going through the many called few chosen steps . . .

This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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Postby mlg » Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:37 am

comfy, I think that if we look around daily that we can learn something new in our walk with Christ. It's like something might be right there the entire time, but one day you finally SEE it....Christ brings us new revelations as He thinks we can understand and as we need them. All to be able to answer our calling for Him. He is so faithful to us.

Your right about eating one meal and hoping it will last a lifetime...cuz it just won't. Daily feeding on God and His word and His love...gives us the nourishment to get us throught that day...the next day is a new day and will bring the need for more nourishment.

Your doing so great with the steps comfy. Keep with it.

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Postby comfy » Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:23 pm

Thank you, mlg and Pine and everyone . . . now we're in step four >

http://christianityoasis.com/ManyCalled ... epFour.htm

Bold dark blue quotes are from the fourth step lesson >

"Peer pressure isn't something that can be inflicted on you only by your friends, but by your family, your co-workers, your acquaintances, your boss, your clients, your generation, the status quo of society even, can influence you by what's expected by them."

I think of how a way of influencing us is how ones make general statements, for examples > about "men", and about what is expected of us . . . that people in general expect us to do whatever. Well . . . let's take "men" > how many men have you personally gotten to know so you can say what is generally true about men? If ones of us have gotten married to people, and only then have found out we don't belong or want to be together > this would show me that even *if* we have spent a lot of time with some *one* person, we still might not have gotten to know even *one* person well, never mind know men in general so we can be making a general statement that is reliable and trustworthy.

Yet, we have psychology and psychiatry etc. making general statements about people, when in fact there is question as to how many of any of us ever have gotten to know even *o-n-e* other human enough to make a really reliable statement about how that person really is :)

So . . . why do people go along with just making general statements about what people need, how to do things with people, what people want? May be, ones want to be able to control us, by getting us to accept and act by what they say is true of everyone or a certain group, or to think they are expert enough about people so we should trust and go with them.

May be . . . *we* ourselves are .l - a - z - y . about loving, and so we aren't interested in really getting to know each one so we can know what to do to really love each person. It takes dealing with really getting with God, so we can see people how they really are, and not be merely evaluating them by general ideas and conformist standards . . . standards witch, by the way, any psychopath can imiatate, even in religious groups, often enough. So, with You, God, we can become able to feel for You and how You have us discovering each other, and enjoying this adventure, a little more interesting and challenging than video games or TV action shows or sports competition ;)

So, there is this subtle pressure to accept generalizations, when in fact You so creative made each of us unique . . .

and if we go by someone else's expectations or seek to have others to go by our own expectations > our expectations are limited, not as good as all God dreams for us. I should not . . . *need* to not . . . be trying to get people to be what I want and do what I want, or I am limiting people, and so not loving them > "You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted by your own affections." (2 Corinthians 6:12)

"God intended people to get married and have families to fill the earth." Paul says,
"For I wish that all men were even as I myself.
But each one has his own gift from God,
one in this manner and another in that."

(1 Corinthians 7:7)

So, I see Paul is saying his celibacy is a gift from God, but also marriage in Jesus is a gift from God.
So, in Jesus, marriage and celibacy are God's gifts. And God's gifts minister God's grace > 1 Peter 4:9-10. I can see that celibacy is a *love* gift for one to specialize in finding out how to relate with God, then help other celibates and married people to do better with God. So, celibacy is the *love* calling for helping us obey our First Love Commandment. And, along with this, marriage has people living in a close relationship so they can learn how to love another person, then help celibates and other married people to do better in personal relating > so, if this is correct, then holy matrimony is a research laboratory where a couple can make breakthrough discoveries about how to love > marriage, then, is the helpmate of our Second Love Commandment to love others as ourselves . . . to love in God's Family caring and sharing way with any person.

And children need our example of how to love with one another so they can know how to love and how to do well in marriage. So, staying together is not only so they won't be hurt and "damaged", then. And we can't do this, if our only reason is the kids. Our reason needs to be for God, first, and He has us truly loving one another.

"the deeper your commitment is to Jesus Christ, the more peace of mind you'll have with the outcome of the conflicts you'll have with those people who disagree with you." Ah-HAH . . . yes we can be trying to get what is not for God; and if we are getting in conflicts because of trying to get what is not God's will, then we can get deeper and deeper in emotional trouble and hurts that do not go away. But if our conflicts are because of obeying God, He will have us getting stronger in His love and goodness of joy, even while we are right in the conflict.

John 3:16-17 > I can be so fast to just criticize and reduce people to how *I* would straighten them out;
but Jesus did not come here to condemn.

"Jesus said to pray for those who are against you, because if you only bless those who LOVE you, wow, big deal." By being loving with ones who are against us, and praying for them and doing them good, this can spread what is in us to make them the same way.

