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Postby cimi » Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:42 pm

February 15


Hebrews 2:1-9

We must give the more
earnest heed to the
things we have heard,
lest we drift away.
__Hebrews 2:1

In the 1923 silent movie Our Hospitality, comedian and acrobat Buster Keaton preformed a daring stunt near a waterfall. A retaining line, called a "holdback" cable, hidden in the water and attached to him, kept him from being carried over the falls.

During filming, the cable broke, and Keaton was swept toward the falls. he managed to grab an overhanging branch, which he clung to until the crew could rescue him. The dramatic scene appears in the finished film.

Drifting into unintended hazards can make for exciting film footage. In real life, however, dangers of this kind are usually marked with warning signs to prevent people from venturing into harm's way.

Similarly, the Bible has provided us with warning signs about drifting from the safety of God's Word. "Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away" (Heb. 2:1).

When we don't cling to God's Word through study and reflection, it's easy to drift. Like a swift stream, the attractions of this fallen world draw us toward sin. But as we meditate on Scripture and seek the Holy Spirit's guidance, we learn the reality of our spiritual anchor and are kept secure--even in the dangers of the world's current. __Dennis Fisher

`````````````````The Bible stands like a rock undaunted````````````
`````````````````````'Mid the raging storms of time;``````````````
``````````````````Its pages burn with the truth eternal,````````````
```````````````And they glow with a light sublime. __Lillenas````````

The compass of God's Word will keep you
from spiritual shipwreck

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Hebrews 2:1-9************

1 Therefore we must give
the more earnest heed to the
things we have heard, lest
we drift away. 2 For if the
word spoken through angels
proved steadfast, and every
transgression and
disobedience received a just
reward, 3 how shall we
escape if we neglect so
great a salvation, which at
the first began to be spoken
by the Lord, and was
confirmed to us by those
who heard Him, 4 God also
bearing witness both with
signs and wonders, with
various miracles, and gifts
of the Holy Spirit,
acccording to His own will?

5 For He has not put the
world to come, of which we
speak, in subjection to
angels. But one testified in
a certain place, saying:
"What is man that You are
mindful of him, or the son
of man that You take care of
him? 7 You have made him
a little lower than the
angels; You have crowned
him with glory and honor,
and set him over the works
of Your hands. 8 You have
put all things in subjection
under his feet."

For in that He put all in
subjectin under him, He
left nothing that is not put
under him. But now we do
not yet see all things put
under him. 9 But we see
Jesus, who was made a
little lower than the angels,
for the suffering of death
crowned with glory and
honor, that He, by the grace
of God, might taste death
for everyone.


In the book of Hebrews, a Greek phrase translated "let us" is used
frequently (4:11; 6:1; 13:15). In contrast to a regular command, this
wording gives an admonition in which both the group hearing it as
well as the person speaking participate in the activity. Leaders and
followers share in spiritual growth (10:24-25). __Dennis Fisher
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