Beast Empire

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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Aug 16, 2021 2:27 am

Hi Everyone,

As outlined in this forum over the last year-and-a-half or so, something very strange has taken a firm grip over this world.

I have never denied that there is a (Corona) virus which kills people, and I have never been an anti-vaxxer (although, there is very good reason to be sceptical about these new covid vaccines, especially those of the MRNA variety, i.e. Pfizer and Moderna).

All of this aside, the massive global response to the virus has been bizarre, chilling, and disproportionate. The shutdowns, as already outlined, kill far more people than the virus itself.

Sweden is a prime example of a country that has never done a proper shutdown, instead relying more on practical restrictions and measures to limit the spread of the virus, WITHOUT putting its population under virtual house arrest, and associated death and misery brought about by the shutdowns.

For your information, Sweden has not fared particularly better, or particularly worse than its neighbouring countries, all of whom DID apply lockdowns. Thus, Sweden has clearly taken a much better, more rational path than virtually all other western nations, and even most nations on the planet. It has suffered similarly from the virus, but without the untold extra suffering of the lockdowns.

To get to my point, I have been grappling for answers to this whole situation since March, 2020. Why is it that much of the world has acted in a similarly irrational manner to the virus? Why have countries that are so different to each other acted in a similarly irrational way in response to the virus? This is a virus, it must be added, which has, at minimum, a survival rate of 99.7%. Furthermore, 80% of all infections across the globe either cause zero symptoms, or mild symptoms no worse than a mere cold. Furthermore again, the average age of death among the victims tends to match the average age of death at which people usually die anyway.

I recently had a conversation with a lady. She was not a Christian, and not what I would call a ‘conspiracy theorist’. But she was certainly an intelligent lady with whom I could have a decent conversation. She said something which has really stuck in my mind. I asked her what she thinks this whole covid/shutdown situation is all about. This was her response: ‘I don’t know what it’s all about, but I know that it’s NOT about concern for human life.’

Now, to get to the real point of this post today. I recently asked a good friend: ‘So, do you think this whole covid thing is about mass human hysteria, or is it all designed by globalist (New World Order) types of people?’

My friend answered: ‘Neither. I think it comes from a higher level, and is entirely spiritual’.

This friend of mine, for your information, is a devout Christian, and- I have to be honest- further advanced in his walk with the Lord than I currently am. And I believe that he may be onto something here. We are all very minor players on this earth, and it makes no difference if we are a humble person on the street, or even a world leader, or incredibly influential, wealthy type.

I may be wrong, as I am just a mere mortal grappling for answers in a world which currently makes little sense, but I am now firmly convinced that the irrational, over-the-top, international response to Covid-19 is spiritual, and the people of the world have now been under intense spiritual siege since the whole thing started, around March 2020.

The weird thing is that many people have been having a horrible time under these lockdowns and restrictions, but still fully support the government/media complex, and have total, religious-like trust in government-paid scientists, who are truly the high priests of our current day and age.

Here is a prime example: I mentioned just before the intelligent lady with whom I could have good conversations. She has a son, a restauranteur, who was forced to despair, totally despondent, because the government mandates had forced his business to the brink of bankruptcy. Yet, this man, in his depressed, almost beaten state, somehow retained full confidence in the government/mainstream media, and believed the extremist lockdowns were necessary. The psychology of this could warrant a book all of its own.

In a nutshell, I believe that Satan himself has been the driver of the whole thing. He has used a relatively mild virus (not mild if you die from it, I know, but nor is the flu) to hasten up construction of his totalitarian globalist empire in readiness for the arrival of the anti-Christ himself, who is yet to appear on the scene.

Just remember, God is all-powerful. While Satan is much more powerful than any human, he is equally powerless than us against the almighty. So, this intense spiritual war of the last 18 months (and still obviously going with no proper end in sight) could not have happened if God did not allow it, in His perfect wisdom. It’s hard to understand this- I’m really struggling myself- but we don’t need to understand it all. We just have to trust in God. He will bring His people through this, and use these challenging times for the good of His people. I, myself, have struggled greatly through this time, in the knowledge that I am locked out of my own country, and may never be allowed to return again.

There really is no end in sight to the shenanigans in the mentally deranged nation of Australia. In the last week, two large regional cities (Canberra and Darwin) have been placed under full lockdown, with only ONE initial case of corona in either city.

You, too, will no doubt be all too able to recall your own personal hardships brought on by this intense spiritual siege that we are all currently under. But God has changed me for the better in numerous ways through this, and I challenge you to look back and see what He has done for you during this time.

If you feel that not a lot of positives have come forth for you in the age of covid/shutdowns, then go to God in prayer, and ask Him to make it clearer for you. If it still isn’t clear, then ask Him something like this: God, there have been particularly hard times over the last year-and-a-half or so. Could you please somehow bless me through this? Could all of this negativity somehow become a positive in my walk with you, Lord?’

This is just a suggestion. In the meantime, here is a good video of under five minutes. It is not necessarily touching directly on the theme of covid and the shutdowns, but I still believe it is applicable to the theme of this post.

