Beast Empire

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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Nov 08, 2017 4:49 am

Hi mlg,

The Texas massacre is one of those things that it's just hard to even talk about. As we've both pointed out, only God can deal with this. Who else could know what to do or say, let alone how to grasp? Yes, He must be grieving beyond comprehension.

The shooter was a deranged, angry atheist. This has even been admitted by mainstream media. Of course, most atheists are peaceful people, as are most Muslims, most Christians, etc. Still, it's important to note who the enemy sometimes uses to do his evil deeds.

The vast majority of Christians would no doubt be shattered at what happened. There would also be many non-Christians who are shattered. But here's the sobering reality: most people (not directly affected) would be totally indifferent to this tragedy. Worse, there would be many people who would be quietly very satisfied that these innocent Christians were slaughtered. I am sure that many militant atheist types would not care about this one way or the other. I am equally sure that many of them would be happy about it. That's the world we live in.

The world is starting to hate us quite intensely just for believing in Jesus. As I'm sure you know, the Bible tell us that this hatred, and the dark forces behind it, will become ascendant and secure control over the entire world for a short time.

God bless you mlg and anyone else reading this. Society is melting down. Very sobering times. Nothing else to say at this point.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Nov 12, 2017 3:05 pm

Hi All,

Hope you've had a pleasant Sunday. I've been thinking lately about how quickly things get forgotten. The Las Vegas massacre has now been totally dropped by the mainstream media. They have dutifully helped to cover up the truth and push a ridiculous, false narrative. They've done this very successfully, as they generally tend to do.

The Texas church atrocity, which I currently do not believe was a false flag operation, only happened a short while ago, but is now almost virtually forgotten by the mainstream media also.

Remember, the job of the mainstream media is to lie to you. So even though they didn't have to push a totally fake narrative with the Texas massacre, I have noticed that many of the major networks have downplayed the fact that the murderer was a militant atheist. After all, no-one likes it when a fellow traveller makes the whole team look bad.

I am going to continue to post on things like this as long as I feel compelled. But I will try to keep my posts short, as your time is precious, as is mine.

So today, here is a 17-minute video link about the Las Vegas false flag operation. It is polished, well-produced and packed with rock-hard evidence contradicting the official narrative. Unless I missed something, I don't believe it contains profanity, or disturbing imagery.

Here is the link:

I highly recommend you grab a tea/coffee/something else, sit down and watch it. God bless.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Nov 18, 2017 5:22 am

Hello Again,

More on the Las Vegas massacre. I wanted to post this segment from the radio show hosted by Michael Savage.

In the immediate days following the shooting, he took a call from a lady who said she was a survivor of the shooting. Moreover, her testimony states very clearly that there was more than one shooter.

The lady appears to be naive about the dangers of going public with an account that completely denies the official narrative. Michael Savage warns her towards the end of the call to not trust the media, and that she should 'disappear into the night' for the sake of her own safety.

Below is a link to audio of the call. It goes for about 8 minutes or so.

I will continue to post on this massacre. As stated before, understanding what really happened, and how the truth has been totally covered up, can offer you a lot of insight into this emerging, global beast power.

Just so you know, there is no actual 'profanity' in the call, but she does casually evoke The Lord's Name once or twice in a way that some would see as inappropriate.

God bless.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Nov 18, 2017 2:12 pm

Hi Again,

Taking a time out from Las Vegas. This post will be about the Mark of the Beast.

Firstly, here is Revelation 13: 16-18:

16 And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18 Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is six hundred sixty-six.

Please keep in mind that some Christians do not believe that the 'Mark of the Beast' is a literal thing. They believe it is a metaphor for something else. Each to their own. However, my firm opinion is that the Mark of the Beast will be very much a literal mark.

Moreover, the real powers that be, the high-up people who are pushing the globalist agenda, frequently talk about 'micro-chipping' people across the world. And yes, the two main body parts talked about are the hand or the head. I'm not saying 100% that the micro-chips will be the Mark of the Beast, but I'm not denying it either. Everyone will need to make their own mind up about matters like this. All I want to do is provide anyone interested with information on this topic.

So anyway, I just read a very good article on this whole topic, and how the push to micro-chip people is gaining momentum. Remember, satan will initially promote it as cool and convenient to have a micro-chip. The vast bulk of people will want it, just like they want a television, facebook account, bank card, etc.

If you're interested in this topic, I encourage you to take a load off, and read the article. Link is below: ... d-11172017

God bless. May He give strength and wisdom to all of His people who will be facing this, whenever it might happen to be instituted down the track.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby mlg » Sat Nov 18, 2017 9:11 pm

You know....I too believe the mark of the beast will be something that people will want, as I have heard it will be their way of purchasing things like food. I currently think about how the American government classifies all people by their social security number, yet we are seeing how social security numbers are being easily stolen. I think the "government" will come up with something in the future and sale it to the people by saying it's the new way to keep your identity from being stolen. Satan is very sneaky, and he will do his very best to deceive anyone and everyone into taking his mark.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Nov 20, 2017 4:29 am

Thanks for the feedback, mlg. It makes good sense.

