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Day 2

Postby Bloodstone » Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:43 pm

Wow, step 2 really brought things to light for me. I stopped renewing my mind because it felt to hopeless to do so. But as I read step 2, it's like God turned a light on in me and said, this is the way, walk in it. It's awesome how much hope I have now that I can be who God wants me to be. But there are many many weeds I have in the garden. Please be praying I can pull them all up.
God bless you all
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Postby mlg » Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:27 pm

Bloodstone, I hope you have taken a moment and identified the weeds from the good plants already in your garden. That way you won't mistake a good plant for a weed and pull up something that isn't a weed. This is probably the first step two getting to the weeds...then you have to reach deep and grab each weed by the root and pull them up one at a time. If you try to pull to many at will become overwhelmed...cuz several rooted weeds are difficult to get out of the ground together...but one at a will be able to get them up.

You can do this sis.

luv ya *hug*
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Postby Bloodstone » Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:36 pm

Thank you, mlg, before I read your post, I felt like crying because there are so many weeds like I wont ever get them all. So thanks for reminding me, i can do this, one weed at a time.
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Postby mlg » Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:40 pm

Awww sis...don't let yourself get frazzled...cuz healing takes time. It doesn't happen overnight because the problems you suffer from didn't pop up overnight keep pushing on...

luv ya
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Postby deetu » Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:35 pm

*hug5* You can do it Blood Stone! I believe you can
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Postby xxJILLxx » Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:34 am

About a hundred years ago, the British writer, James Allen, wrote a little book entitled As A Man Thinketh. He said the thoughts we cultivate in our minds will grow up and will show up in our attitudes, actions, and words. "A (person's) mind may be likened to a garden," he wrote, "which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind."

In other words, every garden becomes a hopeless thicket of vines, grass, scrubs, briers, and nettles unless a dedicated gardener seeds, feeds, and weeds it. Our minds and our lives are the same. We've got to weed the bad thoughts out of our minds and the bad habits out of our conduct.

With God's help, we can cultivate our thoughts, pulling up weeds and planting the fertile seed of His Word. With Christ's help, we can rid our lives of bad habits, one by one.

Song of Solomon 4:12You are my private garden, my treasure, my bride,

a secluded spring, a hidden fountain.

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Postby Tam » Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:58 am

Bloodstone just remember in pulling all the bad weeds that there are good ones there. If pulling the bad gets to be to much stop and focus on the good ones. Sometimes when facing all the bad things begin to overwhelm us and we then wont to quit.
You are doing good and YES you can do this. I believe in you sis!
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Postby Bloodstone » Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:04 pm

Thank you all for your support and prayers, I love you all
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Postby mlg » Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:07 pm

And we luv you :)
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Postby Guest » Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:34 pm

Bloodstone, God is the gardener. He will pull up those weeds.

John 15:1
I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener.

We can help Him by co-operating with Holy Spirit when He points out the weedy thing in our lives, and let God do the pulling!

God bless you!
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Postby momof3 » Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:46 pm

Hi Bloodstone *hug*

just wanted to say that the weed pulling is a daily thing. It seems so overwhelming in the beginning...but one day at a time..and when the roots are pulled, they are gone. The enemy may try to plant that same one agian with a thought..but take that thought captive and cast it away, replacing it with the words of the Lord. Chase the enemy away also with music to the Lord. One day at a time, sis. The Holy Spirit knows what He's doing in your garden..He knows where the weeds are..just keep going. One day you will look back and say...that is where i was, this is where the Lord has brought me.....and the journey is so worth it..cuz you will begin to recognize the lies.

God bless you, sis. Youre doing awesome!

In Jesus,
love momo *Halo*
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