It is titled, ‘The big lie: God to send a strong delusion to the world,’ (by John MacArthur). I strongly recommend you watch it:
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Aug 17, 2021 1:40 pm

Hello Again,

I'm going to keep this post very, very short, with no links, just an update about how bad human mass hysteria can become once it is truly unleashed.

For a touch of context, New Zealand is a nation which is very, very similar to Australia in many ways, and is like an unofficial state of Australia.

Since the whole covid thing started, Australia has been rivalled by only New Zealand for the deranged, way over-the-top nature of its response to the virus.

Anyway, yesterday the government of New Zealand put the entire nation under the most extreme level of lockdown (minimum 3-7 days at this stage) due to... one case. Yes, approximately 5 million people placed under virtual house arrest for up to a week, at minimum, because one person tested positive for the virus.

No further comment.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Aug 24, 2021 12:28 pm

Hello Everyone,

I wish to refer you to a video which is just under seven minutes long. It is titled, ‘Australia painted as a dystopian nightmare’ as footage goes viral’.

There are two general reasons why I have been posting a lot about Australia here recently. Firstly, I am an Australian expatriate who has been locked out of the country (along with many tens of thousands of others, at the very least).

Further to this, unless someone is a politician, celebrity, or otherwise somehow rich, they are locked out on an indefinite basis, and have to consider the possibility that we might never be allowed to return home ever again. And even then, it is already clear that someone will have no choice but to take one of the experimental vaccines, if they wish to get into the country.

Even that seems like a pipedream at the moment, because- vaccinated or not- we are locked out indefinitely.
These are my personal battles at the moment, but, of course, anyone reading this will also have their own personal battles going on, which might even be much worse than mine.

The other reason I’m talking about Australia so much with you is because it is a cautionary tale of a godless country that has given in to paranoia, hysteria, and broad irrationality. It is a perfect example of what can happen to a nation when it abandons the stone-cold truths offered by a 100% rational, logical God.

While the whole world has gone insane, Australia (and New Zealand) are the head of the pack. Both nations, up until only 18 months ago, were regarded as relaxed, free, democratic, multicultural nations that were open to the world.

Since May 2020 they have both, virtually overnight, become authoritarian police states. They have aggressively clamped down on freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to dissent, freedom to move, freedom to choose, and freedom in general: all under the guise of a public health crisis. Thuggish, immoral, sociopathic behaviour from police has become common place in order to enforce the mandates of government.

Australia and New Zealand have also become nations of dobbers, with police publicly encouraging the public to dob in anyone who may be violating the government public health orders. The public has more than obliged, with tens of thousands, probably now in the hundreds of thousands of people having already contacted police to dob in their neighbours, random people on the street or in the park, etc.

Yes, the virus is obviously real, but no, it is not near as lethal or dangerous as the government/media have made it out to be. If we want to put this into apocalyptic terms, Australia and New Zealand are an indicator of how fast whole societies can change, and how quickly the anti-Christ would be able to appear on the scene, and become an almost universally adored global dictator in very quick time.

To visualize what I am telling you about Australia, I encourage you to watch the video link which I mentioned at the start of this post.

Covered in this little video are the following:

- The case of a group of teenagers who met for a private party in an isolated area near Sydney, who were ultimately found by police, arrested, handcuffed, and fined $1000 each for being outside.

- A construction worker sent home from a building site for not having his paperwork in order, including vaccination records, facing the prospect of a large fine for his ‘crime’.

- The case of how a group of rescue dogs were shot dead by authorities to prevent people from coming to take ownership of the dogs. This was supposedly done to stop the spread of the virus.

- A small church service in suburban Sydney, which somebody tipped off police about, leading to the forced cessation of the service (and subsequent fines for each of the attendees, it turned out).

- The profoundly evil leader of the state of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, publicly lambasting a bunch of citizens who went to a secluded beach to watch a sunset.

- A nationwide manhunt (no exaggeration) for a single guy who skipped quarantine. For your info, media headlines across Australia have referred to him as ‘Public Enemy Number One’, slammed him for sneezing in an empty elevator without covering his mouth (CCTV footage), and his photo has been plastered all over the news, as if he is the most infamous fugitive of all time.

- Extreme police violence against protestors, the type of violence that, if witnesses in Iran, would arouse world condemnation against the Iranian government.

The passivity of the Australian population at large is noted. Thus, a police state has arisen virtually overnight. A segment by Tucker Carlson of Fox News, for your information, is featured in this video. Link to the video is below:
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Aug 26, 2021 6:47 am

Hi Friends,

I have run out of words to describe the situation in Australia (and New Zealand): Hysterical, insane, mentally sick, paranoid, witch trial delusion, etc. Sorry, I’m all out. So forgive me if it gets repetitive.

As pointed out previously, more than once I believe, these posts of mine are not only so I can vent, but also to serve as a cautionary tale to anyone, across the globe, NOT to put faith in human government.

Yes, a certain level of co-operation and even respect is called for, but this has to be balanced out with strong scepticism of human government, even contempt when necessary (i.e. contempt for the evil things human government does).

The topic of this post is the regional town of Shepparton, in the state of Victoria, Australia. This is in south-east Australia. It is currently being ravaged… not so much by corona, but by the mentally deranged governmental response to covid.

