Beast Empire

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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Nov 20, 2022 9:23 am

Hi Everyone,

I’ve recently come across a lot of various reports about persecution of Christians in places such as Nigeria, Pakistan.

I should have posted one or two of them in this forum, but unfortunately didn’t make the time to do so. Now, though, I have decided to do a little search on the plight of the Danish-US pastor now locked up in a US detention facility on charges which are almost certainly bogus. I wrote about this guy in the last post, and if you had have read that, you would recall that he had to flee persecution in Denmark, before landing in the US, where he is now facing further persecution.

Of course, his plight has received virtually zero coverage in establishment media, but I have come across a relatively recent article from Christian news site CBN.

Torben (his first name) will be facing some sort of trial in mid-December on immigration charges, though it appears that the official justification for his arrest was trumped-up terror/weapons charges.

It would be nice for as many people as possible to pray that the situation would quickly turn out well for him. Even though it is currently Satan’s planet, God will grant us victories along the way, and we are told in numerous parts of the Bible that we are to feel for our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters.

I will post the article for you. It will provide you some further context on the background of this situation, the persecution suffered by Torben in both Denmark and the USA, and where things currently stand for him.

Lastly, just remember, while the New World Order is currently going after high-profile Christians and dissenters like Torben, it is one day going to come for all of us (before the return of Jesus).

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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Dec 04, 2022 7:12 am

Greetings all,

A common theme of this forum over the last two or three years has been to encourage readers to be extremely skeptical of human government, mainstream media, government-paid scientists, etc. The era of Covid/shutdowns has given any thinking person a well-grounded justification to be distrustful of human authorities.

As pointed out numerous times in this forum, backed up by facts, the shutdowns and Covid-vaccinations have been far and away more deadly than the virus itself. Any independent media, or even the odd mainstream media source with at least a final, tiny remaining shred of honesty will admit to this.

Much of the world has largely moved on from Covid-19, while the Chinese government bizarrely clings to its goal of Covid-zero. Meanwhile, thinking people in the rest of the world will not be feeling too relaxed in the aftermath of the era of Covid shutdowns, knowing fully that we are currently in the proverbial ‘Calm before the storm’. Yes, the globalist, New World Order system has indeed largely moved on from Covid. However, the real question now is this: What dirty plans have they got in store next, and when are they going to unleash them?

I don’t know and I don’t want to take a guess. I would just encourage you to enjoy this (temporary) relative calm, and use the time to get closer to God, and/or to allow Him to get closer to you.

Back to the topic of the disgraceful, evil reaction of the world’s governments to the outbreak of Covid, which is generally comparable to a regular flu; I have read a recent article on a mainstream media site based in Australia, run by Murdoch press.

I repeat- the article I am now referring you to is not from some independent, or even conspiracy-focussed publication. Rather, it is from establishment, corporate media itself. Rather than summarize the article for you, I merely read you the title: ‘Sweden has the lowest excess mortality rate after the pandemic, despite refusing to lock down’.

The caption under the title is, ‘Telling new data has shown an incredible fact about one nation that completely rejected lockdowns throughout the pandemic.’

Now I give you just the first paragraph: ‘Serious holes have been poked in the world’s response to the pandemic, with Sweden emerging atop a telling list of nations least affected by Covid-19.’

And I stop there. As point out a bit later on in the article, Sweden was virtually the only western/developed country which did not lock down… and, just to highlight the overall point, was the least affected by Covid.

Thus, the shutdowns were nothing more than a massive crime against humanity that were effectively useless in combating the virus. Sweden was one of the very few countries that did not commit these crimes against society.

Later in the article, the nation of Australia and its Covid response are touched on, particularly with regard to the state of Victoria. Australia/Victoria were the opposite of Sweden and, besides China and maybe North Korea and New Zealand, Australia/Victoria were the strictest regimes in the world in the ‘fight’ against Covid, as detailed on numerous occasions in this forum.

In fact, Melbourne (capital city of Victoria) holds the official record for the world’s most-locked down city in the entire world, bar none, under the iron fist of a man named Daniel Andrews. For over two years it was a totalitarian police state under the rule of Andrews. Then the state election came around a week ago. And how do you think the Victorian population voted?

Needless to say, Andrews was voted back in with ease, with no real opposition party existing in the state at all.

I’ll stop there. But if you wish to read the article I referred to, link below. I’d just like to reiterate my overall point. God is worthy of your 100% trust, while human authority is worthy of zero.

True, God wants us to exercise a modicum of respect for human authority, but it is a real balancing act because, elsewhere in the Bible, we are told that dark, evil powers are running our world.

Blind trust in human authority is the way of death, after all, because one day the anti-Christ is going to arrive on the scene, and government/media/etc will all be telling us that we must worship the anti-Christ, even as we have been strictly warned against it in the Bible.

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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Dec 12, 2022 7:10 am

Hi again to all,

I’m going to touch on the unmistakable fact that a minority of us knew from the early stages of Covid/the lockdowns- now even being slowly admitted (on the sly) by the political/media establishment- namely, that the lockdowns killed more people than the virus itself, and that the Covid-19 vaccines are dangerous and have killed untold scores of people.

Without question, the overall response to the virus has been far, far more destructive and deadly than the virus itself. This can not be questioned by truth seekers/those who respect legitimate science.

We should not forget what was unleashed on the world by the political/media establishment, corrupt government-paid scientists, morally bankrupt bureaucrats, etc. No, God does not want us to be angry and bitter about it. Justice, after all, will be for Him to have, not for us. But still, we would be very unwise to forget the behaviour of the corrupt/evil/inept human authorities in response to the outbreak of Covid-19, which was comparable to a regular flu.

