Beast Empire

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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:51 am

Hi Friends,

Here are a couple of articles you may be interested in. The first comes from Britain and deals with micro-chipping, which may possibly tie in with the Mark of the Beast outlined in Revelations. In short, there are more and more examples of people (already) being micro-chipped. Some in Britain, a nation that is well and truly under globalist control, are sounding the alarm on how people might be forced to be micro-chipped. Link to an article is below: ... microchips

The other article deals with a Pakistani Christian woman who was on death row for the crime of blasphemy. Her specific 'crime' was to drink from a cup which two Muslim women had already drunk from. She was mercifully given a reprieve, thanks be to God, but she and her family are under ongoing threat from violent-minded people. Globalist Britain has already rejected her appeal for refuge, part of an ongoing pattern in the west regarding Christians seeking refuge, but there is still hope that Italy will take her and her family in. Link to an article is below: ... errorists/

All the best. God bless.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Nov 26, 2018 2:59 am

Hi All,

Bible prophecy of the end times, particularly Revelations, seems to speak of a revived Roman Empire, which many Bible scholars agree must be speaking about Europe. I'm well aware there are different takes on Bible prophecy, and no-one can know everything except God. I personally believe Bible prophecy indicates that Europe will be the headquarters of the global beast empire, that it has not been realized yet, but that the EU has been a very significant step along the way.

Furthermore, The Word also seems to speak of a charismatic figure who will reign over the empire for a short time, who we may otherwise know as the 'Anti-Christ'. Some people don't believe that a single person will reign over the beast empire, but I believe that the Bible is very explicit in saying that there will be a single leader over all of this.

Would Macron of France like to be this emperor? Undoubtedly. The guy has used occult imagery at some of his events, and even once compared himself to a Roman emperor. I personally view him as just another vacuous, empty suit and, anyway, his poll ratings are really low. I believe the 'Anti-Christ' is not on the scene yet, and when he arrives, he will be almost universally loved, and Christians will have to be very careful not to get caught up in it. For this reason, it is critical that we are extremely sceptical of whatever we're told by the mainstream media, and to recognise that it is not our friend.

Would Merkel of Germany like to be the empress of the empire? Absolutely. But pretty much everything I said of Macron (except the 'empty suit' part; insert 'empty skirt' if you'd like). Politicians like this have helped facilitate the rise of Europe, which is still rather toothless and divided and has not yet recognised its power, but my honest opinion is that politicians like this are no-where near as appealing or popular as they'd like to be, and neither will be the significant end times leader of Europe and, essentially, much of the world.

However, both of these leaders are still trying to build and consolidate the European empire. Both have recently called for a single European army to replace national armies across the continent, and have also made various other globalist statements which have clearly revealed their globalist, New World Order tendencies. For more on this, try the article below. The title is, 'Merkel: EU states must prepare to hand over national sovereignty to Brussels.' Link below: ... -brussels/
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:12 am

Hi All,

You've probably heard about the significant 'yellow vest' protests in France against the Macron regime. There are elements of the protest that I personally find appealing, e.g. anti-NWO, and elements I don't find appealing, e.g.. vandalism, violence. However, my opinion is irrelevant, and not the point of this post.

The point of this post is to point out the total hypocrisy of the mainstream media. Quite a bit of media coverage of the protests is lamenting the role of social media use in mobilising protesters. According to mainstream media, the use of social media to forment anti-government feeling in a western country like France is a bad thing. It is also inspired by the bogeyman (otherwise known as 'The Russians') and it is generally spreading lies, according to mainstream media.

As I said, my opinion of this is irrelevant. But what is noteworthy is how differently the mainstream media covered the 'Arab Spring'. If you cast your mind back, you will remember that social media was a key factor in launching and fuelling the Arab Spring. And western corporate media, al-jazeera, etc, thought it was wonderful at the time, and frequently reported on unverified social media posts from anti-government activists in the Arab world in an unquestioning manner.