As someone following the situation closely in Australia from afar, I have read numerous reports of teams (of ‘specialists’) traipsing through sewers, in search of traces of Covid-19 in wastewater.

Typically, when the slightest alleged trace of the virus has been found in a town’s sewerage, the town has immediately gone into full lockdown, etc. On at least one occasion, but I believe more, towns in Victoria, and probably across broader Australia, too, have gone into lockdown on this basis, only for the eventual revelation to come out, usualy after many days of lockdown, that it was actually a ‘fake positive’ identified in the sewerage, i.e. a false alarm.

Such team of sewerage traipsers have been investigating Shepparton’s sewerage, and I believe that it was one of these ‘sewerage detections’ that led the state government to do mass testing in Shepparton, which has now uncovered 100 or so ‘cases’ of corona.

I may have missed something, but I have not heard of one of these cases being serious, let alone someone passing away due to Covid in Shepparton. But I don’t believe I have missed anything in this case, because the government/media would love nothing more for someone to die of corona in Shepparton: the younger, the better. If this were to happen, it would surely be splashed across media nationwide, to allow politicians and media to cry their crocodile tears of glee.

Anyway, what is the current situation in Shepparton? I will post an article for you, but if you don’t wish to click on the article, I will summarise for you, in dotpoint form, the current situation in Shepparton, due to the lockdown:

- Over 20,000 of the 70,000 people who live in that area are under two-week strict quarantine, not to leave their own homes under any circumstances. Yes, one-third of the entire city are under strict house arrest.

- Food supplies are literally running out. Some people stuck in their homes already for several days have complained that they are going hungry, and don’t have anyone to bring food to them. (Bear in mind, amidst the sick, insane panic, people are being confined to their homes with extreme haste, and barely a second to think about what they have just gotten themselves into)

- As a result of the mass, citywide house arrest, many supermarkets and food stores are either closing totally for the foreseeable future, or opening with limited hours. The supply of food has quickly become seriously low.

- Other supplies, particularly those related to babies, are also dangerously low.

- With so many workers under house arrest (a more honest term for the phrase ‘home quarantine), the situation will get worse before it will hopefully get better. The Victorian government and others are apparently now mobilising to assist the community but, even if this is so, in my opinion this is only to mask the total, evil governmental incompetence that led to the crisis in the first place.

As I believe I may have pointed out in an earlier post, the Victorian government is wildly popular amongst the people in that state, and is a virtual certainty to win the next election, which I believe is next year.

This highlights my point. We all ultimately put our trust somewhere. Those of us in this online community put it in Jesus the son of God. And if someone reading this hasn’t yet put your total trust in Jesus, I would encourage you to do so.

On the other hand, a great many people- probably most on earth- put their trust, and ultimately their love in the government, in mainstream media, and in government-paid scientists. For such people, human government is God, mainstream media is their holy text, and government-paid scientists are their high priests.

Tragically, such people will be putty in the hands of the anti-Christ, whenever the anti-Christ arrives on the scene. They will love him, literally worship him, they will proudly take the mark of the beast, and they will positively HATE anyone who does not worship the anti-Christ, or take his mark.

Link to the article about Shepparton is below: ... ba82c20246
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Sep 03, 2021 5:38 am

Hi All,

Usually when I post an article or video in this forum, I accompany it with a written description, in case some of you may not have the time/inclination to check out the link.

Today there will not be much of a written description. It’s a link to a 30-minute video from ‘Gabe the street preacher’ (a Youtuber), titled, ‘Something unusual is going on as we enter the great tribulation’. I very strongly encourage you to watch/listen to it. If you don’t have the time to sit and listen, leave it on as you do something else.

In very dry, methodical fashion, he lays out how the ground is being prepared for the anti-Christ, and international beast system. He gives very practical advice about the choices we are already being forced to make, and the consequences of our choices.

He warns about being compliant with everything that is pushed against us by this world system, and makes it clear that, the more we comply, the closer we get to total compliance. The end result of this would be that, if the anti-Christ would happen to appear in our lifetimes, we will probably continue to be compliant all the way to (taking) the mark of the beast.

This would mean that we would have been totally conditioned by the world, with our own compliance, into taking the mark of the beast, and being eternally separated from God.

To be sure, the Covid vaccines, while a highly experimental health hazard in their own right, are almost certainly not the mark of the beast. But if we take a vaccine, even if it is to save our job, be able to enter a supermarket, or visit somewhere, we have already taken a step of compliance towards the endgame of the satanic New World Order.

I, myself, have not yet taken one. I know of Christians, some of them better people than me, who have already taken a vaccine, and I don’t doubt that they are genuine Christians. So, immediate panic is not necessary, but vigilance- and deep reflection- certainly are.

Furthermore, if the chance would one day arise for me to be allowed back into my country of origin, it will be a non-negotiable pre-requisite that I will have to be vaccinated. Thus, I may reluctantly take a vaccine myself one day, but I will choose the one which I think is the least experimental, and based on more traditional vaccine technology. But even then, the government of my country may not ‘recognize’ that particular vaccine, and it wouldn’t help me get back to visit my family. I desperately want to see my home and family again, but if I take the vaccine to do so, it is a further step of compliance (to the globalist world system) on my own part.