We must not forget this because the overall human response to Covid-19 is a wonderful testament to the fallibility of man, to the utter folly of human ‘wisdom’ when it is not steered by God. If anyone would ask me, ‘Why should I trust God, and not science?’ I would reply, ‘You can trust both: God and science are not mutually exclusive. Science, after all, at its very root means knowledge’.

Most people who say they are into ‘The science’, when all is said and done, are not really into science at all. What they are really into, without being aware of it themselves, is ‘Scientism’. Scientism, as I have no doubt pointed out earlier in this forum on occasion, is the corrupt, politics-driven brand of ‘Science’ in which globalist, New World Order agendas are promoted as ‘Science’; while actual truth, i.e. ‘Knowledge’ is quietly pushed into the shadows.

Thus, and I am not meaning this in a jokey kind of way, if the government/media/science establishment unanimously decided one day that clouds are made of floating marshmallows, most people would believe it. This is dead serious. It’s not funny. We live in a world where, as stated, if the government/media/science establishment really DID decide one day that the clouds are indeed floating marshmallows, MOST PEOPLE WOULD BELIEVE IT. Let this sink in for a moment.

Anyway, I’ve been reading more and more reports, some of them even in mainstream media, admitting that the shutdowns killed scores of people. Those who pushed for the shutdowns at the time are naturally distancing themselves from these revelations now, or ignoring them altogether, while seemingly not suffering any consequences for their criminal actions.

I believe that I covered this general topic in the last post about a week ago. I will now link you to an article. In short, it’s about a high-level, scientific study. There are a lot of snippets in the article from the study itself, as well as commentary on the study within the article. The evidence is indisputable, and beyond debate. Rather than summarise the article, I will just write you the title, ‘German study: Covid-19 vaccine killing otherwise healthy people’.

Look below for link. I praise the Lord that I didn’t get the vaccine, which I clearly didn’t need. It was His strength, not mine. Not that I am crowing- I could literally drop dead later this day, while other people who took the unnecessary, dangerous jabs might go on to live for several decades longer. Only God knows.

But the jabs were, as stated, generally unnecessary (in the case of fit healthy people, they were COMPLETELY unnecessary), and undoubtedly risky as well. If you took the jabs but now regret it, don’t fret. Pray to God. Just as He gave me the strength to not take it, He also may intervene on your behalf, and remove the vaccine toxins from your body, or neuter their potentially negative effects.

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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Dec 23, 2022 3:51 am

Hi Friends,

I wish leave you with a quick post today, and a video link of about 15 minutes. The topic is the future Mark of the Beast, which the Bible tells us will be mandated by the anti-Christ ruler of the New World Order (Beast Empire).

Unless I’m dramatically missing something, the anti-Christ is not yet on the scene, and there is no current talk of a mandated mark.

During the era of Covid, however, I believe that we saw a partially aborted dry-run. Namely, the push to vaccine mandates (among other things). Note: there is zero evidence that the Covid-19 vaccines were the mark. Taking a Covid-19 vaccine was, in my opinion, an unwise thing to do. However, I’m speaking from a general health point-of-view, not a moral or spiritual one.

Furthermore, fellow Christians who I know that are further in their walk with Christ (compared to me) have taken one of these dodgy shots (in most cases under coercion and threat of losing employment, right to take part in day-to-day society, etc).

So, as I’ve pointed out in earlier posts, the vaccines were not the mark. However, pressure to take them, vilification of those who didn’t want to take them, etc, seemed to be (as I stated) a partially abortive dry-run for the future rollout of the Mark of the Beast, when the anti-Christ arrives.

There’s only one reason I didn’t take one, and that’s the grace of God. If you took a Covid-19 vaccine yourself I really don’t believe that it is a moral failing at all. But I believe that it was possibly a spur-of-the-moment failure of judgement on your part (we are all guilty of such failures, of course, in one way or another. I have made a large number of unwise decisions during my own lifetime as well).

I suggest that, if you are now regretting taking one of these dodgy vaccines, that you ask God to neutralize the potentially harmful ingredients of the shot, to effectively take them out of your body and protect you from them.

Furthermore, all of us need to consider a crucial lesson from the global hysteria of the last 2 or 3 years. What I mean is this; as unpleasant as the era of Covid/vaccine mandates (and associated pressure) were for anyone who was at least a bit sceptical, how will we react if we are still alive in the time of the anti-Christ? I can assure you of this- the coming Mark of the Beast mandate will be vastly more hysterical, vastly more intense than anything we saw during the era of Covid.

To reject a vaccine (and the ‘wisdom’ of government-paid science hacks) meant to potentially lose one’s job, be vilified by media/politicians/general public, be excluded from public life, etc. But in under 3 years, a lot of this has been rolled back, somewhat relaxed, and an air of ‘normalcy’ has returned. Thus, any dissenters only needed to whether the storm for a time. This is why I view the vaccine mandates/pressure of the Covid era as a ‘partially aborted dry-run’ for something bigger down the track.

With the coming Mark of the Beast, however, the consequences will be significantly more grave. To reject the mark will be not only to draw society-wide hatred and vilification upon any dissenters, as well as loss of employment, but also beheading, imprisonment, starvation, and so on. To say ‘No’ will be a virtual death sentence.

The overall picture, of course, is that those who reject the mark will live in paradise with God forever, while anyone who takes the mark will receive eternal death.

So, what form will the mark take? Don’t know, but it will be a literal mark on the arm or forehead. While I am certainly not a prophet, my leading candidate at the moment, regarding the form the mark will take, is something akin to a microchip (please note, it’s important to stay openminded and let God guide us on these things, i.e. it would be highly counter-productive if one were to focus exclusively on only one potential form it may take, while disregarding other possibilities).

