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six days sober
I've had 6 consecutive days of sobriety, of course once I had six months, and another time I had almost 9 months when I went back out, but this is the first time in MONTHS I've had any real time, sobriety is HARD, I don't have any joy in it, or sense of accomplishment, but 6 days is 6 days I guess.

6 days sober
thanx so much! as the program says, "we didn't become addicted in one day, so remember, easy does it!" words to live by, huh?

So glad to have you here Mcfrissa. Congratulations on this new and wonderful beginning. The Lord is at your side and when He is involved ALL things are possible.
Welcome to Christianity Oasis. May He continue to offer you His strength and comfort always.
Have a blessed day and evening in the Lord and if you ever need a friend, please come and talk with any of us here. There are many members that are in the chat room often.

Welcome to Christianity Oasis. May He continue to offer you His strength and comfort always.
Have a blessed day and evening in the Lord and if you ever need a friend, please come and talk with any of us here. There are many members that are in the chat room often.
Life is short, so forgive quickly. Believe slowly. Love truly.
Without God, our week is: Mournday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday,
Fightday, Shatterday and Sinday. So, allow Him to be with you every
Life is short, so forgive quickly. Believe slowly. Love truly.
Without God, our week is: Mournday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday,
Fightday, Shatterday and Sinday. So, allow Him to be with you every
SimplyBreezy - Posts: 130
- Location: United States
- Marital Status: Waiting on God
cool mcfrissa!
You may not feel like you've accomplished much but you don't have to worry if you've had to much to drive. You don't have to be thinking of when can you get your next drink. Your life is much freer as you don't have your addiction keeping you bondage to what you can do, where you can go and who may see you. No more hiding.
Check out these two forums.... ... m.php?f=21 ... .php?f=124
You may not feel like you've accomplished much but you don't have to worry if you've had to much to drive. You don't have to be thinking of when can you get your next drink. Your life is much freer as you don't have your addiction keeping you bondage to what you can do, where you can go and who may see you. No more hiding.
Check out these two forums.... ... m.php?f=21 ... .php?f=124

Dora - Posts: 3759
- Location: In Gods Hands
- Marital Status: Married
Praise the Lord mcfrissa...this is fantastic news...take it by the hour or the minute...but that is what adds up into days
God is smiling upon you.
luv ya

luv ya
Do you know my Jesus? Do you know my friend? Have you heard He loves you? If not, I'd like to introduce you.
mlg - Posts: 4428
- Marital Status: Not Interested
in response to Pine
thanx for the encouragement! my addiction is frustrating to me, cuz, to me, it's not that tough of an addiction, my drug of choice is cough syrup, it doesn't have alcohol in it, it's the dextromathorpin in it, I don't necessarily appear to be impaired when I use, but it's still really hard to quit. I still have thoughts about where, and when to get it. I've had 6 months,and 9 months of sobriety before, and I know that in time those feelings will lessen. thanx again for the encouraging words!

in response to simplybreezy
thanx so much! this is actually my 3rd "new beginning" but I'll just keep going as many times as it takes. thanx so much!

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