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Postby cimi » Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:05 pm

October 12


Philemon 1:4-16

In everything give
__1 Thessalonians 5:18

Details make a difference. Ask the man from Germany who planned to visit his fiancee for Christmas but ended up in snowy Sidney, Montana, instead of sunny Sydney, Australia.

prepositions in our language seem like insignificant details, but they can make a big difference. The words "in" and "for" are an example.

The apostle Paul wrote, "In everything give thanks" (1 Thess. 5:18). That doesn't mean we have to be thankful for everything. We need not be thankful for the bad choices someone makes, but we can be thankful in the circumstances because the Lord can use the resulting difficulties for good.

The letter to Philemon illustrates this idea. Paul was imprisoned with Onesimus, a runaway slave. He certainly didn't have to give thanks for his bad situation. yet his letter is full of gratitude because he knew that God was using it for good. Onesimus had become something more than a slave; he was now a beloved brother in the Lord (v.16).

Knowing that God can use all things for good is more than enough reason to give thanks in everything. Giving thanks in difficult circumstances is a small detail that makes a big difference. __Julie Ackerman Link

````````````Father, thank You that in every trial, challenge,``````````
```````````and difficulty, You are behind the scenes working`````````
````````````````things out for our good. Help us to see`````````````
```````````````````Your hand in everything. Amen.```````````````

God has not promised to keep us form life's storms,
but He will keep us through them.

*************Today's Bible Reading __ Philemon 1:4-16************

4 I thank my God, making
mention of you always in my
prayers, 5 hearing of your
love and faith which you
have toward the Lord Jesus
and toward all the saints,

6 that the sharing of your
faith may become effective
by the acknowledgment of
every good thing which is in
you in Christ Jesus. 7 For we
have great joy and
consolation in your love,
because the hearts of the
saints have been refreshed
by you, brother.

8 Therefore, though I might
be very bold in Christ to
command you what is fitting,

9 yet for love's sake I rather
appeal to you--being such a
one as Paul, the aged, and
now also a prisoner of Jesus
Christ-- 10 I appeal to you
for my son Onesimus, whom
I have begotten while in my
chains, 11 who once was
unprofitable to you, but now
is profitable to you and to

12 I am sending him back.
You therefore receive him,
that is, my own heart,

13 whom I wished to keep
with me, that on your behalf
he might minister to me in
my chains for the gospel.

14 But without your consent I
wanted to do nothing, that
your good deed might not be
by compulsion, as it were,
but voluntary.

15 For perhaps he departed
for a while for this purpose,
that you might receive him
forever, 16 no longer as a
slave but more than a
slave--a beloved brother,
especially to me but how
much more to you, both in
the flesh and in the Lord.


Paul's pattern of beginning his letters is to give his name as the author
and to greet the recipients. In Philemon, he also calls himself "a
prisoner of Christ Jesus" (v.1). This metaphor will prepare Philemon to
receive back his runaway slave as a brother in Christ. __DENNIS FISHER
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Postby Lani » Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:04 pm

Father, thank You that in every trial, challenge, and difficulty, You are behind the scenes working things out for our good. Help us to see Your hand in everything. Amen.

*Amen2* *Amen2* *Amen2*

Hey Cimi Sis,

Thanks so much for taking the time to share these!!! *Hug9*

Peace and Luv in Christ,

*BlessYou* Lani

*Cheer3* "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace." (Romans 15:13 *Cheer3*
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