Back to the Las Vegas massacre. I wish to post some more evidence. It is about 22 minutes of audio from various police scanners from the night of the false flag operation in Las Vegas.

It is a whole, colossal lot of audio evidence from decent everyday Las Vegas police personnel, who were reacting to the atrocity as it unfolded, but were obviously not in on the false flag operation themselves.

Unless I missed anything, there is no profanity in any of the audio: Just a whole lot of damning, rock-hard evidence that the official story behind the Las Vegas tragedy is a big fat lie, wrapped up in a bigger, fatter cover-up.

Link is below:

God bless.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Dec 23, 2017 9:55 am

Hi All,

How distant does the Las Vegas massacre already seem? Clearly, not distant at all for those directly affected by it.

But for those of us horrified by it but not directly affected, it already seems like the distant past. However, the reality is that, at the time of writing this, it happened less than 3 months ago.

After disappearing completely from the mainstream media, there have been a few reports doing the rounds lately, including on The Drudge Report. The tone of most of these has been along the lines of the lack of answers, a proper explanation of the whole thing, and motive.

To be sure, each of them has continued to push the line that Stephen Paddock did it, and acted alone (yeah, yeah, just like Lee Harvey Oswald). No, I am not advocating any conspiracy theories here, as I don't know who did it, or why. What I am reiterating is that the official narrative is a lie. Proven pathological liars (the establishment media) are pushing a narrative that just does not gel with a lot of the hard-core, on-the-ground facts. This has nothing to do with theorizing.

I want to provide you a link to such an article. In it, the FBI Agent states that it could take up to a year to identify the 'motive' of (the patsy) Stephen Paddock. Just think about this for a moment: in this age of hyper-surveillance, in which the establishment knows more about everyone than ever before, they claim that they don't know what motivated (the patsy) Stephen Paddock, or about what may have driven him.

Most of you would be aware that, if they so desired, the real powers-that-be could very quickly gather a whole pile of information about anyone they wanted, ie. religious beliefs, political affiliation, ideological influences, consumer habits, drug consumption, employment history, relationships, connections, the whole thing. In fact, they would no doubt have a whole database with such details at their fingertips. On this database would be you, I, and everyone we know.

This is the nature of the new world order, and rising totalitarian global government, which the Bible tells us is coming our way some time in the future. But they are really clueless about this (patsy) Stephen Paddock? Yeah, sure.

Below is the link I mentioned earlier: ... niversary/

Extra detail: The FBI agent interviewed in the article- featured in the above link- has already been noted as a potentially sinister figure by a few of those independent sources who have been truly looking into the Las Vegas massacre since it happened.

I am not necessarily doing the same, but the following video link provides circumstantial evidence that he may have acted as a handler for the Las Vegas Sherriff who addressed the media in the days and weeks following the massacre. Make of it what you will:
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Jan 15, 2018 8:27 am

Hello All,

While this forum is not supposed to be only about Las Vegas (lots of sinister things are happening, after all) I wish to post about it again. It's obviously dropped way off the radar in terms of media focus.

People continue to post videos on YouTube focussing on difficult to prove conspiracy theories. To be honest, I don't think this is necessary as there are enough actual facts that point overwhelmingly to conspiracy, without delving into hearsay and speculation.

The odd article is also linked on drudgereport. The tenor of these articles, which speak of Stephen Paddock as the gunman, is that many questions still remain unanswered about the whole thing. There is also increasing suspicion that Paddock's girlfriend may have been complicit.

That is the general tenor of the sporadic coverage it is now getting. As stated earlier in this forum, backed up with evidence, Paddock was almost certainly not the only gunman, if he was a gunman at all. Also, to this day, the so-called investigation has revealed virtually NOTHING.

As for that renewed suspicion on the girlfriend, I don't know. It may be true, it may be a smokescreen. Who would know.

Below is a link to a recent article from zerohedge, which I believe is a credible independent news source. Make of it what you will. As stated, though, I've got no idea. ... e-massacre
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby mlg » Mon Jan 15, 2018 6:49 pm

Hi Trueandmagneticnorth,

There was a lengthy article on CNN regarding new details on this over the past weekend. It stated that even thought the girlfriend had helped load ammo and such, she was not suspected in helping in the attack.

I hope you are doing well this 2018.

Take care
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Jan 27, 2018 8:10 am

Hi All,

A different topic for you today. I have often wondered about the place of professional sports, and the entertainment industry, in the new world order.

Don't get me wrong about this. I am a sport-lover myself, and also enjoy certain movies and elements of the entertainment industry, and so on. However, I have often questioned the mega-money, ongoing saturation coverage of such enjoyable, but ultimately frivolous things.

