
This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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Postby vahn » Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:15 pm

"Hang around tha barber shop long enough, you're bound, sooner or later, to get a haircut"

Pretty long for a title but I gotta call it something.
Today, in the light of what'd been going on 'tween yestrday & today, including a dream in the middle of it, feels like I'm walking around DAZED but certainly NOT cunfused, like I'm in this totally unknown world, completely foreign, but nevertheless knowing exactly what to say,do or act, guess you can say I finally got my "haircut" !

Reading step 3 sent me running to the mirror ! Yep, the "hair" is gone awright - no wonder I was feeling so "lightheaded" !!

I guess it started in the earlier days of my life, oh some 100 years ago, when I found myself wandering around Hollywood, Cal., working as an Extra from day 2 day , when one nite ,hearing a commotion outside my window, the set for the movie Death Wish 2 was being prepared, rushing down ,found my "buddies". Boss says "yeah, we got one for you vahn, on the Q just walk down the sidewalk". then he added the statement , w/o me knowing it at the time, would turn my whole world upside down 4 the next 30 years, he said " nothing fancy, act normal and be yourself, just stagger all over the sidewalk like you would normally do".

Now I dont know about anybody else, but statements like that , would not only be permenently etched in your head or heart, but this one went all the way through to the very soul (which by the way, is where my Lord resides -though I didnt kno Him then).

FFWD 30 yrs,- this experience I thought I would not share w/any soul except my spons. some yrs later- and now here (trust?) I was @ this bar, I look back, and saw myself looking @ me with the most disappointed look I had ever seen , disappointed is putting mildly, despaired, or discussted would probably be more appropriate definition . Some may want to call that hallucination, others , out of body experience or what not, all I know is that my knees went under me, and if I hadn't sitting , may have just as well had fallen to the ground.

Now why am I saying all this ? what does step 3 have to do w/all this ( If I keep writing ,it might even tourn out 2 b a testimonial, or a beggining of a novel of some sort) but tell it I have to.

If you had read yesterday's post,I was having a particularly "rough" time ,but after all that hoopla or should I say "out of" that, came the most , I can't even find the word, peacefull? joyful ? u get the pic. dream ever.
Though it was somewhat quizical @ the time , I once more was looking at me in my dream only this time there was a pair of other eyes besides mine , and there was this hollow picture frame seperating "us" from "me" and the look on "our" faces was that of grin/smile combo u get from a person of approval, or satisfaction. ( I wished it would go on 4ever) but some alarm clock had better ideas , but it did wake me up to the tune of "Awsome GOD" by R.Mullins .

Well my friends , I think I put the end of this post @ the 1st 2 paragraphs ! By the way all this didnt come untill first I read step 3.

Last edited by vahn on Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby mlg » Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:50 pm

If you have peace my friend, it means you are right where God wants you to be. Glad to see you pushing on through to day 3.

I'd love to hear your testimony sometime, if your ever up to writing it and sharing it with us. I'm also glad that you trust us enough here to share what you did today.

I'm happy your day is going better today. Everyday can be a good day, if we will let it be so :)

luv ya
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Postby vahn » Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:34 pm

My first & foremost gratitude goes to God, that led & guided me here to OASIS, then all of you here that led & guided me to His Son without whom I would never have found who I realy was , by His teachings I learnt to look at me through His eyes , & not the world's.

Every nite I try to draw a sketch to describe what my day had been like (its a artist thing, some write some draw) I ended up with this guy at night, looking into a sun dial with a candle, to see what time it was !

I think tonite I'll buy him an Hour glass.
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Postby mlg » Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:06 pm

That is the neatest thing to hear from you my friend. That you draw a picture to express your day. woohoo

So your gonna buy Him an hour glass huh? That's interesting. How about buying the guy a watch instead? rofl

luv ya
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Postby vahn » Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:16 pm

He keeps burning his hand , every time he puts a candle to it to see what time it was.
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Postby mlg » Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:28 pm

Yep that definitely can happen huh?

Goodnight my friend see ya tomorrow.

luv ya
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