Clear hypocrisy, but unsurprising. If social media can be used to bring down governments we want to bring down, it's fantastic. But if it can also be used to challenge our own authority, then it's bad and illegitimate. It must be 'The Russians'.

For an example of some crude propaganda, check out the article below: ... sts-rage-1.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Dec 22, 2018 12:00 pm

Hello again Everybody,

I wish to present you another exhibit about why the mainstream media should not be trusted by anyone genuinely interested in the truth.

It’s about an award winning reporter from Der Spiegel, Germany, the most prominent news magazine in Europe. One of his many awards was a special CNN journalist award in 2014. Well, he’s now been busted for simply making up stuff to a massive degree in most if not all of his articles. His article writing would be better described as counterfeiting, or producing fiction masquerading as truth on a systematic basis.

This revelation has caused something of a scandal, and been linked on drudge. Moreover, his case is obviously not an isolated one and, as with anything, it’s a virtual certainty that the corruption and fabrications that actually come to light would only be the tip of the iceberg.

A link to an article on this is below. I encourage you to read it. Here it is: ... ass-faker/

There is a link towards the end of the story about the colossal lies this reporter wrote in an article about the American town of Fergus Falls. The exposition of his bizarre systematic lying would be comical if it wasn’t so devious and twisted. Link is below: ... 2f3e0e01a7

I’m not making this post to sink the boots into this man. No one is perfect. Rather, the purpose of this post was to offer a reminder that the mainstream media is not our friend, and should be treated with extreme scepticism.

God bless you. Have a nice Sunday.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Jan 08, 2019 5:34 am

Hello Again,

I wish to link you to an article. It's about abortion, and an apparent push to legalize it up until birth. The article makes mention of the divisive left-right paradigm, which I don't wish to get into here. However, it can not be doubted that abortion is a major part of the globalist New World Order agenda and ultimately, I believe, the rise of the 'Beast' power outlined in Revelations.

There is probably a 'population control' element to it, but it is also a spiritual issue, and many civilizations have practised child sacrifice, especially when those civilizations were in decline. Many see modern-day abortion merely as a continuation of this ancient pagan practice of child sacrifice. I'm not schooled enough in this issue to back this claim up with evidence, yet I don't doubt it. There is undoubtedly a spiritual element to abortion.

Link to the article from is below: ... alization/
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Jan 08, 2019 7:46 am

Hi again,

Here is just a little bit of food for thought on the anti-Christ, the human leader that the Bible warns us will rule virtually the entire world in the end times, and preside over a tyrannical global dictatorship, apparently based in Europe.

A Russian Orthodox Church official recenty warned that the internet and technologies like smartphones are creating the conditions that will make it possible for the anti-Christ to come onto the scene and rule over his tyrannical global empire.

Praise be to God that it will not last for very long, as terrible as it will be. Link to a little article on this is below:
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Jan 26, 2019 10:47 am

Hi All,

The latest thing I want to comment on is the recent arrest of Roger Stone, an associate of Donald Trump and contributor to the Alex Jones operation 'Infowars', et al. Although Stone had seen this coming a long way off, and said he would voluntarily co-operate when the time came for his arrest, his house was raided in an extremely militaristic, heavy-handed way. Stone was in his pyjamas at the time. There is also strong evidence that the FBI had tipped off CNN about the raid, who were conveniently there an hour before the arrest to capture it in full. This is how globalism works: a textbook example.

Firstly, I don't wish to delve deeply into the whole partisan side of politics, as that's largely a sideshow that is not related to the point I want to make.

Before I continue, here is a disclaimer. When it comes to things like the ongoing 'Mueller probe', it's hard for the regular pundit like myself to cut through the smoke and work out how much is theatre, grandstanding, sheer political partisanship, and even how genuine it all is. I don't know how much backroom co-operation is going on between apparently rival factions. I must admit that I don't even know if Trump is controlled opposition (ie. a globalist puppet who is pretending to be a nationalist) or if he is indeed a genuine rogue who somehow won the election despite the best efforts of a thoroughly corrupt system to keep genuinely independent candidates as far from leadership as possible.

