The situation in Syria

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Feb 13, 2016 4:37 pm

Something is up in Syria at the moment. Saudi Arabia, Turkey and at least one other western-aligned Gulf State have 'offered' to send troops to Syria to 'fight' Islamic State.

As most well-informed people well know, the genocidal regimes of Saudi Arabia and Turkey are the biggest covert supporters of the so-called Islamic State and other jihadist groups. In fact, in the case of Turkey, their sponsorship of Islamic State is so massive, and so in the open, it could not really be called 'covert' any more.

Of course, something stinks about the 'offer' these regimes have made, and it would seem obvious that they are really sending troops there to bolster their faltering terror proxy groups who have been lately copping a hammering from the Assad/Putin/Iran/Hezbollah axis.

A really good, balanced article on the broader topic can be accessed from the link below. It is from the 'al-monitor' news site, which is vastly superior to the average western media propaganda rag. ... -iran.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Feb 19, 2016 5:08 pm

Below is the link to a really good article from the excellent Robert Fisk of The Independent. There are two major differences between Robert Fisk and the vast majority of western journalists: a) Robert Fisk is actually intelligent, and b) Robert Fisk has actually spent time in the Middle-East and could credibly be called an 'expert' on matters relating to the Middle-East.

The article is from the perspective of the Syrian Army soldiers who have been battling the vast, international conspiracy that has been attacking their nation over the last five years. And Fisk provides further, first-hand, indisputable, factual evidence of Turkey and its sponsorship of the 'al-nusra front', al-queda's official franchise in Syria. Link is below: ... 82281.html

The other article is a strangely honest opinion piece from a mainstream media source (I don't know much about the Boston Globe, but I presume it could be classified as 'establishment media'. But correct me if I'm wrong). The title of the article says it all: 'The media are misleading the public on Syria'. Link is below: ... story.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Feb 26, 2016 5:02 pm

Here is a brand new article from Robert Fisk, giving further genuine insight into the current military situation in Syria. It's more great, informative writing: ... 98741.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Mar 05, 2016 5:36 pm


A few significant things have been happening in Syria of late. You may have heard about a partial cease-fire between Russian-backed Syrian government forces and western-backed 'rebel' forces.

This has apparently taken partial hold over Syria, and some parts of the nation are experiencing their calmest periods in years. This is certainly worth praying about- that it could actually take hold and be maintained, actually reducing the death and destruction to a significant degree.

There have been numerous ceasefire violations already, with both sides blaming each other. There is also no agreement involving the 'Islamic State' or the 'al-nusra front'. This is where it gets a bit complicated: most people agree on how bad the 'Islamic State' is, but in the case of the al-nusra front, which is al-queada's official franchise in Syria, there is not as much unanimity.

Yes, al-nusra front is profoundly evil, and every bit as disgusting as 'Islamic State'. But, despite this, most western-backed 'rebel' groups are aligned with al-nusra, and our western mainstream media has even referred to al-nusra front as 'moderate' rebels, despite the countless beheadings, massacres, immolations, bombings, etc, that they have committed.

The obvious complication here is, if Russia may still bomb 'Islamic State' and 'al-nusra front' during the partial ceasefire, where does it draw the line regarding the allies of 'al-nusra front', who are largely just as bad?

It's very murky, of course, but somehow, it does appear that the ceasefire is partially working. The media, of course, has no interest in peace. Its latest reports have generally focused on some small anti-Assad demonstrations that have been held in rebel-held areas.

Anyway, as stated, we just ought to be praying hard, here and now, that the fragile partial-peace is not shattered despite the efforts of western establishment media and others who do not want peace.

On this issue, there are two psychotic regimes that also do not want a ceasefire to work. I speak, of course, of the despotic regimes of Turkey and Saudi Arabia, both of which support and help to run numerous terrorist groups including Islamic State.

These two devious players have no interest in peace in Syria, and will do all they can to scuttle any such chance. Below is an interesting article from about what these two revolting regimes have been up to lately: ... rian-pact-
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Mar 14, 2016 2:56 am

The partial ceasefire apparently continues to hold, although both sides accuse each other of 'violations'. There is still violence going on, mainly involving the jihadist 'rebel' groups who are not involved in the ceasefire (Islamic State, al-nusra front and a few other groups).