By extension, I have wondered about what Jesus would have to say about this topic, and other related topics such as playing sport on the day of rest, etc (I, personally, do so myself, so I'm not pretending to have all the answers on this).

Yes, I know all about the benefits of sport, the arts, etc, but if I had to live on a desert island and could only take 5 professional people with me, I would be taking people like a doctor, dentist, butcher, etc. I would not be taking an actor or a football player.

Personally, while respecting any athlete who can get to the top of their field, I've lately found myself following local sport more closely, ie. people who play on the weekend for enjoyment, but then go back to their occupation/more serious other pursuit during the week. I feel that there is something a bit more genuine and honest about this. Not that I am being a prude about this, because if I had the talent to be a pro-golfer, I would certainly jump at the chance.

Yes, sport is great, quite harmless and healthy, too, and elements of the entertainment can also have their benefits. But my question is about the massive place which these frivolous things have been elevated to in our world, and whether there is a core reason for this.

I shall now like to link you to a short video on this topic (9:30). It is titled 'The Truth about football and sports'. It doesn't particularly mention the entertainment industry, but I am firmly of the view that this belongs to the discussion every bit as much as professional sport.

All the best. God bless you. If you have anything to contribute to this, feel free. Link below:
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby mlg » Sat Jan 27, 2018 1:04 pm

Hi TrueandMagneticNorth. I totally have to agree with you...sports and arts are entertainment that often takes souls away from God. I do believe God likes us to enjoy entertainment, but at the same time He wants us to enjoy it when it's still reverent to Him. Many people will choose to go to a football game these days, before attending church or reading their Bible. Sadly, entertainment often can lead to idolatry in a sense in my opinion. Anything that people put before God is idolatry. We have to be careful how much and when we watch. Otherwise, I believe entertainment is an enjoyment that is good for people.

One more note: I too would not be taking an actor or football player with me to a desert island.

Take care my friend.
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Re: Beast Empire

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:23 am

Thanks for the reply, mlg. Hi All.

There was an interesting statement recently from the Pope, which appeared to suggest there is no hell, as in a place of eternal torment.

To be sure, he did not appear to suggest that everyone is going to heaven. Rather, that the lost souls will simply not exist, ie. the belief of 'Annihilationism'; that lost souls-who will be separate from God forever, will be destroyed and no longer exist at all, instead of existing in eternal torment, the place Christians know as 'hell'.

In my opinion, as a non-Catholic, I believe the current Pope is very much a mixed bag. At times he seems to say the right things, while at other times he comes across as a globalist, ie. an installed puppet of the New World Order.

I'm not sure what to make of his remarks on this issue, especially as the Vatican has since attempted to walk them back.

On the topic of hell, I'm not here to advocate what it is or isn't. What is clear is that Jesus is the only way to eternal life, and that eternal damnation is the outcome for those who are lost.

I must admit, there are aspects of judgement which I can't fathom. And I think this applies to every person:

Romans 11:33 Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!

A kind of hypothetical situation I often think about is, let's say, a child in a country like North Korea who dies, obviously before they had any chance to know Christ. Some would argue the child goes straight to heaven, based on handpicked scriptural references, while others would argue it goes to hell, based on other handpicked scriptural references.

As for me personally, I've heard all of the arguments on both sides, and neither scenario makes the slightest bit of sense to me.

God gives no free tickets to heaven (Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Psalms 51:5 - Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me; etc- there are more where these came from)

God obviously has a special love for children and, at least to me, it doesn't make sense that He would send them to hell. Some argue that if a child is too young to make the decision to reject God, He'll let it into heaven, ie. a free ticket into heaven for a sinner.

Sorry, but neither of these make sense to me, and I don't want anyone to try to convince me of one or the other. I've long since accepted that I don't understand all of the ins and outs of His perfect judgements, and so I don't even try. Nor do I think any other person understands it all, including those who might think they do. So, I just leave it to God.

There is also compelling scriptural reference that points to hell as a place of eternal torment, and equally compelling evidence that supports the position of 'annihilationism', ie. destruction of the soul, and end of the soul, but not eternal torment of the soul. I've heard all of the arguments on both sides, based on handpicked scriptural references, and am not interested in hearing any more. Again, I leave it to God.

What I know is the basics- there is eternal life through Jesus, and eternal death without Him. Simple as that. I've been scared of going to hell for much of my life, and don't disregard the possibility that it's a real place of eternal torment. However, while I know that God can stop my heart beating at any moment, I'd also like to think that I'd be just as committed to Him without the prospect of eternal suffering.

So, to get back to the crux of the matter, was the Pope wrong in saying what he apparently said? Not for me to say. Possibly, but it's not for me to say. Some will no doubt slam him for his comments, saying what he said is dangerous, removing the rightful fear of eternal suffering from prospective converts to Christianity, etc. I can understand this view, and am not saying it's incorrect.

However, as I said, I choose to leave things up to God. Because He knows literally everything. No one else does.

Link to an article on this is below: ... re-no-hell
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