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Postby deetu » Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:58 pm

I'm not sure about your question either.

I've had visions that have applied to people. Sometimes I have interpretations, sometimes the person knows the meaning themselves. I always ask God before giving them because one time I got a vision so clear that I blurted it out and it was wrong. It came so fast and seemed so real. I asked God about it and He said I didn't ask Him first. See, the enemy wanted me to doubt so he put it in my mind and I didn't test it.

Dreams now, forget it. I would journal them down and not understand a one, even after asking what it meant. (I told Joyce Meyer that it wasn't right keeping her horse in the dining room because it needed to be outside) I had someone who interprets explain a dream once and it was totally different then what I was thinking.

So if your question is how do you know that it is a vision from God or just your imagination. I just... know. I guess the vision has a different, I want to say texture to it as compared to my imagination. Humm... not being much help here, am I?

I didn't realize there was a dream study
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Postby Dora » Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:15 am

Day #8

Do you take someones words and dig for the "real" meaning.

The words I heard so often echo in my mind, "Read between the lines sis."

Every compliment, I read between the lines. Are their words real or they just passing out compliments to everyone with no real meaning behind it.

A form of judgement?

After all I don't want to wear a badge I didn't earn.
Badge being a compliment.
Earn being true.

Was hoping for a study today that would lift my spirits. My love for others is not complete. I feel this strongly today as I reject the Love others have shown me. Feeling like I'm back at square one, the day I walked through the front door of Oasis. The enemy has been whispering heavily and I'm buying into some of his lies. Though I know it's him and I know it's lies, I allow myself to believe them. He must be thinking I'm an easy target as easily I gave in this time.

I think it stems from a confrontations last night. Someone has no understanding or compassion for the ones I try to reach. It's nothing to them to cause these fragile people who seek healing to stumble. It angers me. Guess that's judgement. Todays lesson is on judgement. I wasn't a good representative of Christ as I tried to share understanding. I allowed my flesh to speak.

To be honest I am wondering really what difference do I make. I felt like I was making a huge difference, but things have changed. Now I wonder was I just fooling myself from the get go. Allowed to entertain myself by thinking I was actually doing something for the kingdom.
Last edited by Dora on Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Dora » Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:24 am

Deetu your words do help a lot. Just to talk to someone about what it's like for them helps. You see I've had dreams and visions since I was very young. I would tell my mom and they'd come true. She screamed at me to stop making up these stories because I was making terrible things happen to them. I saw my dad in a reck and told my mom there was blood all over. My dad got in a bad reck and almost died. As an adult I was told to grow up and stop daydreaming and If I chose to continue to daydream to not share them. When I came here a few years ago it was in search of the truth. Am I daydreaming, if so, what a weiirdo I am, or is there something behind these "daydreams".

I guess the vision has a different, I want to say texture to it as compared to my imagination

This is what I'm feeling as well. You know the pictures that stop you in your tracks, come out of no where, nothing seems to trigger a memory that leads to an imagination. Life around you stops, you don't hear or see anything but this picture before you. I can snap myself out of it, but sometimes it's presistant and comes back.

Learning to go with it and to not stop the flow. Thank you deetu, might be a good discussion for the visions dreams forum.
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Postby mlg » Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:58 am

My sister do not give in to the attacks. God knows what you are doing to help others, and He is proud of you. Just remember the enemy will try to get you to stop at every turn...telling you that what you are doing for God isn't helping...but you know the Truth...all you are asked to do is plant the seeds...God will provide the keep planting.

Praying for you today.

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Postby deetu » Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:00 am

Pine, the enemy always attacks harder right before a breakthrough!

I am encouraged that he is tempting you harder and that you recognize it for what it is...lies, just lies.

It is unfortunate that your family accused you of causing the problems instead of taking them as warnings. It is possible that the enemy was causing them because he wanted you NOT to follow this gifting. (like he did with me) But God can always use the bad for good.
So break that off you in Jesus's name, forgive them, then ask for guidance in how to move forward.

We now go back to how do you know if it is from God or the enemy? How good is your relationship with the Holy Spirit? When you get a vision, ask God if it is from Him and what you are suppose to do with it.

At my very first prophetic conference, my sister and I were early so we decided to get coffee. While waiting in a long line, a gentleman started talking to us. You could feel the anointing coming off him (at conferences, your senses can be heightened because of the corporate anointing) He had me say a prayer and afterward, I could hear God so clear. With pen in hand, I asked him what that prayer was. He has since had an excellent book he wrote published called, He Who Has An Ear by Norman Audi. It is hard to find, not being in bookstores but you can find it on line or PM me. This book is so easy to understand that I have gone through about 30 of them to sell or give away.
Funny thing was, he was on his way to the bathroom and God told him to get in line. It was through this man that God finally reached me that I was hearing Him.

I wonder if it is possible to move this part over to Vision and Dreams. I agree, someone else can benefit from this. what do you think mlg?

Oh, and there is no "between the lines" here piney *Hug9*
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Postby xxJILLxx » Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:46 am

hey sis.

wheni experience a God vision whether in my dreams or awake or praying... there is no doubt it is from God..

We must keep in mind that the Bible is finished, and it tells us everything we need to know. The key truth is that if God were to give a vision, it would agree completely with what He has already revealed in His Word. Visions should never be given equal or greater authority than the Word of God. God's Word is our ultimate authority for Christian faith and practice. If you believe you have had a vision and feel that perhaps God gave it to you, prayerfully examine the Word of God and make sure your vision is in agreement with Scripture. Then prayerfully consider what God would have you do in response to the vision (James 1:5). God would not give a vision to a person and then keep the meaning of the vision hidden. In Scripture, whenever a person asked God for the meaning of a vision, God made sure it was explained to the person .

k hope this helps

Gbu and love u my precious sister

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Postby Dora » Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:47 am

Thank you all for your responses. I've considered the wisdom in each one. :)

Jill after reading your response I did just as you said and asked for wisdom. Opened the bible and pointed. Came to the verse when Jesus was asking Simon if he loved him. Simon said yes, three times, and 3 times Jesus said then feed my sheep.

Todays study is on feeding Gods sheep.

Coincidence? Think not.

Praying over where and how he wants me to feed his sheep as I continue to reach out to others through the forums and chat, and via pm.
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Postby mlg » Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:26 am

A great thought...Feed my Sheep...such wonderful directions given to us by the one who loves us so :)

Keep feeding God's sheep sis, you are good at it.

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Postby xxJILLxx » Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:42 am


nope no coincidence there sis

Gbu sis!

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Postby deetu » Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:55 pm

That is so cool. I love when that happens.
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Postby Dora » Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:34 am

Yeah God is cool isn't he. :)

Part of todays study that I need to get a better grip on #11

Love one another Love requires understanding. Understanding requires discernment and discernment is a Spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit. To obtain it one must renew the mind as to never allow THEIR thoughts to interfere with His Words being projected to your spirit by the Holy Spirit. It would be like a radio station tuned in between two stations which in TRUTH Is just NOISE.

Need to learn to be careful what I'm listening to. Not the outside noises but the whispers and apply discernment instead of the past.

I'm certain Job didn't spend the rest of his life worring over if the test he went through is going to happen again. He went forward enjoying his life.
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Postby mlg » Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:42 am

I like how you phrased that sis...Job didn't spend his time worrying about whether test would reoccur. How true...we need to focus our love for God on the things of Him and what He expects from us. Think on the good things...

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.


luv ya sis
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