For me, the line in the sand is something like a tattoo or microchip, as such a thing would be starting to get uncomfortably close to whatever form the mark of the beast may ultimately take.

I would also encourage you to draw your own line in the sand. Maybe you have already done so with the vaccines. Or, like me, maybe you would entertain the possibility of getting a vaccine, but draw the line at something else.

The most important thing, however, is that we DO draw a line in the sand somewhere. Because, as hinted at very strongly in this video, if we don’t have a line in the sand, and we continue to be compliant, then we will continue to be compliant all the way to taking the mark of the beast.

I am sure that many of us are having to wrestle with such issues, and, with this in mind, I again urge you to check out the video link I am about to post. The guy will also give you tips for the hard times ahead, and how you can do practical things to prepare yourself, including weening ourselves off the globalist system, and becoming more independent.

Link below:
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Sep 10, 2021 9:15 am

Hi Everyone,

I wish to speak with you about scientism, which- in short- is the thoroughly corrupted version of ‘science’ which most people put their faith in, especially those who say that they are into ‘science’.

God, of course, is the original source of science. I am no linguistic expert, but believe that the word itself (science) is closely linked to the concept of ‘knowledge’.

Scientism, which is far more popular across the world than actual science, is the perverted, corrupted form of science that is sponsored by governments, simultaneously pushed by government-paid scientists and mainstream media, to pursue a political agenda.

One of the YouTube preachers I listen to says that we should never accept the idea that science ‘says’ something. ‘Science never says anything,’ the preacher reminds us. ‘SCIENTISTS do’.

Of course, science has given us many, many advancements in technology, medicine, knowledge of the world around us, etc, but it (science) has also been (mis)used as the platform to push illogical ideologies, such as ‘The theory of evolution’. Thus, ‘science’ has given us life-saving things like anti-biotics, and also things like the space program, while scientism has given us the whimsical notion that we essentially popped out of thin air, and slowly went from apes to human.

I encourage you to diligently separate science from scientism, lest you be deceived by the world. While the whole Covid-19/shutdown thing of the last 18 months has given rise to many people who say the shutdowns and restriction are ‘all about the science’, I dare say that it is actually ‘scientism’ that has been the basis of the broader governmental response to the virus.

One more thing: Be very wary about holding up scientists as the great, noble people they are portrayed to be in the media. They are essentially no different to you, I, or anyone else. It would only be a small minority of scientists who are true geniuses; the rest would be just as prone to groupthink, backstabbing, corruption, biases, less-than-noble agendas, and sin, than the rest of us.

Moreover, many (dissenting) scientists who have spoken out against the lockdowns and other examples of government overreach over the last 18 months have been censored, side-lined, cancelled, smeared, sacked, etc, for daring to speak out against the government-media complex. I am confident that these scientists- those bold enough to speak out against the medical tyranny- would generally be the best, boldest, brightest, most freethinking people from the scientific community.

This is why they had to be destroyed.

If you don’t just want to take my word for it (perfectly understandable, as being generally sceptical is better than being generally gullible), then I refer you to a recent article from Christian news source, ‘The Trumpet’.

It is titled, ‘Should you trust science?’ The caption under the title says, ‘Evidence indicates up to half of medical literature may be fraudulent’. The article is well-researched, and has numerous links for you to click on, and verify the info within.

I don’t wish to provide you a lengthy summary, but this is the general breakdown:

- A growing number of high-profile scientists within the scientific community (the start of the article is referring to British sources, before expanding to other countries including China and the western countries in general) are effectively turning into whistle-blowers against what they see as widespread corruption in the scientific community. Estimates of how much scientific/medical literature which may be totally made-up range from 20-50%.

- There is photographic evidence of at least one deliberate lie which was presented in a study sponsored by the British National Health Service in 2019. This, unfortunately, is part of an increasingly common trend within the scientific community at large.

- An increasing abundance of medical/scientific papers are being exposed as completely fake, and full of invented material. A largescale scam which came out of China (with relation to fake scientific studies) is outlined in the article. Many of the fraudulent papers which came out of this scam were published in western medical journals, with suspicions that at least some of these western sources may have been in on the scam themselves.

- Reference is made to a study of psychology journals which also indicated that up to half of them were at least partially fraudulent, and 10-15% almost completely so.

- A separate, but similar study was done into 250 psychology papers, which deemed that over 20% were highly dubious.

- There is then reference to a survey of scientists themselves, in which one-third of them admit that they are sometimes guilty of fraudulent practice. When opening up about their colleagues (of course, it’s human nature to be more honest about the failings of others, as opposed to our own failings), between 50-90% of the surveyed scientists believed that their colleagues were sometimes guilty of professional fraud within their work.

- The end of the article focusses on the dangerously high number of people in the public that have a religious-like faith in the scientific community.

That’s the end of my summary. I’m probably preaching to the converted with anyone reading this, but I will still offer you a concise conclusion. Keep steadfast faith in The Lord- the original author of science- and be diligent as you sort ‘science’ from ‘scientism’.

