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Postby cimi » Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:21 pm

April 8


Leviticus 16:5-22

He Himself is the
propitiation for our
sins, and not for ours
only but also for the
whole world.
__1 John 2:2

The Scapegoat, a novel by Daphnedu Maurier, is about two men who are amazed at the striking similarity in their appearance. They spend an evening together, but one runs off, stealing the other's identity and leaving him to step into a life filled with problems. The second man becomes a scapegoat.

the origin of that word comes from a ceremony performed with two goats on the Hebrew day of Atonement (known today as Yom Kippur). The high priest wold sacrifice one goat and symbolically place the sins of the people on the head of the other--the scapegoat--before it was sent into the wilderness carrying away the blame of the sin (Lev. 16:7-1-).

But when Jesus came, he became our scapegoat. he offered Himself up "once for all" as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of "the whole world" (1 John 2:2; Heb. 7:27). That first goat had been sacrificed as a sin offering for God's people and symbolized jesus' sacrifice on the cross. The other goat was a representation of the completely innocent Jesus accepting and removing our sin and guilt.

None of us is without sin--but the Father laid on Jesus "the iniquity of us all" (Isa. 53:6). God sees followers of His Son as blameless--because Jesus took all the blame we deserve. __Cindy Hess kasper

````````````````Jesus our savior left heaven above,```````````````
``````````````Coming to earth as a servant with love;``````````````
````````````````Laying aside all His glory, He came,```````````````
```````````Giving His life, taking all of our blame. __Hess```````````

Jesus takes our sin and gives us His salvation.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Leviticus 16:5-22**********

5 And he shall take from
the congregation of the
children of Israel two kids
of the goats as a sin
offering, and one ram as a
burnt offering.

6 Aaron shall offer the bull
as a sin offering, which is
for himself, and make
atonement for himself and
for his house. 7 He shall take
the two goats and present
them before the LORD at the
door of the tabernacle of
meeting. 8 Then Aaron shall
cast lots for the two goats:
one lot for the LORD and the
other lot for the scapegoat.

9 And Aaron shall bring the
goat on which the LORD's
lot fell, and offer it as a sin
offering. 10 But the goat on
which the lot fell to be the
scapegoat shall be presented
alive before the LORD, to
make atonement upon it, and
to let it go as the scapegoat
into the wilderness.

11 And Aaron shall bring the
bull of the sin offering, which
is for himself, and make
atonement for himself and for
his house, and shall kill the
bull as the sin offering....

15 Then he shall kill the
goat of the sin offering,
which is for the people....

16 So he shall make
atonement for the Holy
Place, because of the
uncleanness of the children
of Israel....

20 And when he has made
an end of atoning for the
Holy Place, the tabernacle
of meeting, and the altar, he
shall bring the live goat.

21 Aaron shall lay both his
hands on the head of the
live goat, confess over it all
the iniquities of the children
of Israel, and all their
transgressions, concerning
all their sins, putting them
on the head of the goat, and
shall send it away into the
wilderness by the hand of a
suitable man. 22 The goat
shall bear on itself all their
iniquities to an uninhabited
land; and he shall release
the goat in the wilderness.
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