The situation in Syria

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Jun 24, 2017 5:56 pm

Hi All,

Another post to share. I wish to briefly discuss the so-called 'White Helmets' that some of you may have heard about.

They are widely promoted as a brave humanitarian group in Syria. They are widely portrayed as 'neutral', and were the subject of a puff piece documentary by George Clooney that went on to win an Oscar.

That aside, I have long heard/read disturbing snippets that they were not nearly as clean as what our disgusting mainstream media made them out to be (Lied to by the media?? Perish the thought!).

I now have come across indisputable evidence that they are nothing more than NATO-backed, al-queda aligned scum. Yes, 'scum' is a tough choice of word. I don't use it lightly. If you take offense at my choice of word, feel free to view the sadistic snuff videos, then get back to me with a more polite choice of word.

I will not post the links at this point, because I'm not sure if that would be appropriate. But I will describe a bit of what I came across:

What I came across was numerous evidence including articles, photos and videos of these lovely, western-backed 'HUMANITARIAN' so-called White Helmets participating in executions, including beheadings, of Syrian Army soldiers.

They also helped the al-queda demons dispose of the bodies of freshly-murdered victims, sometimes standing nearby and watching on as the murder unfolded, before moving in and helping their jihadist buddies clean up the mess.

There is yet other evidence of these humanitarian heroes referring to the bodies as 'Trash;, and later posting images on their private social media accounts of some of these victims, together with captions mocking these victims.

I know it is painful for some to accept, especially those who still have nationalist feelings, but these terrorists as well as many others are fully allied with our western governments and get propaganda cover from the media, and it's been this way for years. That aside, it's not for me to tell others, or to care what they should think.

So, I've decided not to post the links with gruesome and murderous content, but will link instead to this recent article by John Pilger. The article is titled: 'JOHN PILGER EXPOSES WHITE HELMETS AS “PROPAGANDA CONSTRUCT IN SYRIA'.

Link below: ... -in-syria/

I don't believe there are any gruesome links in this article (correct me if I'm wrong), just plenty of documentation that the 'White Helmets' are an al-queda linked, NATO-backed construct.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Jul 18, 2017 11:04 pm

Hi Friends,

I've come across a great article on the western government/media complex and its long-standing lust for 'regime change' in Syria and other countries.

The article gives a great summary of the broader disaster in Syria and also touches on the 'White Helmets' group mentioned in the previous post, as a point of context to the massive, ongoing disinformation campaign engineered by the west.

Link is below: ... hange-wars

God bless you all.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:18 am

Hello Again,

Latest news is that the US government has allegedly abolished CIA backing of Syrian rebel groups. If true, it would obviously be a positive, and morally correct, if long overdue decision.

Having said that, it would almost seem to be too good to be true as similar positive moves in the past have tended to be somehow reversed over time, or turned out to be red herrings.

Make of it what you will. Link to an article about this is below: ... 1fb517968d

God willing, it may just turn out to be a positive step in the right direction.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Aug 07, 2017 5:10 am

Hi Friends,

There is a really good new article from debka. It details the battlefield situation along the Syrian/Lebanese border, one of the hottest arenas at current in Syria.

In my own humble opinion, it details what could be seen as more promising signs that the USA could really be finally scaling back support for Syrian rebel groups, and not standing in the way of the Syrian government and its allies as they continue their fight against ISIS/al-queda, etc.

Of course, it almost seems to good to be true, but I'd encourage you to read the following article for yourselves and make of it what you will.

God bless you all. Link below: ... ah-Lebanon
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Sep 01, 2017 1:06 am

Hi again to All,

While war is still happening in Syria, and with it no doubt a lot of death, the latest trends and available statistics indicate that the violence has significantly wound down in several parts of the country (at least for now).

Some of the causes would seem to include the fact that ISIS is losing (at least for now, but hopefully long-term), and that key backers of Syrian rebel groups continue to wind back support for them. There would seem to be a growing, begrudging acceptance from nation states in the area (that are antagonistic towards Assad government) that he is still entrenched in power. Diplomatic moves have also been noteable, such as Qatar's move away from the Saudi orbit, to closer relations with Iran.

From the Christian point of view I have not read much of late, regarding Syria. However, as I have maintained since the start of this forum, the Syrian government is clearly, far and away the only acceptable victor in the Syrian civil war when it comes to the plight of Christians (although, to be fair, the Kurds have also been allied with Christians, as a largely independent actor).

Well, while the signs are very positive for Assad, it's obviously too early to call an overall result on the war. I have just read an interesting article on the international war waged against Syria, and the survival (until the present, anyway) of the Syrian government despite everything ranged against it.

Just a note. I don't necessarily agree with everything in the article, but if you choose to read it you'll no doubt glean for yourselves what you agree with, and what not.

Link is below:

I ask for God's blessings on all of you who read this. Also, for His body of people in Syria, Iraq, the entire Middle-East and beyond.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Sep 23, 2017 11:14 am

Hello Everybody,

More encouraging signs of reduced violence in Syria. The general casualties tend to be trending downward (at least, according to the figures that I usually check).