All things given, it appears that deaths continue to be considerably down since the beginning of the ceasefire. It's important to pray that it continue to hold, that the blame game be hosed down, and that some kind of compromise be found (as unlikely as it may sound). My personal feeling is that partitioning the land into government-held, Kurdish held and 'rebel'-held regions may be for the best. But then again, who knows how plausible this would be.

I have a link to another excellent, insightful article from Robert Fisk of The Independent. Click below: ... 29186.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:16 pm

There has been some big news overnight.

President Putin of Russia has ordered most of his armed forces in Syria to withdraw from that land, with a small contingent to be left behind (a so-called 'partial pull-out').

This may well be part of a compromise Russia has made with other world powers such as the USA, in order to further the current push for peace.

I don't know what to make of it at this point, but am not particularly worried by it. Assad and his allies are in much better shape due to the Russian intervention. Having said that, there simply has to be significant compromise made by the other side, as well, in order for the Russian move to be a meaningful step towards the goal of peace. Let's just see what happens.

It is worth noting that, while Putin, Hezbollah, Iran and Assad are on the same side, they each have their own agendas which might sometimes not be in harmony with the agendas of their own allies. For example, while Assad and Iran may have the (probably quite unrealistic) goal of destroying all terrorist groups and retaking all lost territory in Syria, Putin may be looking to stamp his own version of peace onto Syria, which may not be in harmony with how Assad and Iran wish to achieve their own outcomes.

Links to a couple of articles on this latest development can be found below: ... t-ilsa7fi5 ... unt-me-out
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:09 pm

Hi again,

The partial ceasefire in Syria is laregly holding, with apparent ongoing 'violations' which each side accuses the other of breaking. Meanwhile, there is still continual heavy fighting involving Syrian government forces against Islamic State as well as the al-nusra front (al-queda).

I have some snippets to share with you today. Firstly, there were a number of mainstream media news reports admitting that had offered right from the start to help the CIA, Syrian rebels, etc, bring down the Assad government. What's really interesting about this is the globalist aspect; the union of politics, media, corporations, military, etc, all wrapped up into one 'establishment'; in laymen's terms, the 'New World Order'. Link is below: ... 46121.html

In other news, the partial ceasefire continues to laregly hold, as mentioned. But, as mentioned in a previous post, it's incredibly murky. The al-nusra front is not part of the ceasefire, yet many of the rebel groups part of the ceasefire have been allied with al-nusra right up until the present (and presumably still are). And everyone knows that there are virtually no 'moderate' rebel groups left in Syria (the Kurds are not 'rebels', as they are clearly a distinctly separate side).

Yet, somewhow the partial ceasefire continues. To get to the point, I recently read a report about how some US-backed groups have been battling other US-backed groups near Aleppo. This sort of thing has been going on right since the start of the war, and has resulted in many thousands of deaths in so-called 'rebel-on-rebel' violence. At other times, it has also involved the Kurds when rebel groups have attacked them. Link to this latest report is below: ... -86347952/

Lastly, on the military front, the latest major focus has been on Palmyra, where Syrian government forces have been trying to take pack this city from the Islamic State. This is the city that was famed for its historical and achaeological antiquities and treasures. You may remember the horror when the 'I.S.' took the city last year from government forces. They slaughterd many hundreds on the streets (shooting or beheading, generally), staged and filmed mass executions among the historical ruins, and dynamited several ancient monuments.

Now, the Syrian Army is back and is on the offensive to retake the city, and has apparently made inroads, with the I.S. now clearly on the defensive. Below is a link to an appropriate article from, a source which is often insightful but also known to be sometimes unreliable.’s-fate-hangs-on-the-Palmyra-battle-–-and-on-Russian-air-support
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Mar 27, 2016 5:46 am

This is an update to the latest post. The Syrian Army has retaken Palmyra and obliterated Islamic State resistance in the city, handing the terror group its most resounding defeat since it came into existence. Turkey and Saudi Arabia will be crying into their beer. This is certainly good news. An article about this development from debkafile can be found below:’s-troops-enter-Palmyra-after-massive-Russian-air-blitz-to-smash-ISIS