Microchipping (of people) is something I’ve covered in this forum before. It is becoming normalized, and it seems as if the ground is being prepared (by the establishment media, among others) to make microchipping go mainstream in the not-too-distant future.

My latest exhibit is a segment on a recent episode of Dr Phil. Well, I believe it was recent. At the very least, I only found out about it recently. This segment was posted on the official Dr Phil YouTube channel, and is titled, ‘I got chipped’: Are we ready for technology under our skin?

On the whole, it portrayed all of those pushing this technology as fresh-faced, well-meaning people. Some of the so-called benefits of being microchipped were outlined by various people, and the segment was very much a plug for the movement towards broader microchipping. It was only near the end of the video when, for a minute or so, an obligatory nod was given to the idea that there could be a negative side to the technology.

However, this was very narrow in focus, with only one guy talking about the potential (negative) physical health consequences of being implanted. All-in-all, there was no serious discussion of drawbacks, let alone the fact that microchipping could lead up to the mandated Mark of the Beast when the anti-Christ arrives.

Dr Phil himself, obviously a secular pawn of the establishment, commented near the end of the video that he would be happy to get microchipped himself (outlining what he saw as some potential benefits of getting chipped), and also stated unequivocally that he felt confident that microchipping was going to go mainstream, and was going to be the way of the future.

Link below, if you wish to read the video:
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Dec 25, 2022 7:46 am

Hi Friends,

It’s Christmas day so I will really keep this one very short. Around Christmas time you tend to see the odd article about persecution of Christians around the world. Virtually none of these are to be found in globalist, establishment media.

Instead, they tend to appear in libertarian media outlets that are somewhat independent of mainstream media. Or, on occasion you might find the odd one on conservative-leaning mainstream media, like Fox, Sky, Breitbart, etc. But even then, you won’t find very many.

I have tried to find out more about the Danish-American pastor Torben Sondergaard, who had to flee Denmark as a refugee, but is now locked up on trumped-up charges in the USA. I haven’t been able to find anything recent which, I presume, means he is still locked up, away from his family.

Furthermore, I recently heard about a Nigerian university student who was stoned to death for giving Jesus credit for her academic success. Nigeria is currently the most deadly place on Earth to be a Christian.

Nigeria is split between large Christian and Muslim populations, but a minority of the latter are unfortunately al-queda/ISIS-sympathising types who can roam rural areas, seek out Christians and commit largescale massacres (amounting to an overall genocide) virtually at will.

The Christians seem unable to defend themselves, there is a corrupt Nigerian government that is, at best, largely turning a blind eye to the murders, but just as likely aiding and abetting, while the corrupt and morally bankrupt western world is either disinterested or supportive of the approach taken by the Nigerian government.

How do I know this? For starters, the US State Department has recently removed Nigeria from a list of countries that persecute religious minorities, apparently due to overriding business/diplomatic interests.

If any of you out there (particularly in the west) still feel national allegiance to your nation, well, that’s your business, not mine. But I would seriously urge you to think about whether your nation deserves your allegiance, especially from a Christian perspective.

Yes, be nice to your neighbours, be a good citizen, etc, of course these things are what God expects of us. I’m not talking about these things or bringing them into questions. What I am talking about is our nations, which are largely ruled over by corrupt, Christian-hating, pro-abortion, pro-transgender movement, kid-hating, paedophile demon-worshipping warmongers.

Add to that a filthy mainstream media which is joined at the hip to government, a scientific community which largely pimps itself out on behalf of its governmental paymasters, and a general public which largely trusts government/media/government-paid scientists.

Again, yes- be nice to your neighbours, and be a good citizen without a doubt. But on the flip side of the coin, I gently encourage you to deeply consider whether your nation is worthy of your patriotism. Mine isn’t. My only patriotism is to the Kingdom of God, or anyone/anything (Christian or not) which tries to stand up to the New World Order.

I will provide you a link about the case of the young Nigerian university student who was set upon by classmates for praising Jesus for her academic success. She quickly fell into the hands of murderous jihadists who stoned her to death for this ‘crime’. The Nigerian authorities are severely dragging their heels on bringing justice against the murderers, and are apparently unwilling to charge them with murder.

Link to a video of some 14 minutes or so, about this tragedy, is below:

There is something else, on this topic of the out-of-control evil so prevalent in the West, which I wish to mention. A lady in England was recently arrested for silently praying outside of an abortion clinic.

She was not even approaching anyone coming or going from the facility. She was just in the general vicinity, not even on the property, just minding her own business and silently praying. There is video of this, and you can easily access it with a basic online word search. Before she was arrested, one of the police officers asked her if she was praying. She said ‘Yes’, and the arrest followed shortly thereafter.

Again, to any Christians thinking of joining the police or armed forces, I strongly encourage you to examine your conscience before making any decisions on this. These institutions are not going to be our friends in the end times, just as the Gestapo or Wehrmacht were not friends of any dissenters during the reign of Hitler.

Before going, I would also like to post another video of 12 minutes or so. It’s titled, ‘It’s already started but people don’t see it’.

It’s about the coming Beast Empire, which will be the culmination of the New World Order’. You will get a bit of info in the video about the kind of technology which will be so prevalent at that time: technology, by the way, which is largely already here and ready to be rolled out.

There are no really big revelations in this video, but you’ll get some info on the coming Mark of the Beast. I wouldn’t really call it a deep dive video, but it’s a good reference point for anyone with 12 or so minutes to spare, and the curiosity to see if you can learn anything new from it.