Our cups run over with
whatever is really in our cups,
to make others the same way . . .
including our children ;)

So . . . *in* us we need to be examples in the sight of God, pleasing to Him >

"rather let it be the hidden person of the heart,
with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,
which is very precious in the sight of God."
(1 Peter 3:4)

In our spiritual warfare, we stand for what is right by first being how God wants us to be in His sight. And be this way against however people and evil are against us. Be the example of how they need to become. And facing people with this is what can cause them to be changed by God to become the same way. This is deeper than they can see, but this is spreading, by means of God Himself, deeply.

Ok, so now I need to do the faith lesson, before moving on to step five >

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Postby mlg » Sun Sep 06, 2009 1:19 pm

comfy you bring up an excellent point...that maybe we are lazy in our love. This is so true, for many, and I have been guilty of this myself ever now and again. Someone needs a friend, a shoulder to cry on, so I give them an answer in hopes that it will be just enough to get them on their way...but that's not true love, that's lazy love....true love gives to others as much time as we expect Jesus to give to us. Now, there will be times, when we don't have time at that exact moment, but hey we can always come back when we do have more time. Great thoughts there comfy.

So off to step 5 huh? Looking forward to reading.

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Postby Dora » Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:10 am

Enjoyed reading your post on day 5 comfy.
You got something different out of it than I did.
Reading what you post is like learning from your eyes what my eyes didn't catch. :)

luv ya
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Postby comfy » Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:49 am

Ok, been through the faith lesson . . . I see I need to get more real in love.
Last edited by comfy on Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Dora » Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:06 am

Faith is like a blanket.


It only works when you are all wrapped up in it.

God bless you comfy on this spiritual journey.
*angel7* Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.
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Postby mlg » Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:18 am

So how does one top that cute picture Pine put here *angelbounce*

Faith is what gets us through the hard times..it's what makes life worth living...it's hope in the things not seen nor heard...it's believing and receiving...it's knowing where your future lies...it brings peace to each new day...as maybe we don't know what the day holds, but we know WHO made the day.

luv ya comfy
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Postby comfy » Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:53 am

Very good, ladies . . . thank you for your prayer . . .
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Postby comfy » Sat Sep 12, 2009 1:15 pm

mlg1279 wrote:
So off to step 5 huh? Looking forward to reading.

luv ya

Ok, here we go . . .

http://christianityoasis.com/ManyCalled ... epFive.htm

I need to become more real in love > perfect in love.

Now we are talking about patience >

"But let patience have its perfect work,
that you may be perfect and complete,
lacking nothing."
(James 1:4)

So, we are talking about how God's love is patient and in this patience we are in God's love making us perfect and lacking nothing of God's love > love's patience has us in God's own creativity and the steadiness (patience) to keep on doing what is beautiful in love and caring for all people, while in intimate adoration and enjoyment and appreciation and admiration of You our Father and Jesus our Groom. Amen.

So, patience is not stubbornness of sticking to our own ambitions, but has us sweetly sharing with God in His comfort while going through troubles, but also staying patient in good times to make sure we are keeping our attention and submission always to You, even while we may have things going for us and may be having beautiful time in our marriages > still, we stay with You.

And patience is how we know that ones of this world may be getting so many things they want and may be looking like they are overcoming us, but they are going into more and more of their destruction and so their methods are not working, no matter how they look successful in getting what they want, how they look like they are beating us, or how their methods of counseling are claimed to be working. "Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." (Romans 8:37) The methods of this world's conquering do not work > methods of conquerors include violence, and depending on weapons and deceit and charm and arguing and bribing. But obeying You is key to getting Your blessing > "'In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.'" (Genesis 22:18) This is what God said to Abraham, after Abraham obeyed God. So, the real historical reason why people are being blessed is because of obedience to God, not because of money, materials, medicine, military, etc.

So, may we be with You in Your love, in patience that has us steady with You, filtering out what is not Your way and Your means, staying in Your love and leading . . . ministering this to others, also, please, and thank You so very much, LORD our Father for this our calling to have love with You and share this . . . amen, in Jesus' name.

Well, I have more to go, but I'll post this for you and how you share.
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Postby mlg » Sat Sep 12, 2009 2:22 pm

Many people can do things for others, because they feel like they are required to, or that common courtesy expects it....but doing things in the love of God is doing the unexpected. When you love God you love others...giving you a need to do things for others to brighten their day. Yesterday, the President of my company called and he was kinda down in the dumps. I told him to have a great day...and he said yeah whatever. But, what you have to know is that this man is a very wise man in the Word and he loves the Lord...yet at times he allows himself to fall into prideful situations. So, when he said to me yeah whatever, I said to him, wait a minute...now you deserve to have a good day. Perk up...don't let things get to ya so...make today a good day :) He then said I'll try. That is what love is....holding one another accountable when otherwise we are ready to give up...when we would rather have a pity party...love tells the truth...love says getup....God's love is our hands and feet.

Keep sharing comfy.