It is also positive to see the continued losses and decline of the Islamic State. No, they have obviously not been totally defeated, and this may take quite some time. But the overwhelming evidence suggests things are getting dire for IS.

The flip side of this is that al-Qaeda, which is currently not the main focus of general anti-terror operations in Syria, is consolidating its control in Idlib provence, NW Syria (on the Turkish border). Needless to say, al-Qaeda is no better than the Islamic State. Moreover, as has been outlined in this forum, the vast bulk of Syrian rebels (to which the Kurds do not belong) are either al-Qaeda jihadists, or sympathetic to al-Qaeda.

Anyway, I came across this article on the general topic. It deals with persecution of Christians in Syria and Iraq, the broad lies of the international mainstream media, the current situation in Syria, Assad as clearly the lesser of two evils in his fight against the 'rebels', and so on.

Link is below: ... hristians/

All the best, and God bless you.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Sep 29, 2017 9:01 am

Hello Again,

Here is a small item of information. Not sure if it means much, but the Syrian government has appointed a Christian as the head of the Syrian parliament.

At the very least, it is further evidence that Assad is a friend of the Syrian Christians. ... me-decades
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Oct 09, 2017 3:01 am

Hi Friends,

Over the last week or so I have been thinking long and hard about something. And I've mused about whether to post about it.

Firstly, the main purpose of this forum was to highlight persecution of Christians in Syria, Iraq and beyond. However, a secondary, ongoing theme has been the new world order; the agenda for a single, totalitarian government and the disgusting, synchronised dishonesty of the government-media complex. This ties in directly, in my opinion, with scriptural references, including in Revelations, about a future satanic world empire.

Okay, so here's the thing. Syria, as with other countries, has been the victim of an international conspiracy for years on end. International media propaganda, involvement of intelligence agencies, black operations, corrupt politicians, etc, are all part of the synchronised international conspiracy. Also, 'False flag' operations have been used in an ongoing manner in the war against Syria.

So, there's a clue about what this new post is about. 'False flag': heard the term lately? I am told that the term originated from the era when European navies sailed across the world to conquer and build their empires. In order to justify aggressive conquests and associated violence, some would covertly put an enemy flag on one of their own ships. They would then have it attack one of their own ships by surprise, and could then claim the enemy had attacked them, thus justifying subsequent, pre-planned acts of aggression. Synchronised state-run (media) propaganda following the False flag event is all-important.

To understand how this works in the modern age, one has to get out of their head the idea that we have a 'Free press'. Also, this does not mean that every hack journalist or news presenter has to be in on it. Rather, the system of dissemination just needs to be well-oiled. The vast majority of news media people are just hacks who will report the official story in order not to rock the boat, or jeopardise their own job.

It's also important to remember that terms like 'conspiracy theory' and 'nut job' appear to have been deliberately created and promulgated by the CIA, etc, decades ago in order to categorise, stigmatise and slander anyone who may dare to question the official narrative.

There are many historical examples of False flag events. Some of them have even been declassified, while others remain debated and controversial. A classic example of the latter is the murder of JFK. In a nutshell, I don't know who murdered him, or why, but I don't need to know these things to know that the official story is full of holes and that, yes, his assassination clearly appears to be a False flag event.

So, I now turn to the latest Las Vegas atrocity. But first, a WARNING: if you believe that the world is pretty much as the media portrays it, and that politicians care about us, then I would ask you to think twice before reading on. I would also ask you to consider the reality that, whenever the anti-Christ arrives, the mainstream media will universally love him, and will aggressively try to brainwash the entire world into loving him, too. As Christians, we really have to be very cynical about whatever the media tells us.

So, why am I posting about Las Vegas in this forum about Syria? Firstly, this Bible verse: Ephesians 5: 11-12: Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.

Secondly, I am not American but feel gutted by this event, in a way that I rarely feel. And yes, the official version of the story is nonsense. It is total nonsense. I don't know who is behind it or why, but I don't need to know these things to know that this tragedy clearly seems to be a False flag. I could list the abundant evidence here, but would rather encourage you to research the incident yourselves. Please remember: step one in really researching this matter is turning away from mainstream media sources.

Yes, I know that even some independent media sources would no doubt be unreliable. But if you stay with the mainstream media, all you will get is 100% synchronised dishonesty. Turn away from mainstream media, research widely amongst independent media, make your own minds up. That's my advice. Having said that, I'm sure many of you are already doing this.

There is a kind of indirect connection between Syria and Las Vegas. The same system is behind these atrocities. It shows you that they don't care about nation or well being of citizens wherever they may be. If they need to tear a nation apart for whatever reason, they do it. If they need to slaughter a bunch of middle Americans at a concert, they do it. I don't know the specific reasons behind these conspiracies, but can confidently say that it is all part of the emerging development of the beast power outlined in the Bible.

Feel free to talk about this if you wish. I wish to ultimately keep this forum about Syria/the Middle East, but am happy enough to stay on this for a short while, if need be.

