Stinking Thinking

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Do you feel you will be tempted this Holiday?

Poll ended at Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:23 am

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Stinking Thinking

Postby realtmg » Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:23 am

I can only share from my experience, strength, and hope. My past experience has taught me alot about my thinking as one who has an addictive behavior.
For instance, just this week, I have been off work due to bad weather. I bought a ring off E-Bay in which I had never looked around on this site.
Well....... I have a "thing" for old Bibles and old Masonic books. I saw alot I liked and even put some bids on them. I noticed I kept raising my bids. I didn't need them especially not working daily and the way the economy is.
I ended up buying a few in which I can get my money back but I know that this can turn in to the same thing as my drinking,drugging, and gambling did.
So, now I am "aware" of this and am thankful that I was enlightened.

Having an addictive behavior, I have to constantly be aware of my thinking.
I know that many people say I will have just "one" for the Holidays and it turns out to be many, resulting in a terrible Christmas. I have had those. There have been several Christmases that I was missing in action because I was just gonna have one or a few. I mean, It was Christmas so I could so I thought. WRONG! :roll:
I know Christmas is a tempting time of the year for us who have problems with drinking and drugs and so forth.

When I am in "tune" with Him daily, it helps me to walk as He wants me to. Just like the E-Bay thing; He enlightened me that this could possible turn out to be a bad thing even though it was legal and safe.
God can do for us what we can't do for ourselves. If it wasn't for Him, I would still be "out there". I have to take "One Day At A Time" and He gives me the liberty to make choices.

I just wanted to share that each day is a new day for each of us. Today is all we have. Live as He would have you to and worry about tomorrow when it arrives.
If you are struggling with an issue, share it with someone. There are people who care and will pray. There are people here I know who pray for me each day. That is a warm feeling.
There are people who have come here and shared their problem and I no longer see them or know if they are ok. There are some who fall and get back up. If you fall, dust yourself off and start again.
Only God has the Power to help. He often gives us people to help us along the way.
Things to remember is not fall into self-pity ( poor me), get too busy, hold resentments, or get too lonely.
Take your thoughts captive as to see if they are of God. SELF is our biggest enemy. Think of others and not dwell on the past.
God works in ways that we simply can not understand. Trust Him that He will help and provide when you do not "feel" Him working. Feelings are not facts. He sometimes allows us to feel that He is "far away" just to test our Faith. He is a rewarder for those who have faith and diligently seek Him. Patience is a key.

May God reveal His Presence and Love this Christmas to each of you. Take the opportunity to share in these forums or go into the chatroom and share what is going on good and bad.

Merry Christmas to all of you and I love each and everyone of you.

In Christ Love,


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One More Thing

Postby realtmg » Thu Dec 18, 2008 2:55 pm

One more thing................ I'm always close by.

Luv ya

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Postby Mercy » Fri Dec 19, 2008 5:44 am

If you are struggling with an issue, share it with someone.

Do you realise how difficult it is for some people to share?
Isaiah 55:8
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
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Do I?

Postby realtmg » Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:26 pm

Do I? Do I?..................... Whew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roll:
You bet I do sis.
For one thing, I have learned to make myself. After doing so, I always feel better and it never is bad as I thought it would be. I am classified as being anti-social by doctors I might add.
One good thing about these forums and chat is chances are we will not ever see each other. Another thing, I have learned to ACCEPT myself as God has created me.
I feel I do not measure up to most of you. BUT, I am what I am; just Real.
If one wants to really feel better, I suggesting MAKING yourself share. You will see that it helps. The more you do it, the easier it gets.
One thing I do not like about some people being superficial. The Truth is always best.
I met a person a while back on here and I used to tell them I loved them. They got offended and couldn't understand How I could luv them being so far away. I use to not be able to say that. But God changed me and I found out that when I share, sometimes it helps others. Not always, but sometimes.
I have a very difficult time of expressing myself and wording things as I would like. BUT,........... I make myself.
I have been around her long enough that most of the people here do not judge. Of course, some will and that's their problem.
Just like the time I shared with you that I would like to buy you a Bible in your language and mail it overseas to you. I meant it and I think it blessed both of us since then.
Most of us have a hard time sharing, including me sis. That's when God helps me. He has created ole Real and NOW I accept Real as just as I am.
Who is perfect? I grow each day. Sometimes I fall, but I get up and dust myself off and try again. Even put my foot in my mouth sometimes. We all make mistakes.
So.......... Yes I know how hard it is to share. One can share openly without getting personal until they find a person they can trust.
I suppose I have the attitude to say what I feel and do not run a popularity contest. *laughter*
Anyway........... I'll shut up now! *laughter*

Luv Ya Mercy and thanks for sharing!!!! ;)

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Postby susidivah » Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:39 pm

AMEN Realy!!!

Sharing about myself when it comes to my struggles and sins is very hard at times. The testimony I wrote here when I was newer to the Oasis was the first I had ever written, and it was a lil daunting having the bulk of it all there for all eyes to read. Had to remember that the Lord led me to that experience not only to help me but to help others struggling in the darkness as well.

As for temptation over the holidays, I make an effort not to put myself in situations where I'll be tempted with any of multiple triggers. And I keep busy with friends who support me in Christ, family, Oasis, and anything worthy of His Praise. I pray to be extra conscientious with it at this time of year, for yes in the past I was all over the map (see: overindulgent in addictions) during the holidays.

Finally I really want to make a kinda New Year's Resolution to post in Real Solutions more, for I do have much to share and to encourage! Whoever reads please do not hesitate to contact me either or to read my testimony at ... /Forum.htm

God bless you all and remember we are here for you! *angelbounce*
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tempted / share

Postby storm » Thu Dec 25, 2008 6:37 am

amen real.

thankyou for being around for me bro

and you also susi...thankyou.....and you are always a lovely person to chat with

and yeah mercy is so hard to many here, i sometimes get so close to being able to open up and share my feelings and problems ....but .... i dont usually manage it......i keep telling myself maybe next time
love you all
merry and safe christmas

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Postby realtmg » Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:37 pm

Well.......... You have opened up to me over time in which I cherish the words and feelings expressed. They are and will be close to my heart my dear friend.

Luv ya Bro!

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Postby Mercy » Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:11 am

and yeah mercy is so hard to many here, i sometimes get so close to being able to open up and share my feelings and problems ....but .... i dont usually manage it......i keep telling myself maybe next time

And the next time you keep telling your self again...maybe next time...
There are day's i wish i could talk to you all in Dutch..make's it a lot easier to express myself.

Isaiah 55:8
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
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Re: tempted / share

Postby goldieluvs » Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:56 am

it is so hard to many here, i sometimes get so close to being able to open up and share my feelings and problems ....but .... i dont usually manage it......i keep telling myself maybe next time

Ok i sorry storm i dunno how to get the quote in the white box.

Stormy bro, that next time,, is the next time u r in chat bro!!! I luvs ya much, i share with some folks when i get really stressed sometimes in chat, sometimes in PM and sometimes i share in forums, what i have learned is that it helps me because people love me and love you here, so, dont let the enemy stop u from sharing cuz ultimately God shows ways to help and sometimes that is thru friends!

Luvs ya much,
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