Depression and Hope

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Depression and Hope

Postby realtmg » Sun Nov 11, 2007 9:40 am

Even though I was a Christian, I suffered from deep depression and anxiety. I was in bondage to self. I had spent years in jails, prison, treatment centers, and even went to a mental hospital. Even tried suicide a couple of times. God would not allow me to die. He allowed me to live and learn how to deal with life daily and brought me here so that I could share my experience, strength, and hope with people who struggle with addictions here. He gave me a purpose and you people to fill my life with becoming whole again.
I sought answers with all of my heart and soul. As time went by and He saw my heart, He started revealing to me the Solution. The answer? HIM.
He gave me tools to work with. When I started applying in Faith what He showed me, I surrendered and went to work to get better. It just didn't come, but I had to reach out and work for it. I had to change my thinking.

We all get down and depressed sometimes. We wouldn't need God if we didn't. Luv Ya. Real. *harp*
Last edited by realtmg on Sat Nov 17, 2007 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby foreverHis » Thu Nov 15, 2007 2:39 am

Praise the lord are going great in Him brother *harp*
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Postby realtmg » Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:57 am

First of all, I am not an expert or counselor on this. All that I say is from real life experience and am willing to share what I can.
I do know that people's brains work differently. As for me, my neurotransmitters do not work as they are suppose to. Maybe sort of a chemical imbalance of some kind.
I do not sleep well either. But I have found that by staying busy and exercise does help.
The biggest part that has helped me is FAITH. I now have faith in SOMEONE who knows my condition and HE carries me through EACH day "IF" I let HIM.
As for me, my behavior was a learned behavior that I believe developed over a period of time when I was using. I have had to learn to think in a positive way and MAKE myself do things that are uncomfortable to me. One of these has been sharing the REAL me. But, I know God placed me here for a reason to share and if I do not, then I will not be in His will.
As far as panic attacks and anxiety, they have gotten much better.
This is due to getting closer and having a Personal relationship with my creator. I have accepted myself as I am and NOW I know that He is in control and loves me very much.
I am responsible for how I feel. Sometimes I have to tell myself this too shall pass. And.......... IT DOES.
As far as the sleep disorder, many people have problems sleeping. I do not know anyone who has ever died because the lack of sleep. :P
I know it is annoying.
I spend alot of time reading God's Word and praying for His will. I fall short alot, but, I am much better than I use to be. It's a process of getting better each day.
I do not set my goals to high nor do I try to be something I'm not. I know that this world is only temporary and one day I will be with Him with no sorrow or pain.
Self-pity was a big factor in my life because I was thought I was different.
But since then, I have found out that I am really blessed compared to many others.
I try to stay grateful and thankful for what little I have in which I used to take so much for granted and expected that people owed me something.
If I may, I would like to say that I have seen a change in you over the past year. To the good I might add. You might not see it but others do.
Thanks to God and I know you have a heart to do what is right.
Try not to live or dwell in the past but each day look for what god has in store for you for that day. This helps build our character and faith.
There can be JOY in the Lord and in life. yes it comes and goes. I no longer use the word happy but I use joy.
If you are like me, you "think" deeper than what you should. Do not over analyze things. I do still at times! *Whistle*
I hope this may help in some way and please continue to share more as this helps so much. Many read that are afraid to post and it also can help them. We all have our problems. We are human.
Just because we are Christian does not mean God promised us a bed of roses. Sin and the world is reality and Romans 8 states how we are to live in the Spirit.
I'm not against medicine,as long as you do not abuse it or replace it for what God can and will do.
So, in short, Be grateful and continue to do what He wants you to do and you will grow in Him.
Reaching out and humbling ourselves is the answer.
Thanks for sharing Moon.
Let me know if you relate and hope this helps.

Luv Ya Moon

Your Brother in Christ,

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Postby Sylvia » Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:12 am

Thank You
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Postby Sylvia » Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:15 am

I am praying constantly to keep me thinking positive. Then a wave of fear will hit me like a ton of bricks.
I also have faced death before. I also have witnessed my son who died on heroin but was revived Thank You Lord.
I think woman understand when I say I try and fix everything when it comes to family. My husbands unemployment. My sons addiction problem. My mentally ill son making wrong decisions.
And now today I will have the biopsy to find out if I have breast cancer.
I have waited many weeks for this day. I wanted it to come but yet I experience "fear and trembling"
If you feel lead to pray for me I would appreciate it.
In Him
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Postby Ditto » Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:13 am

Sylvia!!!! Have missed u sooo....glad to hear from u again, u have my heart and prayers...Dear Lady

Love in Christ
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Postby storm » Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:26 pm

depression is like a covers you and you sink into hide away and isolate yourself.....all the while sinking deeper and deeper

eventually it smothers cant breathe cant think....everything becomes a problem and eventually you cant function at all

it is so very hard to see a light see a glimpse of hope....oasis is the water hole in a barren me it holds a hope to hold on to...god led me here and helps me to stay here.
miracles happen every day
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Postby Sylvia » Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:30 pm

I know I have shared before that I have battled anxiety and depression all my life.
I thought this was "normal" as both my parents did also.
At one point when several negative things happened all at once (which I won't get into right now)
I hit bottom.
My husband took me to a doctor. He asked me if this was the first time I had experienced this and I told him "No" I have always felt depressed, even if I am having a good time. Even when things are going great. The depression was there. I called it my black panther. It was there inside me, sometimes sleeping and sometimes awake and causing trouble. But always there.
I thought I had to be sinning or something to always be this way.
But then I found out through the doctor that It is a chemical imbalance.
It is hereditary. All three of the children I gave birth to have it.
Medication I feel was a gift from God. The panther is gone. If I have a bad day, its just a bad day. I hear God's voice clearer now. I know without a shadow of a doubt that God lead me to that doctor.
I have given this testimony at church several times. Many Christians have come up to me afterwards and said they were on medication too and were afraid to tell other christians about it. Afraid of being judged.
Later I found out when I had some tests concerning my epilepsy they told me that my brain waves have high abnormal spikes. Which can cause seizures but which also can have an effect on your anxiety level and depression level.
But for those like Real said who just take it so they don't have to deal with what God is trying to tell them, this is wrong.
But there are also others who definitely have a physical problem
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