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Postby cimi » Tue Nov 25, 2008 2:08 am

November 23


Job 38:31-41; 42:5-6

Can you bind the
cluster of the Pleiades,
or loose the belt of
Orion? __Job 38:31

A team of astronomers from the University of Minnesota say they have found a giant hole in the universe. The void they've discovered is in a region of sky southwest of Orion. The mysterious empty place has no galaxies, stars, or even dark matter. One of the astronomers said that the hole in the heavens is a billion light-years across.

When I try to capture the meaning of such immensity, something happens to me. The fight goes out of me. I don't know what to do with my thoughts. who can relate to the magnitude of such emptiness?

Then I remember what the Lord did with Job. He drew His suffering servant's attention to the same part of the night sky. Using the region of the constellation Orion along with the wonders of the weather and the natural world, the Lord brought Job to the end of his reasonings and arguments (Job 38:31; 42:5-6).

In the presence of such wonder, I want to join Job in collapsing before the Lord in surrender to His inexpressible power and wisdom. I want to let go of my anxiety, my anger, and my resistance to the mysterious leading of God. I want to claim my only confidence as being in the immeasurable greatness of our God. __Mart De Haan

````````````````````````FOR FURTHER STUDY```````````````````
`````````````To increase you appreciation for the Creator,``````````
```````````read the online resource Celebrating The Wonder`````````
`````````````Of Creation at``````````````

The wonders of the universe compel us
to worship our wonderful God.

*************Today's Bible Reading __ Job 38:31; 42:5-6***********

31 Can you bind the cluster
of the Pleiades, or lose the
belt of Orion? 32 Can you
bring out Mazzaroth in its
season? Or can you guide
the Great Bear with its
cubs? 33 Do yo know the
ordinances of the heavens?
Can you set their dominion
over the earth?

34 Can you lift up your
voice to the clouds, that an
abundance of water may
cover you? 35 Can you send
out lightnings, that they
may go, and say to you,
"Here we are!'? 36 Who has
put wisdom in the mind?
Or who has given
understanding to the heart?

37 who can number the
clouds by wisdom? Or who
can pour out the bottles of
heaven, 38 when the dust
hardens in clumps, and the
clods cling together?

39 Can you hunt the prey
for the lion, or satisfy the
appetite of the young lions,

40 when they crouch in their
dens, or lurk in their lairs to
lie in wait? 41 who provides
food for the raven, when its
young ones cry to God, and
wander about for lack of

Job 42
5 I have heard of You by
the hearing of the ear, but
now my eye sees You.

6 Therefore I abhor myself
and repent in dust and


In the book of Job, we read that he endured financial ruin (1:14-
17), his children died (1:18-19), and he suffered painful sores on his
body (2:7). Seeking out God (23:2-9), Job questioned His fairness
(30:24-31:40). Instead of giving an explanation for Job's suffering,
God gave a revelation of Himself--as Creator, Sustainer, and
Controller of the universe (Job 38-42). --Sim Kay Tee
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