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Postby cimi » Wed Oct 07, 2009 5:30 pm

October 7


Proverbs 16:16-22

Counsel in the heart
of man is like deep
water, but a man of
understanding will
draw it out.
__Proverbs 20:5

One of the best ways for a man to love his wife is to understand her. Peter explains that it is imperative for a husband to "dwell with [his wife] with understanding " (1 Peter 3:7).

This principle works both ways. Husbands want to be understood as well. Actually, we all do. Everyone, married or not, longs to be understood by others at the deepest possible level. We're born with that need, and we never seem to outgrow it.

It's feeble avoidance to say we can't understand one another. We can and we must. It takes time-time spent in one another's presence asking questions, listening intently, then asking again. It's as simple and as difficult as that. No one, of course, can fully plumb the mystery of another person's heart, but we can learn something new every day. The wise man of Proverbs called understanding "a wellspring of life" (16:22), a deep source of wisdom to all who seek it.

Again, I say, understanding takes time--one of the most precious gifts we can give to others. How we choose to spend our time is the surest indicator of how much we care for those we love.

Ask the Lord today to give you the grace to take the time to understand the important people in your life. __David Roper

```````````````To those whose lives we touch in life,```````````````
```````````````To whom our love we would impart,````````````````
```````````````The greatest gift that we can give``````````````````
```````````May be an understanding heart. __Branon```````````````

Listening is an open door to understanding.

************Today's Bible Reading __ Proverbs 16:16-22

16 How much better to get
wisdom than gold! And to
get understanding is to be
chosen rather than silver.

17 The highway of the
upright is to depart from
evil; he who keeps his way
preserves his soul.

18 Pride goes before
destruction, and a haughty
spirit before a fall. 19 Better
to be a humble spirit with
the lowly, than to divide the
spoil with the proud.

20 He who heeds the word
wisely will find good, and
whoever trusts in the LORD,
happy is he.

21 The wise in heart will be
called prudent, and
sweetness of the lips
increases learning.

22 Understanding is a
wellspring of life to him
who has it. But the
correction of fools is folly.


In today's Bible reading, we find two examples of Hebrew poetry.
In verse 18, we see "synonymous parallelism," in which the same
idea is repeated using slightly different words. The key connector
for the comparison is the word and. In verse 22, however, we see
"antithetical parallelism," a device that used opposite ideas set in
terms of contrast. Here, the key connector for the contrast is the
word but. see if you can find other examples of these poetic devices
in Proverbs 16. __BILL CROWDER
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Postby Lani » Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:31 pm


Ok, this is my favorite so far..

Understanding! Indeed

How many people read the Bible, but fail to understand and in doing so become discouraged.... and loose site of the reason they started...

Take time to full understand and embrace all things... for then you will truly grow.

Awesome Post!!! *ohyeah*

Cimi!!! *Hug9*

Peace and Love in Christ,

*BlessYou* Lani

*Cheer3* "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace." (Romans 15:13 *Cheer3*
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