The situation in Syria

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Apr 01, 2017 5:56 am

Thanks for the response, mlg. Your suggested prayer makes sense.

My friends, there is more news that may signal a winding down of this hideous war. The US administration is now saying that it is up to the Syrian people, not other countries, to decide whether or not Assad should remain as the ruler. This is a marked shift in policy from the last six or so years.

Of course, we Christians know that it is ultimately up to God to decide on matters like this. However, this latest statement is still very promising, as it has clearly been the interference of nations like the USA, Israel, and certain Middle-Eastern Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia that have poured the most fuel on the fire in Syria.

If the USA would really take a new path as regards Syria, as opposed to its sinister meddling over the last six or so years, it could be another positive step on the way to a significant reduction of violence in that country, ultimately leading to peace.

Friends, I know that not all of you will have exactly the same take on this conflct as I do, and I respect that. After all, may God's will be done in that country, not the will of any country or individual person.

However, I have to tell you that the indicators continue to suggest that the conflict, at least for now, appears to be drawing down, and extremist, Christian-persecuting terror groups such as ISIS and al-queda are not doing so well at the moment.

As mlg stated in the previous post, let's pray that God's will for Syria will be done (whatever it is) and that His purpose will be fulfilled there, and in other countries.

God bless you, and please continue to pray about this.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby notforgotten » Sat Apr 01, 2017 8:06 am

Praying. *Pray*
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby mlg » Sat Apr 01, 2017 6:52 pm

I've heard a lot of reports lately regarding's still a very violent situation. Many are suffering through this war. But, many are suffering worldwide.....all I know is that God is still on His throne...and He is in control.

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Apr 04, 2017 7:59 pm

Hi All,

Lots happening in the world over the last day or two. In Syria, there are widespead mainstream media reports about a gas attack in the province of Idlib that has reportedly killed and injured dozens, with the toll still said to be rising.

Before there's been anywhere near adequate time to ascertain the facts, find out what may have really happened, do the necessary sleuthing, etc, the western government-media complex has already shown a united front in pinning the blame fairly and squarely on the Syrian government and their Russian allies.

You might recall a 2013 gas attack around Damascus, quickly blamed on the Assad government. It became apparent almost immediately that the western government-media complex was going to use this as a pretext for launching full scale war against Syria in support of jihadist proxies. This premeditated plan was somehow thwarted, and as time has gone on it has become patently clear that, at the very least, it is unclear who really carried out that attack.

Moreover, there is a lot of solid evidence that the attack of 2013 was a classic 'false-flag' operation, ie. western-backed rebels carry out the attack with covert western backing, the western government media complex then dishonestly blames the Assad government, then the west has its 'pretext' to carry out its premeditated plan for direct 'regime change' in Syria.

As stated, this plan was somehow thwarted. There was much prayer against it at the time from many people. Perhaps it was thwarted by God. Then again, I'm not God, so I don't know for sure.

Anyway, that was then, this is now. So, is it possible that the Assad government carried out this latest massacre, as stated unquestioningly by the mainstream media, and even the Trump government in the USA? Yes, it's possible. After all, a broken clock is right twice a day, and even the pathological liars of the mainstream media might tell the truth by accident every now and again.

But, is it possible to know for sure that this massacre happened exactly as is being reported, and to know without a doubt that Assad is responsible so soon after it seems to have happenend? Highly, highly doubtful.

That aside, it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense. Assad and his allies are currently well on top of the opposition, so why revert to chemical weapons?

Again, it is possible that Assad is guilty of this, and I don't doubt for a second that his forces have committed numerous war crimes during this war, as has virtually every other military that has ever gone to war in history.

However, as I've stated many times before in this forum; if you bypass the foul, systematic lies of the mainstream media and western governments, not to mention their fellow travellers, there are volumes of real, credible evidence that suggest that, at the very, very least, the Syrian government and the 'rebels' are both little better than each other.

Moreover, it is the rebels, not the Syrian government, that have been slaughtering Christians and other minorities to the point of genocide, and Christians have largely been very much on the side of the Syrian government, counting on it for protection from the rebels.

Lastly, 'moderate' Syrian rebels may have once existed in the early stages of the war, but now could be mentioned in the same breath as santa claus and the tooth fairy.

