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Step 3

Postby Wonderfilled One » Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:04 pm

I have noticed that I've made some (not all) decisions out of love, and some for the right reasons. And it is a GOOD feeling when I do make them. I realize that no matter what anyone says about the right choice, their excuses, logic or reasoning is minute compared to Goodness of God. Might as well forget even trying!!

Now this next part, well....I have really struggled. I kept getting hung up with the thinking..."how can I forgive myself, when the other person is hurting, and is unforgiving?" I looked at it as me being "disrespectful of them and their pain. Wow, that just wants to suck me right back into that place, and I go back and forth with forgiving myself. But, in addition to all of the pure and Biblical reasons, I realize that I'm not much good still being a prisoner. I need to be healthy, and that's where I'm at right now, workin on being both spiritually and humanly healthy. *Pray*
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Postby mlg » Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:09 pm

Wonderfilled One, wow I can so relate to having a hard time forgiving yourself. The enemy knows this and he uses it to hold us down. One day I had done something I was not proud of. I repented to God and asked for His forgiveness...but sometime later that day I found myself feeling guilty again. It was at this time I heard Jesus say to me...why won't you accept my death on the cross for your sins. I was like huh? He said everytime you pick this back up and beat yourself up again...your putting me to death again on the cross...He told me that I was forgiven and it was time to let it go. What an awakening.

As for others who you are afraid may not have forgiven you...if you have apologized to them..if you are able...and they refuse to forgive you...then that is between them and God...but you have done all that you can do.

Wonderfilled One...I see you already beginning to grow. I know that God within you is just going to continue getting stronger and stronger.

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Postby Dora » Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:10 pm

Amen! Seek and you shall find. *angelbounce*

When someone doesn't forgive us, we can feel chained to the sin we've begged forgiveness for. Keep telling yourself God has forgiven you and focus on him instead of the human. After all, in the end, He's the one that matters most. :)

GB *hug*
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Postby vahn » Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:06 am

Hello again brother , glad to see you still on this journey .

Just like what MLG said
...and they refuse to forgive you...then that is between them and God...

I used that very statement on my own self after seeing results , freedom , for what happened was that , even though I did my part , and said to myself "what they do with it is none of my biz " , I thought the memory of the action taken would disappear with it , but we all know too well that is not the case , is it ? But I noticed something the first time the memory did come back . My instant reaction to it was the guilt I had felt all this time , but ... I also , immediately after that said "Wait a minute ! I did my part ! " that was when I first realized that I had broken free from it , and with that realization came the joy of freedom , so , I did and still do the same with all the others . Though the memory keeps coming back , let us not mistake it for unforgiveness just because nothing else changed , things may still stay the same , but I am not bound by it any longer .

About forgiving self . Here's the thing , let us take that statement in the quotes again and change a couple of words around and see what happens , I will put the changed words in parenthesis , "... and if they (I) refuse to forgive you (myself)...then that is between them(me) and God..."
So , where's the snag ?, I did nothing on my part , I just kept feeling bad about it , take a big sigh and move on with my head down . By asking God what to do ! Taking it to God , and saying "I am in bondage of self because of the guilt I carry around for actions taken by me with or without my knowledge or control , I plea to You to show me what to do "

You know what ? now I DID SOMETHING , I did my part . I am free .

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Postby deetu » Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:35 am

Yea, people still have free will and if they chose not to forgive, you can only forgive them, then bless them, asking God to touch their lives, then let it go.
Don't continue to carry their burdens around.

Oh Wonderful, you are doing wonderful *laughter*
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Postby ChristinaSelah » Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:37 am

I had struggled with this at one point and my brother who is just an amazing Christian man said "Christina, if the God of creation forgives you, WHO ARE YOU not to forgive yourself??!!" I thought that was a pretty good point. Kind of took the focus off of me and put it back where it belonged on God. If I don't forgive myself than I am putting myself above Him and I can't do that. Guilt is Satan pure and simple. Conviction is from God and is done in love.
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Postby Tam » Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:26 am

Wonderfilled yes this is a hard spot to be in.
We have to forgive ourselves in order for God to bless us and for us to move on. Ask Jesus to help you to do this and then begin by just saying the words I Forgive Me as a faith statement and pretty soon you will be there.
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