Link below:

Lastly, a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Of course, Christmas is largely a pagan-based holiday, and no-one seems to be sure about exactly when Jesus was born (in terms of a date). Yet it’s obviously a very enjoyable time to connect with family, eat well, exchange gifts, etc, and of course to reflect on the birth of our Messiah.

It is Jesus who has already defeated death, and it is He that will ultimately put an end to all of the demented evil which is currently raging across our planet.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Feb 05, 2023 5:27 am

Hello Friends,

Been a while since I posted. Praise God, I was again able to visit my country of origin, and spend time there without any conditions attached when, during the height of the corona hysteria, I doubted whether I would get back at all.

Anyway, I wish to post on something that I briefly mentioned during the end of the last post. What I am referring to here, or rather the person I am referring to, is the lady in England who was arrested near an abortion clinic in the latter part of last year.

She had not been approaching anyone, nor holding up a sign, nor picketing, nor entering private property, nor doing anything of the sort. Her 'crime' was silently praying in her head on public land near an abortion clinic.

I've heard from one source that the charges have been dropped, but I don't know if this is true. It's indeed a good idea to cross-check and cross-reference such claims before accepting them as true, rather than take the word of one single news source at face value, even if it's a good news source.

Anyway, I was recently talking with a friend about this, and he asked me to read Daniel in the Bible, and then get back to him, before we could discuss the case again. I didn't know why he asked my to do this, but it became very clear as I read through Daniel. The most pertinent part was Daniel 6, in which Daniel was BANNED FROM PRAYING.

I encourage you to read all of Daniel 6 if you feel so inclined. But what I will do right now is just copy/paste verse 7, from Daniel 6. Here it is: 'All the royal administrators, prefects, satraps, advisers, and governors have agreed that the king should establish an ordinance and enforce a decree that for thirty days anyone who petitions any god or man except you, O king, will be thrown into the den of lions.'

Make of the connection (between Daniel and the lady in modern-day England) what you will.

I will just leave you with a newly released video from Gabe the Street Preacher, who discusses the case of this lady.

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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Mar 05, 2023 7:12 am

Hi Everyone,

I just want to send a message of encouragement about our place in this world as Christians.

At the start of the global (ist) covid hysteria three years ago we got a very sudden, unpleasant taste of what a global police state would look like.

Yes, it has been somewhat rolled back for now, put on ice as the world switched its attention to the NATO/Ukraine versus Russia war, but we got a strong little appetizer (for approximately two whole years) of what a global police state would look and feel like.

Though we are now in a lull- enjoy your relative freedoms while they are still here for a little while longer- we know that the march towards the ‘New World Order’ will go on. The globalist police state that we tasted for a couple of years is likely to return with a vengeance after the current lull.

Whether or not the rise of the anti-Christ is imminent, that is another question. Some people mistakenly thought that the era of Covid was the beginning of the tribulation, and that the vaccines were somehow the Mark of the Beast. Such people may have been well-intentioned with their misreading of the times, but they clearly went off half-cocked with their assumptions.

In short, the Bible gives us plenty of specific details and info about certain events that go hand-in-hand with the culmination of the Beast system outlined in Bible prophecy. As scary as the covid hysteria was- and as evil as the behaviour of our governments and mainstream media obviously was- a careful reading of Bible prophecy would’ve told anyone that it was not yet the end times.

The one thing that has changed in my mind, as I believe I may’ve mentioned in previous post, is as follows: Before the era of covid, the rise of the anti-Christ always seemed like something that would never happen in my own lifetime. Now, however, while the appearance of the anti-Christ may still be 100 years off, it could just as likely be one year off. Flip a coin, as far as I’m concerned.

To bring it back to the era of Covid/shutdowns, many of us felt immediately at the start that something felt wrong about the whole thing. Yet such was the hysteria, most of the general public exhibited a religious-like trust in government, government-paid scientists, and establishment media. And anyone who dared express a hint of dissent was virtually treated as an enemy of the state, or apostate.

I’m sure that you have your own stories to tell from the previous three years. I lost my best friend of the prior 30 years because he couldn’t accept it that I didn’t have the same opinion that he had, i.e. that I didn’t worship government/corporate media. Having evidently noticed from afar that I may have had dissenting views, he contacted me, sounded out my views, and then ripped into me in nuclear fashion when it was clear to him that my opinions were not the same as his.

There has been no more contact since that incident in the first half of 2020, and nor do I wish to have any more contact. I have forgiven, but this doesn’t mean I want anything more to do with him.

To get to the real point of today’s post, however, I want to encourage you to continue to put our trust in Jesus, and remove your trust from human government/mainstream media. Constantly renew your desire to be led by the Holy Spirit, and in this way be steered through the conscience that God has given you.

If you feel a bit embarrassed that you were perhaps fooled by all of the covid hysteria, don’t feel ashamed. Learn from your mistakes. It feels shameful for me to admit it, but I was fooled by the lies which led up to the Iraq War at the start of this century. I really hate to say it, but I was pro-war at the time. It took me years to realize that the Iraq War was an evil plan hatched by evil people.

I now see myself as consistently anti-war and, in hindsight, my wrongful initial thinking about the Iraq War has shaped me and taken me further in my journey and desire for truth and fairness.

We are all at different stages of our journey. If you were sucked in by the mass covid deception, learn from it like I learned from the Iraq War. And praise God that He loves you enough to help you to learn from your errors.

If you knew that something was wrong about the whole covid thing right from the start, praise God that He has given you a conscience and a mind led by Him, and not by the world.

In short, governments across the world, their bought and paid-for ‘scientists’ and ‘experts’ were fundamentally wrong about; the severity of the virus, the effects of the shutdowns, effects of masks, safety and effectiveness of the vaccines, safety and effectiveness of alternative treatments, origins of the virus, etc, etc, etc.