In a nutshell, I have my opinions on these things, and know that things are rarely black and white, but frequently some kind of grey. I'm sure some of you readers are better informed on this general topic than me. However, this is not the point of my post today.

The arrest of Roger Stone, if we're to take it at face value (I personally believe it is exactly what it appears to be) is highly disturbing to me. The charges seem to me to be rather vague, and barely related to the original so-called purpose of the probe. Obviously, there's a lot here that I don't know, but to me, as an amateur who is rather knowledgeable on the New World Order, it seems to be an effort to take down another significant voice who is critical of the 'Deep State', globalist agenda, and so on.

Someone once said that the FBI could indict a ham sandwich if it wanted to. We could all easily have some kind of vague crimes pinned on us, if somebody important wanted to do this. There is not a person on the world today, or ever was, who could not be indicted for something, if powerful people wanted to pin something on such a person, or people, to take them down.

Another point; while the establishment media portrays Mueller as some kind of squeaky clean, fastidious choir boy, there is definitely another side of the story to him. He is a partisan globalist first and foremost. And I've read some stuff about him which paints him as an extremely sinister figure.

Firstly, I would encourage you all to refrain from looking at this situation from the very artificial left-right paradigm that is promoted by the government-media complex. Each to their own. But I tend to look at things from the globalist (New World Order) versus anti-NWO paradigm. In my own case, I say openly that I am not necessarily a nationalist by any stretch, but am certainly NOT for the globalist New World Order, as I believe that the globalist NWO will ultimately become the profoundly evil, satanic 'Beast Empire' we are warned of in Bible prophecy.

Something I have often said in this, and the forum on Syria is the following: It does not matter if a person, organisation or country is good, bad or indifferent. If it is independent of the New World Order, it must be demonised, and destroyed. In this case, I am firmly convinced that Roger Stone, like many other people, organisations and countries before him, is now in the crosshairs of the New World Order.

Remember this; I don't know what Stone's personal beliefs are. I know he is sympathetic to Christianity, but don't know for sure if he has that personal relationship with Christ. I hope he does. And if he doesn't, I hope he gets it soon, because he's going to need God on his side in this fight.

Also take note; while things may seem okay in the west at the moment- indeed, life is good- one day the New World Order, when it has ultimately morphed into its Beast Empire form outlined in the Bible, will be coming for all Christians, just as I believe it came for Roger Stone. Charges will be concocted against us, and we will face imprisonment like Stone, and maybe even death. The mainstream media will support this persecution of Christians wholeheartedly, and the average person on the street will either support it like the media, or keep quiet about it.

This is the brutal reality, but here is the great news: at the end of that great tribulation in the times of the end, Christ will return and permanently vanquish the New World Order and install his perfect system, the first fair, just civilization to ever exist among us.

A link to an article about the Roger Stone situation is below. Remember, it's from a mainstream source, so will not be critical of the arrest:

For a more critical take on this arrest, which has been rightly compared to the activities of the Gestapo, you can try the following article: ... nce-stone/

It's easy to just clean our hands of stuff like this, and try to rationalise it away. It's easy to assume that it must be all somehow above board, because the media says so, or just to put it down to partisan political conflict. But I wish to refer you to a poem that I'm sure many of you have heard. It's from a German Lutheran church figure named Martin Niemöller. It touches on what he saw as the quiet acquiescence, even passive consent of much of the German population as the Nazis rose to power. Here's the poem:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

I view this poem now as extremely relevant for Christians as this New World Order slowly and surely morphs into the Beast Empire of Revelations. There's not much we can do for Roger Stone, as the vast globalist agenda and its agents like Mueller are seemingly all-powerful at the moment (with the obvious exception of God, who has given Satan authority over the earth for a little while).