Our society treats government-paid scientists as nothing less than the high priests of our day. Don’t fall for it. Most scientists are corrupted, flawed, unremarkable individuals (just like the rest of us).

God bless you, and I hope you’re keeping strong through these tricky times.

Link to the article is below: ... st-science
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Sep 12, 2021 4:48 am

Hello All,

I wanted to post something for you, but have no free time today, so will not include a summary.

Anyone who has recently followed this forum will have noticed that we have been talking about possible links between pressure to take a Covid-19 vaccine, and the future Mark of the Beast which will be mandated by the anti-Christ (likely halfway through his seven-year tenure).

My main points have been:

A) The vaccines for Coronavirus are almost certainly NOT the Mark of the Beast. Our salvation will at this point not be threatened by taking the vaccine, although our physical health could be threatened by these experimental vaccines (yes, our health could also be threatened by the virus, that’s why I believe that everyone should have the right to choose for themselves, without fear of punishment from the government).

B) There is undoubtedly something very sinister about the overall globalist, governmental response to Coronavirus. The pressure to take the vaccine is also very chilling, especially when 80% of people have only very, very minor symptoms from the virus, if any at all. Furthermore, the virus poses virtually no serious risk at all to healthy children.

Also, the overall, international survival rate from the virus is about 99.7%. In a nutshell, I believe that pressure to take a vaccine (which for most of us is a totally unnecessary course of action, and possibly a bigger risk to our physical health than the virus itself) could well be part of a broader push to condition the world’s population to take a microchip or something similar down the track, which may be the Mark of the Beast itself. The anti-Christ may still be 100 years off, but he also might be only one year off.

I wish to post a new article for you on exactly this topic. It is from Christian news source, ‘The Trumpet’. The title is, ‘Where are vaccine passports leading?’ The caption under the title is, ‘Could Covid-19 usher in a brave new world of governmental control?’

Link is below: ... ts-leading
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Oct 02, 2021 12:30 pm

Hello Everyone,

As pointed out time and time again in this forum, and anywhere else where the government-media complex is not regarded with a religious-like adoration, there is a lot about the international governmental response to Covid-19 which makes absolutely no sense at all.

There is abundant evidence that official infection numbers, and death tolls, have been deliberately, systematically exaggerated in order to maintain maximal fear, irrationality, and paranoia across society.

I now draw your attention to another exhibit, this time from Christian news outlet ‘The Trumpet’. The title is: Other Causes for 80 Percent of ‘COVID Deaths,’ German Expert Claims: Have lockdowns, vaccine rollouts, vaccine mandates and vaccine passports been based on fraudulent data?

The article is a short one, but makes reference to a report from mainstream media outlet ‘Die Welt’. Quoted in that article is a German medical scientist who all but accuses the Robert Koch Institute, the German equivalent of the CDC in the USA, of releasing fraudulent (Covid-19) figures on a daily, systematic basis.

This scientist based his claim on basic mathematics, which you can read for yourself if you click on the article.

For what it’s worth, his claim is very easy to believe. ANYTHING that comes under the control of human authorities is corrupt at its core, including medical/scientific agencies.

While God calls on us to have a certain amount of respect for human authorities, He also calls on us to wage spiritual battle against them (Ephesians 6:12 touches on this, unless I have completely mistaken the meaning of this verse).

Overall, my point is this: Blind trust in human authority could leave us unprepared for the arrival of the anti-Christ, whenever that may be (the risk here would be that, if unprepared, we could embrace short-term comfort which would ultimately result in eternal damnation). On the contrary, a very healthy scepticism against human authority should leave us well-prepared in a spiritual sense, and ready to reject the Mark of the Beast (short-term pain but eternal paradise).

Link to the article is below: ... ert-claims
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Oct 09, 2021 8:22 am

Hi Everyone,

More commentary on the once democratic, now authoritarian nation of Australia. Why do I talk about this? From a selfish point of view, to vent at the disgraceful, unhumanitarian direction now taken by Australia.

But there is also much to learn from its downfall. While I tend to disregard conspiracy theories (unless there is solid evidence to back them up, which is sometimes the case), some have speculated that Australia’s demise is a test-case, and that globalists wish to roll out the Australian model across the western world, and beyond.

I don’t know about this (I’ve seen no hard evidence of this) and probably opt more towards the idea that a mass hysteria, akin to the witch trials of previous centuries, has taken Australia in its grip.

Basic decency, common sense and rational thought were swiftly flushed down the toilet across all of Australia in March, 2020, when the whole era of corona/shutdowns began. In their place, groupthink, paranoia and self-righteousness have come to dominate the Australian psyche.

An associate of mine in Australia recently expressed concern that China will invade Taiwan, and Australia would eventually also be absorbed by China. I personally think that both scenarios will inevitably play out, probably within 20 years (give or take), but I and another person currently outside of Australia tried to calm our associate by asking this person if they think they would really be worse off if China indeed took over Australia.

This is not hyperbole. Think about this: In the state of Victoria, which is the worst of all the Australian states and territories (although, none of the others are far behind), the capital city is Melbourne. Melbourne has recently broken the world record for being the most locked-down city in the world (overtaking Buenos Aires). Since March 2020, Melbourne has had six lockdowns, for an accumulated total (so far) of nine months under hard lockdown. Rural Victoria has been marginally better off than the capital.

