A fresh start

This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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Postby mlg » Sat Nov 08, 2008 8:19 pm

skrubby, yipeeeee!!!! So glad to see you getting up and getting back to it. The Lord needs you my friend. He wants you to get moving so He can get His plan on track. Don't hold back. Soak it up. If you run into somethings you don't understand or just aren't sure of...ask. Don't be ashamed. I ask questions all the time. I'll be glad to help you on this journey.

I can't wait to see you reaching out to the lost souls of the world. You gonna help Light this world on fire for Him yet. Alright so we are off and running...let's go.

luv ya *hug*
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Postby flutemusic67 » Sun Nov 09, 2008 5:24 pm

Skrubby, yaaaaay! *Clap* Won't hurt one bit to start over, in fact will help you!

It takes dedication and prioritizing when doing the steps. Just give yourself a half hour each day. It's time well spent and will strengthen your relationship with Him.

Looking forward to seeing the fruits, bro. You are gonna rock for God.

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Postby mlg » Sun Nov 09, 2008 9:16 pm

Skrubby, look at you being a witness for the Lord....wow He is proud of you and so am I. You allowed the Lord to speak throug you, to show that lady what it's all about to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We don't witness to others by yelling and screaming and being self righteous, but by love and compassion and understanding, and sharing of Truth. I just know God's got great things ahead for you. May He continue to use you my friend.

luv ya
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Postby flutemusic67 » Mon Nov 10, 2008 5:47 pm

Great job, bro! Ditto what mlg said. Keep on truckin, skrubby.
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Postby mlg » Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:18 pm


Wow you know what I see when I read what you are learning. You are beginning to become more able to peg an attack from Satan for what it is. Yes he came to attack you this morning, and at first you fell for it, but guess what my friend? You didn't fall for very long, you quickly saw his trick for what it was, and you were able to get up and get back to focusing on God.

Just remember to keep walking with God skrubby. The attacks may get harder over time, but the fight will get easier. Don't get to hard on yourself, just get up and get back to working for the Lord.

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Postby flutemusic67 » Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:26 pm

Just brought a smile to my face, skrubby.

Yeah, the enemy is tricky. The wiser you become, the trickier he gets. He gets aggressive when you become a threat. Keep your eye on the Lord and listen to His voice. God's got your back.

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Postby flutemusic67 » Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:02 pm

Heya Skrubby. As Christians, we are held to higher standards than others. Sometimes people think we should be perfect. But we know it just isn't so. It's difficult when we are trying so hard to do the right thing and see others make mistakes. You wanna correct them all the time. But that just isn't feasible. Best we can do is be an example for others in goodness, forgiveness, and love. Seeds are planted and God waters them. Praise Him!

You kinda reminded me of something from work. There is a lady who just loves to complain. She probably spends an hour or so a day complaining. One day, she was going on and on. I didn't give in to the temptation to join in. Learned not to with this one lol Instead I pointed out the fact that everything worked out and we were able to proceed as usual. She stopped complaining, looked me straight in the eye and said "You are just determined to see the bright side, aren't you". It was almost like an accusation! Quite funny.... ;) Anyway, she left quickly and went to her desk and I thought "I do see the bright side and His name is Jesus". *BigGrin*

What's green stuff? *dunno*

Love you, skrubby!
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Postby mlg » Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:47 pm

Skrubby, I find what all you have shared very interesting. Not because your going through so much, but the fact that I see your Faith being tested in all these situations and you are hanging strong. That my friend says so much for the foundation you have laid in the Lord.

Let's talk about complaining a second. Complaining has been around since the children of Israel wandered around in the wilderness. It's something that people seem to do a whole lot of. I work with over 1000 people at my job cubby, and there seems to always be someone complaining. Today it was all the employees, there was division in 3 of our 5 departments. Finally I went and grabbed one of the managers from another department that was the main cause of the division, and said let's talk cuz I"m not getting any work done from listening to all these employee complaints. He and I talked about the situation and worked out a plan on how to deal with it, and get things back under control. So when you here someone complain, don't let it get to you, just ask the Lord to give you patience and just talk them through their complaint. It's the best you can do, because ultimately they have to make the decision to either be satisfied or dissatisfied, if you have showed them Jesusly love in the conversation and in your actions.

Keep up the good work skrubby, you are doing so well. Jesus is smiling on you my friend.

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Postby mlg » Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:27 pm

Yay skrubby, it's so good to see you accepting of His calling for you. Maybe He hasn't defined all of your calling to you yet, but He will and then it's just a matter of surrendering totally to the Lord for Him to be able to work through you. It's so amazing when the Lord works through another. I mean to truly see Him using you is a blessing to me skrubby.

Getting through these steps are not easy skrubby, but they may be one of the most important studies you finish. So don't give up keep pushing onward.

As for your gifts and talents, sounds like you may have a calling of a caregiver. I'm sure you may have others as well, and over time you will come to recognized more gifts and more callings. Just be patient and allow God to show you in His time. He does have a plan for you skrubby and I can assure you His plan is perfect.

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Postby mlg » Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:35 pm

Skrubby, ya know when you begin to get fired up about serving the Lord, it's almost like an excitement you don't want to contain, but sometimes you have to finish the preparation so you can be effective for Him, therefore being patient and wait for Him to say, it's time my child.

The Holy Spirit is amazing skrubby. The Lord left the Holy Spirit behind for us to be able to talk directly to God. No more need for a person to intercede, as we have our own direct connection. The Holy Spirit comes to reside in us, and as we allow the Spirit to work in us, we become a servant of the Lord, and He can do great things through us. We just have to be willing.

Keep studying my friend. It's so exciting to watch you.

luv ya
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Postby flutemusic67 » Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:41 pm

Skrubby, yes! He is always working in us and we spiritually evolve through Him! It is amazing.

Sometimes it gets confusing when we try to figure out what our calling is.
We really do not need to worry about it. Ask Him. He will show you. When you get up in the morning and pray, say to Him, "Lord, how can I serve you today? What can I do for you?" He will dig something out of his "honey-do" jar. lol

You will become closer to Him and become in tune with where He is taking you. It is exciting to see you grow spiritually.

God bless you, bro.
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Postby mlg » Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:14 pm

YES skrubby!!!! I know exactly what you mean :) Holy Spirit is just awesome. Tonight I was driving home from work, and a song came on the radio, and it was about God's voice, how it comes from the thunder and lightening, and I was thinking actually that's the Lord's glory, cuz His voice is still and soft :) Well about that time, I could feel the Holy Spirit all over me, was so wonderful. He even hugged me :)

The Holy Spirit is absolutely a blessing. We should learn to enjoy our time in the Spirit. Soaking it up, and growing closer and closer to Him.

It's so good to see you learning skrubby, and also to see the changes He is making in you. The goodness in your heart all from the love of Jesus. From moving a book to keep harmless children from seeing something they shouldn't, to the love you show others who just need a friend. Keep on keeping on skrubby.

luv ya my friend
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