Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:29 pm

November 7

1 Thess. 4:1-12

Do not grieve the Holy
Spirit of God, by whom
you were sealed for the
day of redemption.
__Ephesians 4:30

It was high-school concert season, and the music students were preparing for the big Christmas extravaganza. The teacher had clearly communicated every detail to the students and to the parents--on two different occasions--and the time for mandatory rehearsal was clearly spelled out.

But on rehearsal day one panicky mother called during practice to see what time her teenager was supposed to show up. Another called to say, "Oh, we're taking Tommy to grandma's. It's okay if he misses rehearsal, right?" When the teacher reminded the parents that this required practice had already started, she heard, "Why didn't somebody tell me? How was I to know?"

Just as this teacher was troubled that her clear instructions were ignored, is it possible that God is troubled by our tendency to ignore His clear instructions? In 1 Thessalonians, Paul reminds us that his God-inspired message tells us "how to live in order to please God" and that those instructions have "the authority of the Lord Jesus" (4:1-2 NIV). The Lord is grieved, Paul explains, when we ignore His teaching and live our own way (Eph. 4:30-5:2).

Let's make a point to read God's instructions and then live by them--with no excuses. __DAVE BRANON

````````````````````God's Word was given for our good````````````
```````````````````````````And we are to obey,`````````````````
``````````````````Not choose the parts that we like best,```````````
```````````````````Then live in our own way. __Hess``````````````

There is no good excuse for ignoring God.

*************Today's Bible Reading __ 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12******

1 Finally then, brethren, we
urge and exhort in the Lord
Jesus that you should
abound more and more, just
as you received from us how
you ought to walk and to
please God; 2 for you know
what commandments we
gave you through the Lord

3 For this is the will of
God, your sanctification:
that you should abstain from
sexual immorality; 4 that
each of you should know
how to possess his own
vessel in sanctification and
honor, 5 not in passion of
lust, like the Gentiles who
do not know God; 6 that no
one should take advantage
of and defraud his brother in
this matter, because the Lord
is the avenger of all such, as
we also forewarned you and
testified. 7 For God did not
call us to uncleanness, but in
holiness. 8 Therefore he who
rejects this does not reject
man, but God, who has also
given us His Holy Spirit.

9 But concerning brotherly
love you have no need that I
should write to you, for you
yourselves are taught by
God to love one another;

10 and indeed you do so
toward all the brethren who
are in all Macedonia. But we
urge you, brethren, that you
increase more and more;

11 that you also aspire to lead
a quiet life, to mind your
own business, and to work
with your own hands, as we
commanded you, 12 that you
may walk properly toward
those who are outside, and
that you may lack nothing.


The Tyndale Bible Dictionary says of Thessalonica that it was the
"chief city of Macedonia and the seat of Roman administration
in the century before Christ. In addition to having a magnificent
harbor, Thessalonica had the good fortune of being located on the
overland route from Italy to the East." __BILL CROWDER
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Postby momof3 » Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:37 pm

Cimi, sis...God bless you. i love these posts. Thank you for being so faithful to Jesus in sharing these daily with us. They are truly inspirational and life giving. Keep goin, sis.

in Jesus,
love momo *Halo*
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Postby Lani » Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:47 pm


No Excuse indeed!!! So true!!

Awesome Post Sis!!!

Thanks for sharing!!

Peace and Luv in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani

*Cheer3* "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace." (Romans 15:13 *Cheer3*
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