Meanwhile, the shutdowns killed way more people than the virus itself, while corrupt politicians/bureaucrats/media figures/etc revelled in the ecstasy of the draconian powers afforded them under the cover of an apparent health crisis. They also cashed in on the colossal amounts of money they could siphon off as the experimental vaccines were rolled out en masse, with coercion, discrimination and threats made against anyone who even so much as expressed reservation about taking the jab.

The covid vaccines have also killed untold scores of people, including many healthy and young people that would have easily survived a bout of the virus. I could offer you an estimate of how many people have been killed by the vaccines, but only God Himself knows and I would need to do some research first before at least offering an educated guess.

In summary, when it comes to the era of Covid-19, human governments across the world/their pawns and minions masquerading as ‘experts’/international mainstream media, etc, all got it fundamentally wrong.

On the other hand, the dissenters largely got it right. Be encouraged to be led by the Holy Spirit, and not by the world.

I am not advocating Bill Maher as a good source of wisdom for Christians. He’s a touch vulgar, and some of his views are what could be seen as unchristian. But I believe that he has an intellect, and is not a blind partisan hack.

He has consistently been one of the dissenters on covid. I link you now to a fresh article from the Fox website, titled, ‘Bill Maher says COVID ‘dissenters’ are ‘looking pretty good’ following lab leak theory developments’.

The caption under the title reads, ‘OVERTIME host Bill Maher knocks the Daily Beast for previously claiming he pushed a ‘COVID conspiracy’.

Link to the piece is below: ... velopments
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Mar 24, 2023 10:15 am

Hello to All,

Earlier in this thread I mentioned the case of Torben Sondergaard, the Danish pastor who had to flee persecution in Denmark for the ‘safety’ of the USA. This was in 2019, I believe.

For reasons unknown, he was detained by US authorities last year and has now been imprisoned for about 9 months (and counting) on what clearly seem like trumped up immigration (or ‘terrorism’?) charges.

I can’t exactly remember the details but if you’re curious, you could look further back into this forum, or do an online word search.

He is still incarcerated, and it seems that he is under sustained satanic attack on a broader level. Furthermore, I read at least one piece from a so-called Christian who was whitewashing Torben’s plight, more or less implying that he deserved what he was going through because, in the opinion of the writer, Torben was more-or-less a charlatan.

There is indeed a strong temptation to place trust in the government/media complex, and side with it even when it is persecuting Christians. The establishment is not persecuting Torben because he is a charlatan, it seems. Rather, it is persecuting him because he is a Christian. I urge all of you out there not to side with the establishment- with the New World Order- against Christians. I cannot imagine that this would make our God happy.

It can be tough to be in the minority- to not be in the relative safety of the mainstream- but we are clearly called to feel a special empathy with our Christian brothers and sisters.

There are so many stories of Christians being persecuted across the world. Alarmingly, more and more of these stories are coming out of the west. And I must admit that I haven’t followed Torben’s plight as closely as I could.

But for anyone interested, there are regular updates being released about Torben and his situation on a certain YouTube channel. The videos are really short and concise (generally about five or six minutes per weekly or fortnightly release).

I will now post a link to what I believe is the most recent update.

Lastly, I have to admit that I get so caught up in my own day-to-day life, that I sometimes don’t take near enough time to pray for, and think about our persecuted fellow Christians. Lord, please let us feel the amount of genuine empathy we really ought to, and let us not be found lacking if we were to one day face such persecution ourselves.

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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Apr 10, 2023 9:05 am

Hi Everyone,

I’ve seen more and more reports detailing how the Covid-era shutdowns did far more harm than good, were largely ineffective at reducing the spread of the virus, and killed far more people than the virus itself.

Along with these reports comes the increasingly obvious reality that Sweden- which never locked down- was not only one of the few countries that spared its people the deadly horror of the shutdowns, but it also fared better in its fight against the virus than many countries that indeed locked down.

Of course, the key takeaway here- as it has always been- is that the political/media establishment is deeply unreliable, and that the people held up to us as ‘experts’ were generally sadistic buffoons.

Moreover, whenever genuine experts indeed stood up to speak out against the lockdowns (or warn against the experimental vaccines), they were censored, demonized and faced threats to their careers and even in some cases faced legal threats.

All of that aside, I wish to discuss something very different with you today; namely, UFOs. I don’t wish to delve into conspiracy theory or science-fiction. The intention of this post is to considers UFOs within the context of a real-world, Christian foundation.

Firstly, a disclaimer. I don’t claim to have inside knowledge of UFOs, nor do I have any evidence to support my assumptions. My assumptions are simply based on my interest in paranormal things and trying to square this with what the Bible says.

I have no doubt that many people who claim to have sighted a UFO (or other paranormal phenomena) are straight-up lying or, alternatively, believe that they really did see such a thing but may have misidentified what they really saw (which, in reality, may have been something much more mundane).

Likewise, I believe that much of the footage of such sightings which you can see on YouTube, doco films, etc, is probably faked/manipulated or may indeed be of an unclear nature and could be (mis) construed to be paranormal if one would feel so inclined.

That aside, I believe that at least some of the sightings/footage are totally legitimate, and I know at least three people who have told me in all honesty that they saw UFOs. The phenomena would appear to be too big to be completely mythical. Maybe one of you have seen one yourself. Have you?

I don’t know exactly what they are, but I believe I know what they are NOT. I do not believe the Hollywood style version that would have us believe they are aliens (i.e. from another world).

Therefore, while I believe that some people may have really seen beings who have travelled in these UFOs, this does not mean that these beings are from another world.

