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Praying His Word Before Him

Postby saint701 » Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:38 pm

A Sonderful GodMorning to you Angletears and All,

Oh Angeltears, I feel the richness of your love for our Dad in your posts so very, very much! I bathe in the radiant fragrance of your love. I feel that when we are one in the Lord's love life heart deep in us, that LoveSon we so adore walks among us and breathes in that fragrance in our midst as though we were His Flower Garden in Heaven. That as He breathes in the richness of our love fragrance He has grown in us, even together here we are so wonderfully blessed to be able to breathe in the love fragrance each one of us produces.

Oh, Father, we just praise you today, worship you, and give you all the glory. Father, we love and adore you so very, very much, and desire so much more to dwell down deeply in the love heart fragrance of you love, that you flow through us in all your richness and deepness and height and length and breadth that we indeed might have the Son Love-life in us that you created in Jesus, as He has so prayed before you Precious, Precious Dad, that your complete love heart life that was in Him be in us that we all be one in your love, that our flower love fragrance be most pleasing to you and that you also walk among us and be in us.

We just praise you today, Lord, we worship you, we give you all the glory. Father, we love and adore you so very, very, much! Dad, we give thanks for your love life in us that is the love life in Jesus, and praise your Holy Name.

In Jesus Precious Name, we pray, Amen and Amen.
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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Postby morningrain » Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:44 pm

Amen and Amen!

You mentioned the 'love for our Dad' made me think of part of a poem i read the other day, this is from a father written to his child....

When I heard the news of you,
I did the things most Daddies do.
I opened my heart so wide,
Where you will always have a place inside.

I considered it as God would see His children.

Lord Bless Saint
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Awesome Angeltears!

Postby saint701 » Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:01 pm


I am making friends on a website where you can meet people from all over the world. This week the Lord laid it on my heart to post as many as I could from Israel as they need His love so much!

I paste my post to them below! I believe it is time for that blindness that has happened in part to Israel to come off so He they can get to know our Dad like we do.

Love ya! Den.

Come get your glory Israel! Come get your glory Israel!

Dropping some love on your page..smiles, Mr. C.

A Sonderful GodMorning to you Angletears and All,

II Corinthians 3:16-18 (NIV)
(16) But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.
(17) now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
(18) And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, Who is the Spirit.

Oh Angeltears, I feel the richness of your love for our Lord God Jesus Love Dad in your posts so very, very much! I bathe in the radiant fragrance of your love. I feel that when we are one in the Lord's love life heart deep in us, that LoveSon we so adore walks among us and breathes in that fragrance in our midst as though we were His Flower Garden in Heaven. That as He breathes in the richness of our love fragrance He has grown in us, even together here we are so wonderfully blessed to be able to breathe in the love fragrance each one of us produces.

Oh, Father, we just praise you today, worship you, and give you all the glory. Father, we love and adore you so very, very much, and desire so much more to dwell down deeply in the love heart fragrance of you love, that you flow through us in all your richness and deepness and height and length and breadth that we indeed might have the Son Love-life in us that you created in Jesus, as He has so prayed before you Precious, Precious Dad, that your complete love heart life that was in Him be in us that we all be one in your love, that our flower love fragrance be most pleasing to you and that you also walk among us and be in us.

We just praise you today, Lord, we worship you, we give you all the glory. Father, we love and adore you so very, very, much! Dad, we give thanks for your love life in us that is the love life in Jesus, and praise your Holy Name.

In Jesus Precious Name, we pray, Amen and Amen.
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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Postby morningrain » Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:20 pm

I paste my post to them below! I believe it is time for that blindness that has happened in part to Israel to come off so He they can get to know our Dad like we do.

Used to belong to a prayer group out of Israel, haven't been in touch with anyone in a very long time now. Sadly there isn;t much but there are a good hand full of Jews that are trying their best to get the news out in Israel. They also need our prayers daily.

Let me share a little bit with you and to everyone else who reads.

