Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:21 pm

February 19


Psalm 42

Why are you cast
down, O my soul?
... Hope in God, for
I shall yet praise Him
for the help of His
__Psalm 42:5

I love living where there are four seasons. But even though I love settling down with a good book by a cracking fire when it's snowing, I must admit that my love for the seasons grows a little dim when the long gray days of winter drone on into February.

Yet regardless of the weather, there is always something special about winter: Christmas! Thankfully, long after the decorations are down, the reality of Christmas still lifts my spirits no matter what's happening.

If it weren't for the reality of Christ's birth, not only would winter be dark and dreary, but our hearts would be bleak and have nothing to hope for. No hope for the freedom from guilt and judgment. No hope of His reassuring and strengthening presence through dark and difficult times. No hope for a future secured in heaven.

In the winter of a troubled life, the psalmist asked, "Why are you cast down, O my soul?" The remedy was clear: "Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance" (Ps. 42:5).

In C. S. Lewis' tales of Narnia, Mr. Tumnus complains that in Narnia it is "always winter and never Christmas." But for those of us who know the God who made the seasons, it is always Christmas in our hearts! __Joe Stowell

``````````````````When our lives are heavy laden,
```````````````````Cold and bleak as winter long,
`````````````````Stir the embers in our hearts, Lord;
```````````Make Your flame burn bright and strong. __Kieda

Let the reality of Christmas
chase away the blahs of winter.

******************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 42*************

1 As the deer pants for the
water brooks, so pants my
soul for You, O God. 2 My
soul thirsts for God, for the
living God. When shall I
come and appear before
God? 3 My tears have been
my food day and night,
while they continually say
to me, "Where is your

4 When I remember these
things, I pour out my soul
withing me. For I used to go
with the multitude; I went
with them to the house of
God, with the voice of joy
and praise, with a multitude
that kept a pilgrim feast.

5 Why are you cast down,
o my soul? And why are
you disquieted within me?
Hope in God, for I shall yet
praise Him for the help of
his countenance.

6 O my God, my soul is
cast down within me;
therefore I will remember
You from the land of the
Jordan, and from the
heights of Hermon, from
the Hill Mizar. 7 deep calls
unto deep at the noise of
Your waterfalls; all Your
waves and billows have
gone over me. 8 The LORD
will comman His
lovingkindness in the
daytime, and in the night
His song shall be with
me--a prayer to the God of
my life.

9 I will say to God my
Rock, "Why have You
forgotten me? Why do I go
mourning because of the
oppression of the enemy?"

10 As with a breaking of my
bones, my enemies
reproach me, while they say
to me all day long, "Where
is your God?"

11 Why are you cast down,
O my soul? And why are
you disquieted withing me?
Hope in God; for I shall yet
praise Him, the help of my
countenance and my God.
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