I think Stone really needs our prayers, at the very least. He's got hard times ahead, and needs God in His corner.

That's all for today. God bless you. If you have more insight on this matter, please feel free to share on this forum.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Jan 28, 2019 2:54 am

Hi Friends,

I wasn't planning on posting today, but felt compelled to. It's about Venezuela, where the western world is now quite clearly trying to carry out a coup and install a puppet regime.

Before I continue, a disclaimer; I know very little about Venezuela, or its current situation. I have heard many stories about how it's been wrecked by socialist rule, etc. I am personally no fan of socialism, and am aware that communism is the most genocidal ideology of all. Having said this, if the west decided to launch a war on North Korea, for example, a totalitarian Stalinist state, I would be absolutely against such a war, and I would find myself in the situation of sympathizing with North Korea. Is the North Korean government terrible? Undoubtedly. And then some. But I am against the New World Order even more than I'm against North Korea.

Sorry for repeating myself, but I'm going to say it again; it is completely irrelevant if a person, group or country is good, bad or indifferent- if it is independent of the globalist agenda, it must be demonised, choked, and taken down. And I believe Venezuela finds itself in the crosshairs of the globalist agenda.

The US and EU nations have called for an end to the Maduro government in Venezuela. They have no moral right at all to do this. I understand that Maduro may well be a poor leader. Indeed, while he has the very solid support of roughly a third of the electorate, he is extremely unpopular outside of his support base. Well over half the country disapproves of him, if I understand correctly.

But do you know who is even more unpopular than the Maduro government? Indeed, the western-backed opposition in Venezuela is even more unpopular than Maduro, and in a significant way. If I have heard correctly, the vast majority of Venezuelans see the opposition as a western-backed puppet that does not have the interests of the ordinary Venezuelans in mind. There have also been reports of murders and the literal burning of government supporters by western-backed opposition. As usual, we hear in the media only about alleged government atrocities, and not what's done by western-backed opposition. Yet, the Venezuelan people apparently know what's happening.

They find themselves caught between an unpopular leader, and a puppet government-in-waiting who wish to seize control with western help, and completely sell out the country. I am not an expert on Venezuela, but I don't need to be one to be able to see what's going on there at the moment. I just need to open my eyes.

Juan Guaido is the 'leader' of the puppet opposition movement. He was educated in the US (At somewhere called George Washington University, I believe, but correct me if I'm wrong). Most western puppets who are installed as part of regime change operations across the world were initially educated in the west. Here's a really brazen part of the story for you: he was very recently declared by the US (and EU nations) to be the only legitimate president of Venezuela, even though he was never elected. The current leader Maduro may well be unpopular and even incompetent, but he was at least elected.

Here's the most brazen part of this story. Guaido is a pure western puppet totally out of touch with the ordinary Venezuelan person. When he was recently 'recognised' by the US, and by other western nations and even pro-western Latino nations, much of the Venezuelan population was shocked because they didn't even know who he was. By one account I came across, well over half the Venezuelan population didn't even know who he was when he was recognized as the new de-facto Venezuelan leader by western and Latino nations. Think for a moment; imagine the country you live in, and now imagine foreign governments saying your current leader is no longer legitimate, and they have chosen a new one for you, even though over half of your follow citizens haven't heard of this 'leader' before.

As I type this, the elected leader Maduro still has support of much of the Venezuelan military and BRICS nations such as Russia and China, as well as Mexico. Here's another thing to consider; there is evidence that the military-industrial complex in the west, which already reigns supreme in mainstream media, has also launched a massive disinformation campaign on social media, in which online personas claiming to be Venezuelan dissidents maintain a torrent of criticism against the current government. Some of these dissidents may be legit, but many are fake online personalities managed by western intelligence/cyber-warfare personnel, etc. This is exactly what happened in the 'Arab Spring'.