As to what UFOs might really be, I can offer you a secular-based theory and a spiritual-based theory. The former is that they might just be secretive, covert human-piloted craft being tested by the world’s governments. The latter is that, rather than being ‘from another world’, UFOs (and their pilots) might be from the Earth-based spiritual world.

Sound a little out there? I’m not saying I believe in this theory, just that it’s a possibility. After all, to deny that paranormal/supernatural things are possible at all is really more in line with a secular/atheist view of the world, which I personally don’t identify with in any way.

The Bible makes it clear to us that Satan himself, after his act of rebellion against God, was cast down to Earth. Through various scriptural references, we can gather that a lot of angels had supported Satan’s rebellion, and were cast down to Earth with him. In fact, it seems that we are informed in the Bible that one-third of the heavenly angels rebelled, were cast down to Earth, and became fallen angels.

For a summary of the verses which indicate this, click on the link below:

If we were to take away the frivolous and inaccurately identified sightings/footage of UFOs (and other paranormal phenomena), I believe we would still have quite a large amount of legitimate sightings/footage leftover.

And while I have no way of knowing for sure, I believe that the best explanation for these legitimate accounts would be that they are somehow linked to the spirit world, which I believe could well be directly connected to the fallen angels that we are told (in the Bible) are literally roaming the Earth.

Whether it be UFOs, ghosts, demonic activity, cryptids, bizarre disappearances of people around the world (check out Missing 411 as documented by David Paulides for info), etc, etc, etc, I believe there could well be a thread between the spirit world, i.e. fallen angels, and paranormal phenomena.

These fallen angels, according to the Bible, are literally on our Earth. I believe they are not only pulling the strings of our governments, mainstream media, various institutions, etc, but they are attacking individual people constantly (in a spiritual sense), and both you and I have probably been attacked by them during our lives, if not once then numerous times (or even daily).

Quite a number of murderers, after caught, have claimed they ‘heard voices’ in their head, telling them to do the crime. In some cases, this sentiment was no doubt just a pathetic attempt to shift the blame elsewhere, or may have been brought on by drugs or mental illness.

But what if- in at least a small number of such cases- the culprit really did hear a voice in their head? This is not to absolve them of the crime- on the contrary. But I repeat: What if some people really do hear a voice? And instead of saying ‘No’ as they should have, they chose to listen to that voice?

In short, I believe the Bible when it tells us that there are fallen angels all around us in this world. And my personal inclination (and I’m not the only one who thinks this) is that these dark forces not only drive our governments, establishment media, etc, and not only wage spiritual warfare against all of us as individuals; but I also think it is quite plausible that they are responsible for a lot of the phenomena we would chalk up as ‘paranormal’, including UFOs.

That’s just my hunch. Maybe you think something different. In conclusion, from a secular, worldly point-of-view, there has been a very interesting narrative shift over the last decade or two. Until recently, talk of UFOs remained somewhat on the fringes, and for normies (sorry if this term is a bit dismissive) the standard knee-jerk response to any talk of UFOs has been something akin to: ‘Oh look out, what do we have here?! Better get out the tinfoil hats!!’

But things have changed in recent years, with more and more talk of UFOs in government and corporate media. A lot of different pieces of footage of UFOs has been released by the Pentagon, among other sources.

This, my friends, is where I really do encourage all of us to exercise extreme caution. When the government starts to ‘mainstream’ the UFO phenomena, you can bet your house that there would simply have to be ulterior motives involved. And we would be very naïve to take the government’s claims of UFO sightings/footage at face value.

After decades of dismissing the types of people who believed in UFOs, why would the establishment- and our society- now be going mainstream with the UFO phenomenon? Is all of the UFO footage released by the authorities fake? I don’t know, but maybe not ALL of it.

Would the authorities be willing to release fake UFO footage to pursue hidden motives? Absolutely. This sort of duplicitous behaviour is the bread-and-butter of how governments/media operate.

What possible motive could the globalist establishment have for hyping a (possibly fake or exaggerated) UFO threat? I could theorize, but ultimately don’t know. And I think I’ve written enough for today.

As stated, much of this post was just assumptions based on my biblical world view. If you would like to add something, feel free.

God bless.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri May 12, 2023 2:40 am

Hi Friends,

Haven’t posted for a while, so it’s time I do so now. The era of Covid-hysteria, restrictions, shutdowns and outrageous government/media overreach gave us a sinister taste of the burgeoning beast empire, which will reach its pinnacle when the anti-Christ is revealed.

In 2 Thessalonians 2:3, touching on the lead-up to the arrival of the anti-Christ, the Bible says: ‘Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition,’

The era of Covid represented a vast, planet-wide taste of the New World Order. Today, I wish to share with you a more personalized taste of this evil. Before I refer you to the video, here are a couple of Bible verses, one which points out God’s hatred of (human) pride, the other which points out that literally none of us are ‘good’:

There are many verses which make it clear that God hates pride, but one is Proverbs 16:5: ‘The LORD detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished.‘

The fact that none of us are ‘good’ can be directly linked to pride, and God’s hatred of pride. Note: I have a child and am proud of her at times. I don’t believe that this is the kind of pride that God hates. If I play a good round of golf, or run a good time and feel a degree of satisfaction with my effort, (unless I’m mistaken) I don’t believe that God necessarily has anything against this.

What God hates, if my understanding is correct, is when I or anyone else would think of our own ways as equal to, or even superior to His, or when we would reject God and His ways (elevating ourselves, in our minds, and elevating our flawed human ways to the status of God). Thinking of ourselves as ‘good’ (i.e. comparable to God’s holy ways), is dangerous territory for any person. No Christian, nor anyone for that matter, should think of themselves as a ‘good’ person.