Melbourne is still under hard lockdown, with no end in sight (and currently wracking up about 2,000 new cases of corona per day). Citizens are generally under house arrest, and can only leave home for an hour or two per day, within 5km or so from their home, for one of 4 or 5 specific reasons.

Drones fly across the skies and photograph license plates, etc. If you are found to be further away from home than allowed, expect a massive fine.

The decent people in the police forces are generally leaving (if they haven’t already), and those left in the job are generally violent, sociopathic elements that love to abuse their power. I have proof of many, many acts of police violence (often unprovoked), abuse of power, etc, which goes unpunished.

Moreover, police are now firing rubber bullets at unarmed protestors. Rubber bullets can, and have killed people across the world. Also, it is only logical that the next step would be live ammunition. If Russia or China would do this against protestors, they would be criticised.

But because it is ‘democratic’ Australia; no problem. All good. The police in Victoria are essentially starting to resemble violent anarchist/militant groups like antifa. It’s chilling to say the least. The police forces in other states are little better.

They can also enter premises and arrest people without warrants, for ‘offences’ such as expressing support for anti-government protests on social media.

While the federal government of Australia has promised not to mandate vaccines, this has turned out to be a predictable, bald-faced lie.

Whole industries and groups of people have been given blanket, sudden ultimatums, i.e. you have two weeks to take your first dose, or will be fired. An ex-colleague of mine has already lost her job because she was not willing to submit, and a family member will have to decide whether he will take one of the vaccines, or lose his job within a week or so, as of the time I am writing this post.

Anyone who advocates freedom to choose if you want the vaccine or not, is roundly bullied, attacked, cancelled, abused, etc, from every angle (led by mainstream press, and social media types).

There has also been very, very little church and fellowship since March 2020: across Australia but particularly in Victoria. As I write, services are not allowed, and if they are to start up again any time soon (or at all?), there is talk of mandatory vaccines for all attendees.

With all of this in mind, while China may be further along the (authoritarian) line, Australia is certainly headed in that direction, and at a rate of knots. In fact, I believe that the evidence strongly indicates that Australia has China in sight, and could soon well and truly catch up.

Think of a middle/long distance race. There is a runner that has been a long way behind the person in front of them. But within a short amount of time, the person who was lagging has (for whatever reason) had an incredible spurt, and now has the person in front of them in their sights. The thought of catching up to them earlier in the race was a pipedream, but now, within a short amount of time, it is a very realistic prospect indeed.

In short, I told my concerned associate in Australia not to worry about the prospect of a Chinese takeover. Firstly, I don’t believe that China is really keen on the idea of a massive war, at least at this point in time. Secondly, Australia has become so draconian that I do not believe that it would become any less free than it already has become of its own volition, should China one day take it over.

Enough talk from me now. I wish to refer you to a relevant new article from Christian news outlet ‘The Trumpet’. The title of the article is, ‘Is Australia freer than China?’ The caption under the title reads, ‘Video footage of Australian police beating, choking and body-slamming ordinary citizens for violating lockdown decrees looks like something you would expect from a Communist dictatorship.’

If you would like more info on what I have talked about in this post, I suggest that you click on the article and have a read. Link below: ... than-china
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Nov 14, 2021 6:59 am

Hi Everyone,

This could be a lengthy post. Let’s see. The overall theme will be the hatred which the world has for truth.

Before we get started, a couple of Bible verses:

John 14:6- Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’

Luke 4: 5-6- Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, "All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.

Matthew 10:22- You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. (Jesus to His 12 disciples, but still clearly relevant today)

I have referred to these 3 verses to point out some basic facts: a) Jesus, Himself, is the perfect epitome of truth; b) Satan is the current ruler of this world and wants to lure/force us over to his side, as with his futile attempt to do so with Jesus, and; c) If we do not leave the side of Jesus- the truth- we will be hated by the world.

With this in mind, I point out to you again that never have I (and many other people, for that matter) seen the truth inverted in such a broad, open manner, than since the outbreak of Covid-19 and associated government/media actions.

Before I get into this, some quick disclaimers; the vaccines are currently not the mark of the beast, and genuine Christians have taken them (although, I believe that pressure to take these vaccines may be a warm-up scenario for a future rollout of the mark, should the ant-Christ arrive on the scene soon).

Also, we all are fallen, and have dishonesty within us. However, the Christian, or potential Christian (for lack of a better term) will not embrace this dishonesty. They will try to fight against it, both within themselves, and within the world.

I now wish to discuss Germany- the most important country within the EU- as a current, prime example of where the truth does not even get close to being an important factor.

So-called corona infections in Germany are currently skyrocketing. They are way higher than this time last year. Why doesn’t this make sense? Because, one year ago, no-one was vaccinated. Now, at least 68% are fully vaccinated, and authorities admit that the real figure could be 5% higher. Does this make sense to you? It shouldn’t, because it doesn’t make sense at all.

Sure, the government-paid scientists, et all, will try to explain it away by blaming the unvaccinated, but this is easy to debunk. With approx. 70% of all people fully vaccinated, there shouldn’t be near the ‘pool’ of available people to infect, nor of people to spread the virus. Yet the numbers are way higher than last year, when no-one was vaccinated.