You may well have heard the horror stories of Venezuelans having to eat zoo animals because of the gross mismanagement of their own government in running a functioning society. While I am not questioning the incompetence of their current government, I also believe that such horror stories are exaggerated or made up for propaganda purposes, and that the hardships on the Venezuelans are a combination of mismanagement from their own government, and also sanctions and isolation imposed on Venezuela by western nations. Venezuela, an oil-rich nation, is reportedly finding it harder and harder to fund the exploitation of their own oil reserves, due to western sanctions.

Lastly, friends, I would caution anyone who is in favour of the west taking down certain people or governments just because we're told they are 'bad'. One day, as revealed in Bible prophecy, virtually this entire world will consider Christians to be 'bad'. For some context on this, and the point I'm trying to make, read the poem by the German guy that I posted towards the end of my last post.

Let's pray that God's will be done for Venezuela, no-one else's will. If you'd like to read up a little bit on the current situation in Venezuela, click the link below: ... ary-option
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Feb 17, 2019 6:07 am

Hi All,

I wanted to post an article on the ‘yellow vest’ protests in France, which are ongoing. The protests are largely anti-globalisation in nature, and very much anti-Macron in nature. Macron is a pure globalist who has had occult imagery openly displayed at some of his events, particularly when he was a candidate for the top job. He also once compared himself to the Roman god of Jupiter. Macron, like Merkel of Germany, is an anti-Christ wannabe, as I noted in an earlier post.

That aside, the yellow vest protests in France have been marked by some incidents of crime and vandalism from bad elements among protestors, but also a massively heavy-handed, indiscriminate, violent government crackdown on the protestors, most of whom are peaceful. Remember, the government-media complex in the west only likes democracy and protest, etc, when such notions can be used to attack enemy countries, or forces. But when the shoe is on the other foot, when power in western countries can be challenged by these very same notions, then suddenly democracy and the right to protest have to be met with heavy force, and cracked down on.

If you would like some thoroughly documented, specific evidence to back up my main point in today’s post, I encourage you to read the link below, from All the best. ... om-macron/
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Mar 03, 2019 5:40 am

Hi All,

Just wanted to bring to your attention another example of what is so wrong with politics in our world today. A US politician called Marco Rubio, who I’m sure many of you know of, has threatened the current leader of Venezuela with assassination. And he did it by tweeting two pictures of Ghaddafi; on the left, a picture of the former Libyan leader in happier times (looking well dressed and happy). Next to this was a picture of a bloodied Ghaddafi, who’d just been sodomised with a bayonet by western-backed Libyan rebels, and was only moments before receiving a bullet to the head.

Remember, Libya was the most prosperous country in Africa before NATO destroyed it in support of its jihadist proxy rebels. Ghaddafi, for all his faults, ran a successful country. Due to NATO, it is now a failed state, a basket case nation with 3 separate governments all claiming legitimacy, awash with millions of weapons, and up to 2,000 various militias. Standard of living there has also plummeted.

Rubio, who professes to be a follower of Christ on his own Twitter page, posted the images of Ghaddafi as a clear threat to Venezuelan leader Mr Maduro, who the west wants to overthrow. Politicians like Rubio in the US claim to follow Christ, while having no qualms about destroying entire nations in order to build the globalist empire.

Yes, everyone needs Christ. And God is the only judge. Not my right, or within my power to judge anyone else. However, I stand by my point that a person like Rubio is a perfect example of what is so abhorrent, corrupt and morally bankrupt with our world today, and its politicians.

I’m not going to link to an article. But if you want more info, it’s easy enough to find. All the best.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Mar 03, 2019 6:37 am

Hi All,

I just typed a 45-minute section on abortion and infanticide, with links to articles. Before I could post, it refreshed itself when I momentarily left the site, and everything was gone when I came back. I couldn't be bothered retyping everything again, but will give a quick summary.

