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Postby cimi » Sun Jun 15, 2008 2:58 pm

June 15


Proverbs 20:3-7

The righteous man
walks in his integrity;
his children are blessed
after him.
__Proverbs 20:7

My father once admitted to me, "When you were growing up, I was gone a lot."

I don't remember that. Besides working his full-time job, he was gone some evenings to direct choir practice at church, and he occasionally traveled for a week or two with a men's quartet. But for all the significant (and many small) moments of my life__he was there.

For instance, when I was 8, I had a tiny part in an afternoon play at school. All the mothers came, but only one dad__mine. In many little ways, he has always let my sisters and me know that we are important to him and that he loves us. And seeing him tenderly caring for my mom in the last few years of her life taught me exactly what unselfish love looks like. Dad isn't perfect, but he's always been a dad who gives me a good glimpse of my heavenly Father. And ideally, that's what a Christian dad should do.

At times earthly fathers disappoint or hurt their children. But our Father in heaven is "merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy" (Ps. 103:8). When a dad who loves the Lord corrects, comforts, instructs, and provides for the needs of his children, he models for them our perfect Father in heaven. __Cindy Hess Kasper

````````````````````How blessed are the children````````````````
``````````````````````Who in their fathers see```````````````````
````````````````````The tender Father-love of God,```````````````
`````````````````And find their way to Thee. __Johnson````````````

A life lived for Christ is the best inheritance
we can leave our children.

****************Today's Bible Reading Proverbs 20:3-7************

3 It is honorable for a man
to stop striving, since any
fool can start a quarrel.

4 The lazy man will not
plow because of winter; he
will beg during harvest and
have nothing.

5 Counsel in the heart of
man is like deep water, but
a man of understanding will
draw it out.

6 Most men will proclaim
each his own goodness, but
who can find a faithful

7 The righteous man walks
in his integrity; his children
are blessed after him.


The apostle Paul wrote this advice: "Fathers, do not provoke your
children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of
the Lord" Eph6:4). Fathers are not to provoke their children to anger
by unreasonable demands, petty rules, or favortism. Such actions
cause children to become discouraged (Col. 3:21). Instead, they are
to provide for the physical and spiritual needs of their children in a
positive family atmosphere. This is accomplished by consistent and
kind discipline as well as instruction in the Word. The legacies of
fathers extend into other generations when their children in turn raise
their own children. __Dennis Fisher
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Postby Timothy » Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:56 am

Thank you, Cimi.
I've printed it out and will share it with other dads.
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