Christianity Oasis Forum

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Cool Message Blessings

Postby saint701 » Wed Jan 13, 2010 12:38 pm

Good Morning greatly beloved fellow-shippers in the Love of God on Christianity Oasis! Can you praise the name of Jesus today?


Just a thought for the day before the prayer. All the wonderful love Son messages on this site could be copied and pasted into other internet venues such as My Space, Facebook, etc. There are a lot of hurting people around the world, and we can touch friends we have made on those sites that are in and of the world with our love and faith, and we can encourage those we meet out there that are believers richly. I have been doing so and have had marvelous results. The time is short and the harvest great.

Prayer for a Greater Anointing and Blessing on all the messages in this Sight and upon those originating here and sent out.

Heavenly Father, we praise you today, we worship you, we give you glory. Father, we love and adore you. Thank you so very, very, much, for love and attention to all of our needs. We praise your Holy Name.

Lord, we just come before you in the Mighty Name of Jesus to ask your Greater Blessing and Anointing on all the Messages in this Sight and upon those originating here and upon those sent out from here around the world. We ask that you Anoint and Bless these messages in a much, much, much greater way, even in all your Wondrous Ways and Abilities, so that all the people including all that call upon the name of the Lord that are spending all of their time eating and drinking and giving in marriage will have their eyes opened in a new and greater and more significant way than ever before to the perils that lie in wait in the darkness they are sitting in at this time.

Oh Lord, we just praise you today, we worship you, we give you all the glory. Precious Dad, we love and adore you, give thanks, and praise your Holy Name.

In Jesus Precious Name, we pray, Amen, And Amen.

Love, In Christ Jesus, Saint701
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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