are able to pause and reach out when others who don't have the gift of discernment would otherwise never notice them and keep on walking.

Use that discernment of the Holy Spirit well sis...and you will be helping God as He grows His kingdom.

luv ya
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Postby Guest » Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:58 am

yeah I know that. I felt it when I was travelling by train and I felt so many people hurting in the carriage I was sitting, so I started to pray and interceed for them, that God would show His love to them. it's not really common here anymore to greet people, but I try when I can to greet and show interest in them. I've had awesome conversations through that. it didn't always come to faith, but at least I showed Christ's love..
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Postby mlg » Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:25 pm

Amen...and you shined His light forth and that my sister is all he asks.

luv ya
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Postby Guest » Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:20 pm

day 12. progress report.

I got again 81-90.

I think I answered some questions differently, but through already twelve days God has been speaking about my heart for broken people. it was really cool to take this test again and sometimes I couldn't find the answer I was looking for, but I did learn a lot from it again.

I just like this study path, it helps me a lot to figure out what precisely God has been calling me to and how to be aware of weeds.
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Postby mlg » Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:45 pm

Now here's what is so interesting...I too scored 81-90% four times when I took this test...which says you and I have similiar gifts...and what is more I have deep compassion for people and I see you do as welcome my Christian sister to the path of helping the hurting souls of the's not always easy...but the rewards are out of this world.

luv ya *hug*
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Postby Guest » Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:04 pm

@ mlg, it is interesting! seems like we have a same kind of calling and gifts. like I said, I did read some parts of your journal of your second time through and sometimes it felt like I was reading my own thoughts....

day 13. fishers of men

ok. I'm not really someone who writes things down and reads them back. I see pictures and photos and if I see someone who I encountered earlier, I know what's going on with that person. I think this step is great though by using it here, on Christianity Oasis, but for me with the people I meet in daily life I don't feel like needing it. I'm not sure if it's a gift but Im pretty tuned to know what person had what problem and which solution. now I sound like I'm putting people in boxes, but that's not what I mean. I'm a feeler and if I meet this person again, I know the feelings of that person and know what's going on.

I'm not sure yet with this step. I think its really useful to use when you don't see or hear people like here, but I will pray about using this in daily life.
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Postby mlg » Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:19 pm

Psssttt I have a secret...I don't write things down about people much either...because God has gifted me with an excellent memory. It's like each soul I meet becomes ingrained in my heart. But, I do write things down such as birthdates etc. in case I forget those...but as far as daily things...I usually don' as God leads you on this step sis.

luv ya
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Postby Guest » Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:19 pm

day 14. finish the game.

well, two weeks have flown by. I've learned so much. it has become clear to me that I have a heart for broken people. I think that the gifts I have are really useful with that calling. I also have found the true heart behind my music/worship, that music is a gift to express feelings. I've played some songs and there was a friend who started to cry because of the songs. I believe in songs of healing. I'm going to look for a school with worship (YWAM I think) to attend when I'm able to go. I want to be out in the field again.
I know, Christianity Oasis is a field as well, but I've found it really hard to reply to people with hurts. I feel for them, I cry for/with them, but to give an encouraging reply is just really hard for me. (as I've said before, I'm not really of words, but more of music and pictures/visions). but I will read and pray and see where God will lead me here on Oasis.

I think I'll pick up another program, not sure yet which one, but I know God will tell me. thanks everyone for joining me :) GBU and see you around!
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