Occasionally, a high-profile figure admits that, along with unvaccinated people in hospital, there are also scores of vaccinated people being hospitalized with the virus. The narrative of a ‘Pandemic of the unvaccinated’ is easy to debunk, regardless of how many corrupt, government-paid scientists may push this untrue narrative at the behest of the establishment.

The mainstream media coverage in Germany at current is almost solely focused on the ‘explosion’ of corona numbers, and the general coverage is akin to hyperventilating fear-pornography. Of course, bullying, shaming and abuse against the unvaccinated is a common thread of mainstream media coverage in Germany.

On government homepages across the world, where it is generally tucked away so it is hard to find- and almost completely unreported by corporate media- there are running tallies of people who either died because of the vaccines, or very shortly after they took one. Keep in mind, these are not ‘conspiracy theory’ sources, these are tallies kept by government departments themselves.

Last I checked, according to the official figures, upwards of 10,000 people in the USA have been killed by the corona vaccines. The number in the EU is upwards of 20,000, the number in Australia between 500-1,000. These deaths are very, very rarely covered in mainstream media, but I personally have done a lot of research and come across volumes of evidence that these vaccines are killing scores of people. I have also seen videos of inconsolable individuals who had just lost a (previously healthy) loved one because of a corona vaccine.

To be sure, the vaccines kill way under 1% of people who take them, but this is no consolation to the loved ones left behind. And I hope that there will be no largescale, serious long-term effects. One study I recently heard suggested that the Covid-19 vaccines kill 800 times more people than any other standard vaccines administered for reasons other than corona.

In a nutshell, the vaccines would have killed a lot of people who would not have been killed if they had contracted corona. In Germany, very recently, for example, a 12-year-old boy from Hamburg was killed by a Covid-19 vaccine. This was even all-but admitted in mainstream media, and given a bit of coverage for a day or two, before the story disappeared.

Remember, government/media does not care about you or I, and is generally hostile towards children. Each parent can decide what they think is best for their children, but the fact is that the virus is simply not very dangerous for kids at all. The vast majority of kids who get the virus have virtually no symptoms at all.

The vaccine for kids, however, is a gamble. The vaccine will also probably not kill a kid, but is more dangerous for them than the virus itself. These are basic facts. Thus, my personal conclusion is that the push to vaccinate kids (from government/media/government-paid scientists) is evil and sinister, and certainly NOT based on good intentions.

I believe that this conclusion is very sound. After all, do you somehow believe that the same people who launch wars across the globe (and enable abortion) really care about kids?

Lastly, another disclaimer; most of my family have already taken the vaccination (under threat of job loss, etc) and I don’t count it against them. In fact, I would be surprised if, in a year from now, I hadn’t been vaccinated (under threat of job loss, etc) myself. So, not criticising anyone here. But my own child remains a no-go zone for me right now. My child simply does NOT need this vaccine. I have never been anti-vax, but support a person’s right to choose (without punishment from the government) if they want to take one.

My own intention is to wait until a less dodgy vaccine comes on the market. I believe that the MRNAs are dodgy, but some more traditional, inactivated vaccines should be coming on the market soon. Maybe you will have luck, and nothing bad happens if you take an MRNA. But if you have already taken one and are a little concerned, pray to God that He would not allow it to badly impact your health.

As for myself, I am feeling under more and more pressure. The media bullying against the unvaxxed does not bother me so much, but the government is tightening the noose around the necks of the unvaxxed. In Austria, a nationwide lockdown of the unvaccinated is set to commence, and this model will probably be further rolled out across Europe.

Life is being made more and more difficult for the unvaxxed, to the point that they will soon not be allowed to work, or even go to a supermarket without a vaccine passport (such evil mandates have already been rolled out in places such as Australia. I know people, for example, who were told to get an injection by a certain date, or else they will be immediately fired).

In short, if none of this unnerves you, I fear that you are currently not familiar enough with Bible prophecy, particularly end times prophecy. This is all pointing to the arrival of the anti-Christ, and his mark of the beat mandate, which will apparently be rolled out about halfway through his 7-year tenure.

Personally, I always thought that the anti-Christ would not arrive in my lifetime. Now, I don’t know. As I may have written in a previous post, he still might be 100 years off, but conversely, he may only be one year off. For me, it’s a flip of a coin, though I suspect that the real answer would be somewhere in between.

We are not yet at the really pointy end of the end times, and the mark has almost certainly not yet been administered, and will possibly take the form of a barcode or tattoo on the forearm, or forehead, when it is finally mandated. But I encourage you to read up on more prophecy, get closer to God, and make pre-preparations for the day when you are no longer allowed to earn money or enter a supermarket if you decide not to conform to this evil world.

That time is coming, and may not be very far off. If you’re feeling concerned, like I am myself, then I leave you with this verse:

Philippians 4: 6-7- Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

There was a fascinating article that I was hoping to share with you today, but I’ll now leave that for another day.

