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Postby cimi » Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:09 pm

November 10

Proverbs 25:8-18

A man who bears false
witness against his
neighbor is like a club,
a sword, and a sharp
__Proverbs 25:18

In some offices, you can get fired for gossiping. According to a 2002 survey, the average employee gossips 65 hours a year. One Chicago firm decided to become a "gossip-free zone." They require that employees never talk badly about co-workers behind their backs. If you're caught, you lose your job.

A ministry for people in the entertainment industry takes a refreshing alternative to gossip. They combat it with prayer. Instead of putting down famous people who get in trouble with bad choices, they encourage people to pray for them.

Among God's commands to His people is "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor" (Ex. 20:16). While this may be talking primarily about lying at judicial proceedings, gossip could also be included in the command because it violates the law of love toward our neighbor. Proverbs uses strong language to describe this use of our words. It's like a "a club, a sword, and a sharp arrow" against others (25:18).

Gossip feeds into our natural desires to feel superior to others and to belong or fit in, so combating it in our personal lives can be a challenge. But if we choose to love through prayer, our lives can be a gossip-free zone. __Anne cetas

`````````````````Lord, forgive us for speaking carelessly```````````
```````````````about others to make ourselves look better.``````````
```````````````Help us to think before we speak. Teach us``````````
```````````````````to be loving with our words. Amen.````````````

You can never justify gossip.

*************Today's Bible Reading __ Proverbs 25:8-18************

8 Do not go hastily to
court; for what will you do
in the end, when your
neighbor has put you to

9 Debate your case with
you neighbor, and do not
disclose the secret to
another; 10 lest he who hears
it expose your shame, and
your reputation be ruined.

11 A word fitly spoken is
like apples of gold in
settings of silver.

12 Like an earring of gold
and an ornament of fine
gold is a wise rebuker to an
obedient ear.

13 Like the cold of snow in
time of harvest is a faithful
messenger to those who
send him, for he refreshes
the soul of his masters.

14 Whoever falsely boasts
of giving is like clouds and
wind without rain.

15 By long forbearance a
ruler is persuaded, and a
gentle tongue breaks a bone.

16 Have you found honey?
Eat only as much as you
need, lest you be filled with
it and vomit. 17 Seldom set
foot in your neighbor's
house, lest he become
weary of you and hate you.

18 A man who bears false
witness against his neighbor
is like a club, a sword, and
a sharp arrow.


Unlike the tragic description of inappropriate speech seen in verses
9-10, 14, and 18, proper speech is described as being valuable__
like precious metals. In verse 11, right words are seen as "apples
of gold in settings of silver," and in verse 12, words of wisdom are
compared to an earring of gold and an ornament of fine gold."
Which description fits your words? __Bill Crowder
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Postby --- » Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:48 pm

I just finished talking to my middle schoolers today about gossip... why we shouldn't, the effects of it... etc.

Ironic timing your message came on :)

I think i'm going to bring up this message tomorrow and tell them about the "gossip free" workplaces. I had no idea about that. Very cool.

Thanks for sharing this!
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Postby cimi » Tue Nov 11, 2008 10:29 pm

Your welcome.. (hugs)
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Posts: 2622
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