An awesome promise for the future unto Israel, but sad cause at the time so many had rejected Jesus, so in Matthew 23:39, Jesus spoke to Jerusalem and said... "For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord." In Hebrew it is pronounced... Baruch ha ba b'Shem Adonai

I love that saying, its part of a song from Paul Wilbur...but.... this shows the day is coming Israel shall wake up and see the truth and when so, and many will, they shall cry out to Jesus and say...Baruch ha ba b'Shem Adonai ....that is Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord! Until then we each do our part and do as the Holy Spirit leds. :)

Bless you Saint in the Lord for all you're doing.
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Postby morningrain » Sat Jan 16, 2010 9:12 pm

Want to share a story i've written, now mind you this story is fiction, yet the work of the Holy Spirit is real and alive in each of us.

Sitting in the hospital waiting for the news to come, to hear those words. He's going to be ok. All sort thoughts running through my head .My dad is having emergency surgery cause of a car accident he was in. The roads had been icy and he lost control and went into a very steep ditch throwing him partly through the windshield. He had been heading back home from a revival he had preached a sermon on the Blood of Christ. We attended but he wanted to stay behind to help a few people in need to hear the truth. Tried reasoning with him and saying the rain was moving in and the temperature was dropping to a new low that evening, the roads were going to become icy. The stubborn man he was, said he had to stay behind and felt the need to do the Lord's Work, it was his calling to spread the Good News of the gospel with others.

Thank goodness we got mom home safe and sound before the rain started. The two, mom and dad has been through so much in the past year. Watched a son pass away from a heart disease he had been born with, dad lost his job on the side, mom she is working but only part time. They both reach out to the poor and needy when they are poor and needy themselves. The Church helps see them through this rough spell. Dad says we all go through trials and tribulations. That it teaches us and worketh patience and it builds our faith knowing that God has greater plans. Just something I just haven't gotten to understand yet. ..Where is everyone at, why am I the only one here so far ..Wander how mom is taking all this .know she is breaking down trying to rush to the hospital herself .Oh Please Lord get her here safe and sound, the roads are still yet icy.

Mom comes rushing in with my sister behind her, I tell them dad is in surgery they had no choice, and now awaiting to hear something. Mom grips her heart and says lets pray . She grabs our hands and bows her head and begins to pray.

Dear Heavenly Father we gather here tonight in Your Precious Son's Name Jesus Christ. Dear Lord be with Jake tonight as he's laying in surgery and fighting for his life. You've given us so much Lord , we thank you so very much, and we ask that you now to lay your healing hand upon him and ask that you lay your hand upon the doctors and guide their every movement in this surgery. We also thank you Dear Lord that no one else was injured in this accident. May your Glory shine through Lord no matter what the outcome may be. Let it be according to Your Will Father, may Your Precious Will Be Done. In Jesus Name Amen!

Tears streaming down my face wandering how can my mom have some much faith when our dad is in surgery and not knowing he may be about to die? My mom turns and grabs my hands with tears running down her face, says Samantha Know God's Will be done, He has a purpose a greater purpose in mind and whether we know the purpose or not, we know either way your dad is fully taken care of.

As I was thinking over what mom had said I wondered what my daughter was doing, She loves her grandfather so and know it had to be tearing her up and she not being able to be here.

Across town sitting in her bedroom, Samantha's daughter Julie was on the phone with her friend telling her friend what had happen and ask her to tell her mom and dad what happen so that they could be praying for her grandfather. When she got off, she headed for her computer and went into a few Christian sites she was a member. She ask for prayer request and there many answered the call and begin praying, one gentlemen was on his way offline when seeing the prayer request and it touched his heart hearing this young lady asking pray for her grandfather. He lived in Australia and was off to a church gathering, there he got up and ask for them to come together in prayer for this young lady's grandfather and dear brother in Christ. Others who seen the prayer request also went off and prayed, some got with a friend and prayed together. Soon without realizing it, her friend's parents had been on the phone calling others friends, family, church members up also getting them to also pray for they're Minister. Soon there were a hundred or so brothers and sisters in Christ coming together praying from around the world, with their prayers coming before the Throne of God.

Julie also found her on her knees praying, Dear Jesus, please take care of my grandfather, he's been a good man one who has sought your heart and has taught so many people that you love them. Dear Jesus I love my grandfather and I'm not ready to let him go. Please if anyone else hears my request that they pray, hear my cry Jesus, hear the cry from my mom and grandma, hear the cry of those praying for my grandfather. Please save him.
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