I'll leave it there. May The Lord bring justice, and ultimately healing to all of Syria. May it be His will, and His alone.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby mlg » Tue Apr 04, 2017 9:04 pm

Hi TrueandMagneticNorth,

I heard about the atrocity of the chemical attack on the people of Syria. Many children were harmed or killed by the attack as well. One thing I know about God is that He is a just and righteous God. I know that He sees things differently than we do. He holds all accountable for their actions. That being said, war is ugly. War has been something the earth has seen since Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve faced spiritual warfare when Satan came into the Garden of Eden and introduced sin into this world. From there, the world has seen both physical and spiritual wars that are too numerous to count.

But....guess what?....God gave us a promise...

Revelation 21:4-7
4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
6 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Apr 05, 2017 5:14 pm

Hi again All,

No time to talk, but I'll offer you this link about the latest chemical attack.

This is from, which argues that the latest atrocity shows all the hallmarks of a false-flag operation carried out by western-back rebels wth covert western assistance, as was apparently the case back in 2013 in Damascus. ... -in-syria/

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Apr 06, 2017 7:51 pm

Hello again All,

I think it's important for people to admit mistakes. It's something a lot of people, including Christians, are not very good at.

All of the writing on the wall appears to point to an imminent US-attack on Syria, in light of the recent gas attack.

It's simply too early to know for sure what really happened, and who is really to blame, yet the western government-media complex apparently already 'knows' exactly what happened, and who is to blame.

Anyway, now to my admission. A while ago in ths thread I began to express ongoing optimism that the election of Trump would help peace prospects in Syria, and potentially lead to de-escalation. It now looks like I was plainly naive, and very wrong.

Remember, there are virtually no 'moderate' rebels in Syria. It's Assad v extremist jihadists. If you attack one, you are fighting on behalf of the other.

Let's just see how this all pans out. Remember, Russia is present throughout much of Syria, and rules the air in many places. Russia has thousands of nuclear warheads, and is staunch in its support of Assad.

Anyone with a slither of intelligence and independent thought knows that this is a highly fraught, perilous situation.

Prayer on the matter would be a really good idea right now.

God bless.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby mlg » Thu Apr 06, 2017 8:57 pm

Praying....may God's will be done....just remember one thing....God knows what He is doing in all things....we have to trust that He is in control....

I think of the death of Jesus on the cross. We can look at that as a heinous crime committed against Jesus....or we can look at it as knowing that Jesus death was necessary for our eternal life. God knew what He was doing then and He still does now.

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:12 am

Hello All,

I would like to refer you to the following link. It is the latest radio show of Michael Savage, and he talks extensively about the latest events from Syria.

If you don't like blunt talk, don't listen to him. However, there is no vulgarity. His show goes rounghly 90 mins, so you might like to have it run in the background while you do your usual other things (just a recommendation).

With his analytical mind, Savage discusses the strong possibility that the latest gas atrocity was another false flag operation carried out by western-backed rebels with connivance of western government-media complex.

Link is below. God bless, and may His truth and justice ultimately come over Syria and beyond:
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:22 pm

Hi Friends,

As the Syria chaos continues, ISIS terrorists continue their systematic slaughter of Christians and Egyptian security forces in Egypt.

The latest atrocity saw ISIS suicide (murder) bombers attack two churches in that country, murdering about 50 people. The ISIS campaign of mass murder is ongoing in Egypt, and it is widespread.

I shall link you to an article below. It outlines the horrific news from Egypt, and also shows video footage of one of the attacks. In the footage, you see two different angles of one of these demons attempting to enter the church, only to be blocked from entering by security.

The demon then detonates his vest. If you are interested in viewing, you will see no gore, but will be left in no doubt about the fate of those innocent people standing near the demon as he detonates.

Link is below: ... mbing.html

Prayers for Egypt would obviously be a great idea right now. So much to pray about.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby mlg » Mon Apr 10, 2017 5:52 pm

Yes, so very much to pray about....Satan is spreading his evil to and fro....may the Lord intervene soon.

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:22 pm

Hi again All,

I wish you all God's blessings on this Easter Monday, and also blessings for His harshly persecuted people in the Middle-East.