In a nutshell, I believe it is okay to have a sense of pride in human achievements or endeavours, as long as we remain grounded, and remain ever aware that we and our ways are below God, and that everything is beneath God. In Romans 3: 10, it says, ‘As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one.’

Now, to the video. It is apparently in a British school, a high school I believe. The video I will post is about 14 minutes in length. Most of it is the video host (a Christian) breaking down the audio of a teacher in the British school who is addressing his class, aggressively pushing the LGBTQ ideology. The title of the video is, ‘Teacher got caught scolding students for rejecting LGBTQ…’ In the video, you will hear the actual audio itself.

I don’t believe we are told within this video, but I have the impression that the audio may have been secretly recorded.

In it, the teacher, who appears to be a middle-aged male, appears to be introducing a unit on LGBTQ, etc. He is angry, worked up, and threatening. He warns the students that they don’t have any other choice but to opt into the unit, and LGBTQ ‘values’. He threatens the students that anyone who doesn’t opt in will be punished ‘severely’.

He then says that no-one should care what other people think or do. This is bald hypocrisy, because in the same rant he makes it clear that he cannot tolerate any views which are different to his own. He goes on to say that anyone who doesn’t opt in to his views is equivalent to a racist. He then says that his values are British values (which is true, to be honest) and that anyone who doesn’t hold these values is just bad/wrong (this is obviously untrue).

He then said that no one is allowed to opt out of his propaganda lessons/views. He then goes on to try and guilt/shame anyone who doesn’t agree with him, then goes on to blow his own trumpet. ‘I’m a good person,’ is one of his direct quotes, in what is clearly a very self-centred diatribe. ‘I’m a good human being,’ he then goes on to say of himself.

He then refers to someone as ‘Miss’, who I assume is the headmistress of the school, and how she will severely punish anyone who doesn’t toe the line. Though police are not mentioned in his diatribe, it has become clear to any thoughtful observer that the British police (as an institution) has become more and more wicked and has already gone after people on countless occasions just for doing stuff like criticising LGBTQ ideology.

He then finished his sanctimonious speech. In summary, we’ve all seen stuff like before. It’s nothing new. I would encourage you to stop thinking of things as ‘Left vs Right’. I believe that this is a false dichotomy. Rather, I encourage you to think of things as ‘Centre vs Periphery’, with Christians (and some others) on the periphery, and the government/media complex in the centre.

For the sake of transparency, I do not claim to have coined the phrase ‘Centre vs Periphery’. I heard it from another online commentator. Anyway, over the rest of the video you will hear a good breakdown from the host of the YouTube channel. He will play you clips from creepy World Economic Forum figures spruiking for LGBTQ ideology in classrooms.

There is further breakdown of the classroom rant of the British teacher, before the host of the channel counters the ways of the world with scripture, and reaffirms the righteousness of God’s ways. Just after the 12:30 mark, the host points out that there is even (still) hope for the teacher, if he were only to repent of his sins and be born again.

There is then a little summary at the end. On a personal note, I ask you: What would you do if YOUR child was sitting in that British classroom? Note: my question is not what you think OTHER PEOPLE should do in this situation. Rather, my question is more direct: What would YOU do?

There has already been a little bit of this propaganda pushed in my daughter’s classroom. Thankfully, it quickly passed. I talked to my daughter about it, just to make sure she didn’t fall for it and to double down on God’s holy ways, and to reject the world’s wicked ways. I also regularly ask her if such stuff is coming up again. I sometimes wonder if I should have gone to the teacher and given them a verbal blast. I opted not to, and I’m not sure if I failed in this regard (in my mind when there is open evil being pushed, I think that ‘polite enquiry’ is obsolete).

In a nutshell, I don’t know if I responded adequately or not, but am hopefully better prepared if there is a repeat occurrence of this kind of propaganda in her classroom. And this is why I pointed out before that musing from afar about what OTHER PEOPLE should do is a far different proposition to the question of what YOU should do in such a situation.

Link below:
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue May 30, 2023 7:11 am

Hi again,

I wish to refer you to an important source re: the topic of the Danish paster Torben Sondergaard, persecuted first by the Danish government/media complex, forced to flee religious persecution in Denmark for the USA, where the persecution followed him.

He has now been incarcerated by the US government for almost a year on what are almost certainly trumped-up charges. I’ve mentioned his plight in the forum before.

I will post part one of a multi-part YouTube channel series below. From there, you can obviously watch the following parts. They are shortish videos of roughly 15 minutes, although the third part is about half an hour.

The first two parts set out the background of the persecution of Torben, starting in Denmark. The real revelations come about halfway through the third part.

I cannot vouch for the veracity of everything stated in the video series, but it makes a very compelling, properly researched case about who appears to be behind the persecution of Torben and his ministry. They are not named in the videos, but their backgrounds are described.

Of course, we know that Satan is behind the persecution, but he obviously needs attack dogs and minions here on earth to undertake his wicked tasks. These videos appear to tell us who these evil people are, and why.

The main one appears to be an angry atheist, powerful businessman type of figure from France. This man purportedly flipped out when a young woman (with whom he had been having an adulterous affair) turned to Jesus because of Torben’s ministry, and thus broke off her illicit affair with the French identity.

According to the earlier section of the third part, this French figure was aided by an ego-driven former assistant of Torben (within the ministry) who felt jealous, and spited by the fact that he was second fiddle to Torben.

There is solid circumstantial evidence against the French figure put forth in the second half of the third part, including references to direct quotes attributed to the Frenchman in which he directly threatened to take Torben and his ministry down as soon as Torben was in the USA.