In short, there is a growing push from radical pro-abortion activists to make it legal for the doctor to kill unwanted babies that were born alive and well following botched abortions. It is evident in the US, but also elsewhere in the west.

And a key strategy of those advocating for this is to blur the lines between abortion, which is technically legal, and 'socially acceptable', with infanticide, which is to kill babies that are now external to the mother. Even though all the arguments that are made from pro-abortion advocates no longer apply when the baby is out, and external to the mother, there is still this push to legalise infanticide, and to blur the lines between infanticide, and abortion.

I recently saw an interview on Fox News. The guest, a radical pro-abortionist, refused to say she didn't support infanticide. She was asked over and over again to reject it, but never answered. Her continual response was to accuse pro-life people of tying to use the issue of infanticide to attack abortion in general. Yet, she refused to criticise infanticide.

I have also read a journal article from so-called 'ethicists' (whatever that's supposed to mean) which advocated infanticide. I can vaguely recall mentioning this in an earlier post on this forum (if I'm not mistaken). The language, of course, was all sterile, and couched the whole thing in vague terms that hid the true horror of murdering a literal, viable baby that is no longer inside of its mother.

Lately, the governor of Virginia, who subsequently got caught up in a racism scandal, advocated for infanticide. Of course, he did in typical sterile terms, which painted it all as morally fine, yet his advocacy for infanticide was indisputable. Mainstream media, however, only criticised him for his racist activities, and largely ignored his calls to legalise infanticide.

Recently, also, US Congress voted down a proposal to protect babies from infanticide. Let me highlight again, this is not killing babies in the womb, it is killing them when they are a completely separate entity from their mother. Infanticide is either breaking the neck of the baby with the literal hands of the 'doctor', perhaps slitting its throat, stabbing it, or choking it. More indirectly, it could be simply leaving it on the surgery table to die.

This is what our world has come to, and satan loves it. He loves abortion, he loves infanticide, and he loves blurring the lines between the two. Make no mistake, he will also see to it that infanticide becomes socially acceptable, just like he has already done with abortion. He loves child sacrifice, and this is why so many civilisations of the past have actively engaged in child sacrifice. Thus, abortion and infanticide is really just a continuation of this.

Lastly, there are two pro-life movies scheduled for release this year. I believe one is called 'Roe v Wade, and the other is called 'Unplanned'. It may be a good idea to look into them and support them. Then again, each to their own.

I'm not going to link any article in this, lest I leave the site for a second and come back, only to find my text is gone again (not blaming anyone, these are the realities of computers, the internet, etc). If you wish to look into any of the themes in this post for yourself, I believe I have given you enough info to put into google, and research for yourselves.

I wish you a great Sunday. God bless.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:58 am

Hi All,

I wish to comment briefly on the New Zealand mosque massacre. My focus is not so much on the atrocity itself, but on media coverage thereof.

Firstly, any reasonable person would be appalled at what happened in NZ and would not seek to politicise what happened (which, inevitably, many people do on both ‘sides’ of politics and, of course in the media).

Without knowing much about the incident, I know enough to be sure the perpetrator is a deranged individual. And from the bits I have read about him, he doesn’t seem to be very bright at all (of course, evil can come in all shapes, sizes, and IQ levels)

Now, to my point. If you or I, on this very day, had a conversation with someone, and you or I mentioned how terrible it is, what happened in NZ, there would likely be spontaneous agreement and understanding from the other person.

If we said the same thing about Nigeria, we would almost certainly be greeted with a blank stare, and chirping crickets. FYI, 50 Christians were murdered by extremists there this week, bringing the total for the last few weeks to about 150. It has gotten virtually no media coverage. I stumbled upon the news on Breitbart.

This is Satan’s world atm. The Bible also says so. The NZ massacre is one indication of how evil this world is. Another indication is the ongoing slaughter of Christians in Nigeria, which is ignored by the world, and most of the public doesn’t know, or care about.

Link to the article is below. All the best. ... ree-weeks/
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