I feel called to briefly discuss the duplicity, hypocrisy, cold-bloodedness, and completely fake and dishonest nature of our globalist system. Yes, hardly uplifting themes for us to ponder this Easter, I know, but I will nonetheless share a little bit of insight with you.

A couple of days ago a suicide bomber driving a van in Syria blew up over a hundred Shiite Muslim civilians. These are pro-Assad civilians who were in a bus convoy. They were leaving towns that had been besieged by western-backed rebel forces (in a deal to evacuate that had been struck with the Syrian government).

Anyway, the bus convoy was headed for the relative safety of government-controlled Aleppo. But the convoy got held up for some reason, and during this hold-up the suicide bomber driving the van ploughed into the convoy and blew it up.

There are a number of things to note here. When I say the convoy 'blew up', it sounds very generic. Remember, heads and limbs would have been blown off, entrails spilled, and the whole thing would have been a nightmare, ie. a literal bloodbath.

Secondly, at least 68 of the dead are children. Thirdly, this was not a crime by the Syrian government. The perpetrators were Syrian rebels.

Remember, the vast majority of Syrian rebels are allied with either ISIS or the Syrian al-queda affiliate. As stated in earlier posts, 'moderate' rebels are a tiny minority and most of the western-backed groups are linked with extremist jihadist groups like al-queda or others who are just as bad.

Fourthly, western media and politicians have been deathly silent about this, no doubt because responsibility for this atrocity falls on western proxies and, by extension, the western government-media complex itself.

Moreover,there has been no denunciation from western sources, including a certain fake politician who recently had spoken of the 'Beautiful babies...' who had died in the gas attack of two weeks ago. There has been virtually no outage about this at all from any of the media outlets or politicians who were so quick to blame Assad for the recent chemical attack.

Yes, we live in a world of selective outrage, fake concern for human rights, lies, deceit, hatred for truth and balance, and so on. And it comes from the top of society all the way down.

A link to an article about this bus bombing is below: ... en/8447104

Oh, by the way, to add to the point I'm making, there was recently a US air strike around Mosul in Iraq that wiped out over 200 civilians. Any media outrage about this? No. Any fake populist politicians (who even fooled me for a while) lamenting the loss of 'Beautiful babies...'? No. No, no, no, no... No-one cares much about this massacre, do they. Nothing to see here.

Friends, if there's anything I'm trying to get across by this post, it's to encourage you not to get sucked into the lies of this world. We have to be strong, independent thinking, extremely sceptical of anything told us by the mainstream media, politicians, and their consumers/followers.

We are living in a 'new world order'. I'm not one of those people who says they know when the end times are. I don't know, only God knows. But satan's plan is clearly to set up a one-world government with everything under his horrible, lying control.

In my humble opinion, it is too late (at this stage) for western states and their puppet allies. They are gone, they are already fully a part of satan's growing kingdom on earth, and in many ways are the main drivers of it at this point.

Any states like Syria that are not under globalist control must be demonised, destroyed and brought to heel. It has NOTHING to do with how good, bad or indifferent these states are. If they are independent of the Luciferian globalist system, they are public enemy number one (just think Serbia in 1999, Iraq during and after the same time, and also Libya).

Why is Russian being so demonised at this point? Again, it has nothing to do with how good, bad or indifferent Russia is. NOTHING to do with this. Rather, Russia is apparently not a part of this globalist system, so is also public enemy number one. Only, Russia is powerful and armed to the teeth with nukes. So, tricky for the west to annihilate it and bring it to heel, without being totally decimated itself. In a nutshell, Russia is not Serbia, it is not Iraq, Libya, or Syria.

That's about it. I encourage you all very strongly to reject the lies and deceit of this world. It doesn't mean we will then know everything about what's going on in this world. I don't pretend to know everything, or even that much at all. But I do know one thing; humanity is rotten and deceitful to the core, from the top down.

As Christians we know we are no better than anyone else. In a way we are part of the problem. On the other hand, we have an amazing, perfect role model whose example we are invited to follow, and who is 100% truth.

Well, that was a long post. I congratulate you if you had the patience to get right to the end. I''ll leave it there.

God bless you.
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