God bless you, and keep your focus on Him.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Nov 17, 2021 4:45 am

Hi All,

I wish to share with you some new thoughts on the world of Covid-19 and shutdowns. I will largely try to keep my own opinions out of it, and give you only facts.

Firstly, yesterday I saw a video of Alex Jones, from 2018 (!), in which he predicted that the globalist, New World Order types were planning to release a virus as a bio-weapon, use it as justification to enforce global martial law (‘Lockdown’ is the nice word for martial law), use the virus as justification to crack down on freedoom of speech, pressure the world to take vaccines, etc. Yes, this was his prediction back in 2018. Make of it what you will.

From Germany, where the government/media/population is currently mass-hyperventilating over the ‘exploding’ infection numbers, there was recently a late-night (little known) talk show, in which the host said he was going to play a clip from the boss of the main government health agency, who was doing his daily corona-focussed press conference.

The clip was played, and the official made a highly alarmist, long, panic-filled statement about the current state of play regarding corona. The clip ended, and the host of the show then announced, ‘Guess what, you thought that was from yesterday, but it was actually from a whole year ago.’

The host then played a clip of the same guy doing his daily statement, which really was from the day before this time, and it was virtually exactly the same message as expressed in the clip from a year ago.

It has dawned on me that the globalists do not want this to end. Was the whole thing pre-planned from the start? I will leave that up to you to decide for yourself.

Those generally pushing the vaccines hardest (eg. Bill Gates) tend to be the same people who say that the world is over-populated, and they want to see the population of the world dramatically reduced (they think of themselves as gods, with the right to decide over life and death of fellow humans).

While the vaccines have killed tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands across the world already, this is still way under 1% of those who have taken them (at this point). This would be too minimal and too slow for those who want to see the population of the world dramatically reduced.

I cant confirm or deny this, as I haven’t looked into it thoroughly enough, but there are some (independent-minded) people who believe that the lust to ‘vaccinate’ everyone in the entire world may be part of an agenda to reduce the world’s population in a slow-burn fashion, eg. through sterilization, reducing the strength of people’s immune systems, etc, which the (particularly MRNA) covid-19 vaccines have been said to do.

If this would really be the agenda, a key to this agenda would be to pressure and blackmail everyone into regularly taking ‘booster shots’ into the future. Already, I have read that numerous countries across the world are planning to regard ‘vaccination status’ as officially expired within half a year. Put simply, if anyone initially took the vaccine in order to prevent getting sacked from their job, they will have to take a ‘booster’ six months later to (again) avoid being sacked.

The vaccines are also largely ineffective. Want proof? I present to you Gibraltar as a microcosm. Gibraltar is a British-governed overseas territory, population about 35,000. It has a 100% vaccinaation rate of people eligible to take the injection (!) Yes, 100%. Guest workers/visitors have also been thoroughly ‘vaccinated’.

Despite this, cases there are dramatically increasing, there are already moves to cancel Christmas events, and move back toward lockdown. In response, the ‘booster’ is being rolled out en masse across Gibraltar, to people as young as 5. Moreover, infection numbers are also dramatically increasing in other countries that have vacccination rates not far under 100%.

As I have stated in earlier posts, the vaccines are almost certainly NOT the mark of the beast itself, but they are undoubtedly very, very, eerily similar to what the Bible warned us that the dreaded mark will be ultimately like. I believe that it could well be a warm-up, or test-run for the rollout of the mark. That aside, the anti-Christ is still not apparently on the scene, so I don’t know how near or far into the future it will be, when the anti-Christ takes power and mandates the mark.

That is all for today. A little article about the Gibraltar situation is below. Keep your faith in God, let Him guide you through these hard times, and you have His guarantee that you will ultimately be on the side that wins.

Link below: ... -19-spike/
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Nov 20, 2021 8:04 am

Hi All,

This will be short. There has obviously been a lot of talk about vaccines lately, including in this forum. And, in case there is any doubt, I'd just like to clarify my base concerns about these Covid-19 vaccines.

I've never been an anti-vaxxer before covid. The topic never interested me. Furthermore, my child had taken all required vaccines before covid, no fuss.

But there is clearly something different about this new era of covid, shutdowns (martial law) and related vaccines. The age of covid vaccines, compared with vaccines before corona, are two completely different things.

Austria has very recently become the 1st western country to mandate covid vaccines for EVERYONE above a certain age, with large fines or imprisonment the likely punishment for dissenters.

The covid vaccines are almost certainly not the Mark of the Beast at this point, but we are galloping towards a Mark of the Beast kind of scenario. The technology, precedent, conditioning, brainwashing, etc, are all being feverishly put into place, developed ,etc, ahead of the arrival of the anti-Christ.

I recently watched a YouTube preacher who spoke on this. He said, 'Yeah, the vaccines are not yet the Mark of the Beast. But if you can't resist a vaccine, how are you going to resist the mark?'

I can't tell you what to do. We have to consult God, and ask Him to lead us on this. Taking the vaccine at this point has no bearing on a person's salvation. But it could well be conditioning us to take the mark in the future, which would mean we are ultimately lost to God forever.

On a lighthearted note, I have posted a link to a 2-minute video below. It touches, in a humourous way, on the mass coercion re: the vax. Link below:
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