The Frenchman is described as well-connected (including to elements within the US government), rich, powerful, dangerous and aggressive. And he has apparently not ceased to stalk the young lady who broke it off with him. He could also be described as vengeful, threatening, slanderous and duplicitous. From the quotes attributed to him, I get the impression that he has a god-complex, i.e. he doesn’t believe in the real God, because he thinks of himself as god.

When the two sinister figures teamed up, they began a systematic process of harassment, persecution and slander, with social media a major weapon. Law enforcement was also unleashed upon them as part of this ongoing process (police will in no way be the friends of Christians as we enter the end times- remember this).

A major stage of the persecution took place around 2017/2018, when a slanderous multi-episode TV production (in Denmark) was produced and went to air, inciting the Danish government and broader public against Torben and his ministry. The two sinister figures- the Frenchman and his accomplice- were reportedly behind this production and its dishonest, hateful disinformation aimed at Torben.

In fact, the Frenchman appears in interview form towards the end of the final part of the slanderous production, and we see a snippet of it in the third part of the YouTube video (although we don’t see his face). Of course, he is slandering Torben and his ministry while claiming to be concerned for the welfare of the young lady who had broken it off with him.

Towards the end of the YouTube video, we hear/see evidence that the Frenchman has not stopped stalking the young lady, who was (herself) now born anew in Christ and didn’t want anything more to do with this man.

With persecution of Torben and his ministry now at fever pitch in Denmark, and the threat of losing his children to the globalist authorities in Denmark/Europe very real, Torben and his family fled to the USA to get away from the persecution.

Unbeknownst to Torben and his family, his persecutors in Europe had already contacted the Dept. of Homeland in the USA, and the same persecution they fled in Europe was awaiting them in the USA.

Now, as stated, he has been incarcerated in the USA for almost a year with no end in sight, on really dodgy, almost certainly contrived charges.

There will be a 4th part of this excellent YouTube series but in the meantime, I will post part one for you below:

Needless to say, I recommend that you watch it, and then go onto the subsequent parts. Our legal system is deeply corrupt and unjust. And it will increasingly be used as a weapon (the world over) against anyone who professes Christ as their Lord, or- for that matter- against anyone who is even the slightest bit sceptical of human government and mainstream media.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Jun 14, 2023 3:46 am

Hello Everyone,

Today I have a suggestion for you vis-à-vis Bible scripture. My tip for you is to go through 1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles in the Old Testament.

I have been doing this lately, and something that has stood out to me is the central role of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, and the animal sacrifices associated with its maintenance and use. Prior to the birth of Christ on Earth, the temple was clearly a central, God-ordained pillar of the relationship between God and His people.

Personally, I’m not an expert on the temple and other associated topics; I know only what I get from scripture, so feel free to correct me if you feel that any aspect of what I write is inaccurate.

There have apparently been two incarnations of the temple, and Bible prophecy suggests that a third is to come, and it will be on the scene right at the very end of the biblical end times outlined in prophecy.

There are occasionally rumours or suggestions here or there (nowadays) that there are plans afoot to rebuild the temple. Personally, while I haven’t followed it closely, I am unconvinced that there is currently any solid evidence to indicate that the rebuilding of the temple is imminent (although, to be realistic, this could change quickly).

While Christ is now the key pillar in the relationship between God and His people, it seems clear that geographical Israel is still a central place in end time events.

If I’m not mistaken, while the New World Order beast system is forming before our eyes, the anti-Christ ruler to helm this end-times global empire has not yet been revealed. It could happen any year now. His ascent to power may still be decades off, but it might also literally happen this year.

Again, if I’m not mistaken, I believe that the first half of his 7-year tenure will appear to be wonderful and he will come across as a miracle worker. Even genuine Christians will have to be very careful that they do not fall for the delusions and mass-hysteria. Today’s hardcore atheists will be tomorrow’s front-row anti-Christ worshippers, but it will not only be atheists who are deceived.

This is where I get to the crux of today’s post. The second half of the anti-Christ’s tenure is when the hell-on-earth scenario unfolds, when the mark of the beast is mandated, God’s people (and anyone else who might opt not to take the mark) are hunted down and killed worldwide, etc. Genocide, global war, use of weapons of mass destruction, natural disasters, social strife, societal meltdown, etc will also come to the fore during the second half of this tenure.

And what will kick it off? Again, please correct me if I’m wrong as I don’t claim to be an end times expert, but my understanding of Bible prophecy- not so much my own understanding but as I understand it to be interpreted by most credible Bible scholars- is that it will be kicked off at the halfway point of the anti-Christ’s tenure, when he enters the rebuilt Jewish temple in Jerusalem, and declares himself to be God.

This is the ‘abomination of desolation’ which already has historical precedent in the Bible, but will culminate in a final such act of ultimate blasphemy by the anti-Christ himself.

I used to pay not much mind to this act of blasphemy, because my connection to God is through Christ, and not the temple. But after reading 1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles, seeing the pivotal God-ordained role of the temple in the pre-Christ era, it is now clearer why it will still be such an incredible act of blasphemy, and why it is referred to as the ‘abomination of desolation’.

As a final footnote, an awareness of these end-times events surrounding the temple and the 7-year tenure of the anti-Christ can also act as a good anchor to help prevent us from making ill-conceived, premature assumptions about the end times, eg. that the covid vax was the mark of the beast.

That’s all for today. God bless, and keep watching the signs. Of course, we are to ultimately anticipate the return of Christ, but it would be unwise to ignore Bible prophecy about things that happen before the return of Christ.

We are told many things about the signs in the lead-up to the return of Christ, so God clearly wants us to watch for the signs.

Until next time.
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