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Postby comfy » Sat Sep 12, 2009 3:00 pm

Now we're talking about how to "know when you're being called by the Holy Spirit of God to serve him in the way that He has designed specifically for you?" > I notice > God has "designed specifically" what He has for each of us . . . very creative, quite unique . . . to be discovered, not a copy-cat thing of what we have seen others do or others can expect > He can do better . . .
better than what *we* can think and expect. And it is specific, personally designed for how each of is us is created in Jesus, and for others to benefit > "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God has prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 2:10) So, we are called to do what "God has prepared beforehand"; so He has everything set in place, ready for us to walk through and do > "that we should walk in them", it says :)

So, how do we know what we are called to do? This lesson says >
(1) We can feel the Holy Spirit nudging us > yes . . . nudging is gentle and kind and encouraging.
(2) God will reveal His will through another person He uses > yes, we need one another > love is sharing > love's calling has us sharing with one another, to help each other know Your will. You want sharing. You have us sharing with You in doing Your very own work, thanks so much ! ! !
(3) "His still small voice" > requiring we quiet down to listen > "So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God." (James 1:19-20) Ok, so "every man" is called to personally hear God's wee still voice. And this is not in anger and raging for what we want and think and argue. So, this "could" be "why" Satan is attacking us with disruptive anger and fear and worries and boredom and unforgiving feelings, and having us argue, and with depression and loneliness and hurts and frustration and stress etc. . . . all to make sure we do NOT quiet down to connect with God in His quiet rest where we hear and heed His wee still voice.
(4) "changes in your life" > Ok, these can come "because people seem to miss the voice of God through other means", the lesson says. Also . . . God believes in how "action speaks louder in words," perhaps ;) Plus, changes are setting in place what He will have you walking through to do your calling. A trouble of even a loved one's death can set you up with Jesus so you can minister like He does, using your troubles as a way to feel for others and help them with how God helps you through > so you have a compassion ministry, not just a talk and works thing > like how Jesus has gone through things of this life so now He can feel for us and minister to us all that has gotten Him through to resurrection and Heaven's throne . . . not merely to this life's solutions > by going through life changing troubles, this can set us up with Jesus in His priesthood of love > "For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted like we are, yet without sin." (Hebrews 4:15)

So . . . it "might" not be a "sign", as the lesson says, that tells you your calling. God is personal; so He personally shares and communicates, and uses us with each other, to personally help one another. So, thank you, brothers and sisters for helping me to find my calling of how to *love*.

And I have found there is a way to spot when I'm missing God's will, in everyday things > "God resists the proud," we have in James 4:6 and also in 1 Peter 5:5. Whenever You know, LORD, that I am getting away from Your love and leading, You have things mess with what I am doing . . . so then that spirit of self gets angry, or hurt, or upset, or downcast, or even cursing in me, maybe frustrated and stressed out . . . and so this wrong spirit is exposed as being behind what I am doing; and then I can spot this warning sign and stop, right away, and wait while You correct me and restore me to be with You in Your love and leading in Your perfect peace > > >
But then *openly submit*, ready for whatever You really want me to be doing . . . either to keep doing the same thing (but better in Your creative leading), or . . . You might switch me to something else. This can work for by the moment, making sure we are doing what You please.

This takes what Jesus says > "'If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.'" (Matthew 16:24) So, this is where to make ourselves home, in this rest with Jesus > "you will find rest for your souls" (in Matthew 11:29), He says, in obeying Him. So, if you're getting in problems, never mind getting others and things to obey you . . . make sure you first get with God in His rest, then *you* obey ;)

*Me* obey, this is. Never mind me trying to set everybody else straight and to do what I want with me. Patience . . . creativity . . . bringing better than I can want and seek to have others doing. Oh my . . . homework for me to do to learn how to love.

Ok . . . so You want me to be able to make the sacrfices that *You* please, not what I may theoretically think. And not to let what people say, or what I think they are thinking, stop me from doing what You want. And I can be the person who thinks what stops myself. And it's not just what I do or not do, but how You want me to *be* . . . to discover this, at each moment, even, with You, how You can correct and heal me to become in Your love, and this with the others who will be with me . . . thank You . . .

thank You for their prayer . . .

and this lesson talks about being called to shepherd Your people. 1 Timothy 3:1-10 shows how a man needs to become an example, in order to be qualified just to be *considered* to be trusted with the "care of the church of God". So, the main thing about pastoring is not seminary or what we do, but our example which shepherds people to how to love. And we do not need to have an ordained reputation, in order to be examples shepherding one another into how to be in love and relate with You and one another and others who need You.
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Postby mlg » Sat Sep 12, 2009 3:29 pm

Hearing, realizing and understanding our calling comes from guidance under the Holy Spirit. He brings to us that "nudge" you spoke of here, and when He wants something He will make it possible. I have found in my own calling that when God has a need for a certain direction the proof comes in the pudding so to speak. In other words, He will reveal and open doors that you would never be able to imagine could be opened.

Our calling also has a choice held to it. We have the choice to accept the Lord's call or we have a choice to refuse it. God doesn't force us to do so, but when you love God with all your heart as He asks, you should want to do all you can for Him to bring glory to His name.

Many are Called, few are Chosen, cuz few choose.

luv ya comfy
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