Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:16 pm

December 6


Genesis 5:18-24

Enoch walked with
God; and he was not,
for God took him.
__Genesis 5:24

One thing that impresses me about my wife is her commitment to walk two to four times a week for at least an hour. Come rain, snow, sleet, or shine, my wife layers up or down (depending on the weather), puts on her headphones, and off she goes walking through our community.

My wife's commitment to walking reminds me of a man named Enoch. Genesis 5:18-24 is a short paragraph about his life, and it shines like a diamond amid the earthly record of deaths. In a storyline where the funeral bells tolled out their mournful drone (" and he died" is repeated eight times in the chapter), there is a ray of hope--Enoch walked with God.

What did it mean for Enoch to walk with God? It describes Enoch's close communion with God--as if literally walking by His side. Also, it refers to Enoch's unswerving obedience to God in a corrupt culture. God rewarded Enoch's faithfulness by taking him to heaven while he was still alive. Death would not have the final word in God's creation.

Enoch's walk with God reminds us that it is possible for all of us to enjoy intimate communion with the Lord. Let's commit ourselves to walking faithfully with Him every day.

__Marvin Williams

```````````````He walks with me, and He talks with me,````````````
```````````````````And He tells me I am His own;`````````````````
```````````````And the joy we share as we tarry there`````````````
````````````````None other has ever known. __Miles``````````````

You're headed in the right direction
when you walk with God.

****************Today's Bible Reading __ Genesis 5:18-24*********

18 Jared lived one hundred
and sixty-two years, and
begot Enoch. 19 After he
begot Enoch, Jared lived
eight hundred years, and had
sons and daughters. 20 So all
the days of Jared were nine
hundred and sixty-two
years; and he died.

21 Enoch lived sixty-five
years, and begot
Methuselah. 22 after he
begot Methuselah, Enoch
walked with God three
hundred years, and had sons
and daughters. 23 So all the
days of Enoch were three
hundred and sixty-five years.

24 and Enoch walked with
God; and he was not , for
God took him.


The name Enoch comes from the word "to dedicate," and that
dedication was clearly seen in Enoch's walk with God. In addition to
his great example of a meaningful relationship with God, Enoch was
the father of Methuselah, who lived longer than anyone else recorded
in Scripture__969 years (Gen. 5:27). Enoch also was the great-
grandfather of Noah, who would be used of God to rescue humanity
from the judgment of the great flood. While it is possible that others
of that day walked with God, it is significant that only Enoch and
Noah are described in that way (Gen. 5:22). __Bill Crowder
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