God bless you. May God cover the victims of Las Vegas with His love, and let the truth come out, whatever it may be. May He also bring further de-escalation, true justice and great evangelism to Syria.

Sorry for the exceedingly long post.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Oct 25, 2017 5:00 am

Hello Again,

Back to the topic of Syria. As you would know, the so-called Islamic State continues to be defeated and rolled back on the battle fields of Syria and Iraq.

However, they still have the ability to carry out their sick activities on an industrial scale. Words like 'atrocity' and 'evil' really just seem like meaningless, throwaway terms when one really considers the things they continue to do.

Here is a little summary of their latest atrocity (yeah, still can't manage to think of a better word):

There is a Syrian town called Qaryatayn in the centre-east of the country. Prior to the war it was known as a predominantly Christian town. Moreover, during the war control of the town has changed hands several times.

A few weeks ago, the 'Islamic State' took it back from government forces in a surprise attack. The IS terrorists were removed from the town in the last few days. However, in the weeks they controlled the town, they hunted down anyone associated with the Syrian government, civilian and military alike, beheading children with knives, burning women, conducting mass executions, etc. Well over a hundred people were murdered.

A link to an article about this is below: ... en-IS.html

All I can really do at this point is pray to God that He put a final end to the IS as soon as possible, and bring His justice to the land of Syria.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:42 am

Hi Friends,

Here is an interesting little snippet about a statement from the ex-prime minister of Qatar; an admission and further evidence of the international conspiracy against the Syrian state.

Make of it what you will. Link below: ... foreign-go
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Nov 17, 2017 9:54 am

Hello Friends,

You may have heard recent murmurs about possible war between Saudi Arabia and Iran. What's interesting to remember is the key role of these two in Syria. While Syrian rebels have always had the backing of the USA, and the Syrian government the backing of Russia, Saudi Arabia and Iran have also been fighting a proxy war in Syria through backing these two sides.

As you'd probably be aware, Saudi Arabia has supported the rebels while Iran defended the government. Another place where these two are fighting an ongoing proxy war is Yemen, where Iran supports Houthi Rebels, and Saudi Arabia supports those fighting the Houthis.

Saudi Arabia has committed stunning, ongoing atrocities in Yemen, including deliberately bombing civilian targets and starving people through siege and blockade. To be fair, the Houthis have presumably done bad things too.

Well, a lot seems to be going down in Saudi Arabia at the moment. There have been numerous arrests of the rich and powerful in Saudi, something along the lines of an apparent purge and upheaval within their ruling class. I've heard theories about why this is happening, but don't currently claim to really understand it.

What is clear, though, is that powerful elements in Saudi Arabia seem to be spoiling for a direct war with Iran. Part of this would entail trying to enlist their ally Israel (it's an open secret that while Saudi Arabia does not officially recognise the Israeli state, they are deeply connected in a covert, strategic sense) to attack Hezbollah. In 2006 Israel and Hezbollah had their last war. While Israel inflicted more casualties, it did not end well for either side.

Needless to say, there would be no winners if a new war broke out in the Middle-East. If you'd like some more info on this, feel free to click the link below: ... hizballah/
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Dec 02, 2017 9:49 am

Hi Friends,

Not a great deal of amazing news from Syria of late. There is still fighting, killing and destroying, but (and I know this has been said many times before) many are speaking about the final phases of the war. Others are saying the war is drawing down, but there will be ongoing insurgency away from the major cities.

Whatever the case, the seeming victory over the vile 'Islamic State' group is a big plus. They've been routed across Syria and Iraq by various forces, but will no doubt head out into the countryside where they will maintain an insurgency.

I know that there are many forces ranged against the IS terrorists, and various parties will be trying to claim the primary credit for routing IS. For what it's worth, I honestly believe that the intervention of Russian forces, namely the Russian Air Force, in 2015 was the number one major factor in turning the tide against the IS hordes, especially in Syria.

Anyway, I briefly mentioned Yemen in the previous post. I must admit, it is a conflict that I do not know much about, only that Iran and Saudi Arabia are fighting a proxy war there, as they have been in Syria. It has also been referred to as perhaps the greatest humanitarian crisis on the planet at the moment (!)

Iran is backing the Shiite 'Houthi' Rebels, who at one point apparently sent an expeditionary force to Syria to help Assad. Saudi Arabia are backing those opposing the Houthis.

There is said to be an unspeakable humanitarian crisis taking place in Yemen at the moment, much of it due to the sins of Saudi Arabia. Again, there is little genuine criticism of Saudi Arabia coming from the government-media complex in the west. They're an ally of the west, so can do whatever they want. More total hypocrisy from the 'New World Order'.

There does not seem to be much of a strictly Christian component to this story, but Yemen is obviously in need of our prayers nonetheless.

I shall link to a recent 'al-monitor' article below, which talks about the current plight of Yemen. Link below: ... ation.html

God bless you, and may He somehow bring blessings to Yemen and its people.
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