UPDATE: After the crushing defeat of 'ISIS' in Palmyra, the greatest setback suffered by this vile terrorist group during its brief history, the silence has been deafening from the pro-terror regimes led by Mr Obama of the USA and Mr Cameron of Britain, both of whom would be crying into their beer along with their fellow gangster regimes in Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

An excellent article on this very topic can be accessed below from 'The Independent'. It's well worth a read. ... 55406.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Apr 25, 2016 7:17 am

Hi Again, All,

Haven't got time to talk a lot at the moment. The fragile ceasefire between the Syrian military and its allies as well as some of the 'rebel' groups continues to somewhat hold, but is apparently increasingly strained.

What I wanted to post tonight is an article about the disgusting behaviour of Israel within the context of the Syrian Civil War.

It's a well-known fact that Israel has supported violent, jihadi terrorists in their fight against the Syrian government, an Iranian proxy. The groups Israel has supported have a lot of blood on their hands, including Christian blood. I honestly don't know how any Christian can excuse what Israel is doing in Syria.

Anyway, I suggest you read the article below. It is from a mainstream media source, and it documents the extensive medical care which Israel gives to wounded jihadi terrorists. The Israeli regime dresses it up as 'humanitarianism' and respectful of 'human rights', etc.

But the cold, hard reality, even admitted within the article, is that the vast majority of those it treats are not civilians, but are either al-queda terrorists or other jihadi terrorists that are aligned with al-queda- the same groups that have been ethnically cleansing Christians and other groups in the Middle-East.

Link is below: ... emies.html

UPDATE: I wasn't even looking for anything involving Israel, but still came across this article, from a mainstream Israel newspaper, in which it casually mentions that high-tech Israeli-made weapons are being directly shipped from Syrian 'rebel forces' to Islamic State fighters.

It must be noted that this is an allegation from the Syrian military, who would take any opportunity to criticise their enemy, Israel. However, let's not forget that Israel has publicly stated that Iran is a 'bigger threat' than Islamic State. In fact, Israel has never indicated that it views Islamic State as an enemy at all.

Knowing what we now know about the globalist, new world order and the terrible behaviour of its nation states, it would come as no surprise at all to learn that Israel was helping to arm and fund Islamic State. After all, it is open knowledge that Turkey and Saudi Arabia have been major, pivotal backers of Islamic State from its inception.

It is also established, indisputable fact that Israel is an open supporter of al-queda and its fellow travellers in Syria.

Article is below. Make of it what you will: ... SIS-452497
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri May 27, 2016 7:30 am

Hi Friends,

Been a while since I've posted. My reading of the Syria conflict over the last month or so is that it's been largely status quo. Since the partial Russian withdrawal, Syrian government advances have slowed, and 'rebels'/ISIS have made some small counter-gains.

The cease-fire is increasingly shaky and being violated on more and more occasions. There was a recent massacre carried out by 'moderate' Syrian rebels, in which they stormed an Alawite village and were filmed walking amongst the bloodied corpses of Alawite civilians who they had just murdered with their weapons. Meanwhile, over a hundred civilians in Assad strongholds were murdered by ISIS car/suicide bombs. There also appear to be more and more high-level negotiations between Russia and America, but massive schisms remain seemingly impossible to bridge given massive divisions between Russia and its allies as opposed to the USA and its allies.

Anyway, now to some interesting recent articles. The first one, linked below, is about the propaganda war being launched by the international media against Syria, using casualty tallies as a weapon: ... eally-say/

The other one is an interesting recent article by the excellent Robert Fisk. Link is below: ... 50261.html

I'll get back to you as more developments arise and when time permits. All the best.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Jun 09, 2016 5:12 pm

Hello All,

No time to type today, so I'll just post you this link to a reasonable article about the current US role in Syria. It describes the mess of US policy/interference in Syria. On the one hand, the Defence Dept. apparently only wants to fight the 'Islamic State', while the US intelligence community, including the CIA, wants to continue to fully support al-queda, and other similarly genocidal monsters, in their fight against the Syrian government and anyone else who would stand in their way.

Link is below: ... ebels.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby mlg » Thu Jun 09, 2016 8:14 pm

*Wave* TrueandMagneticNorth

God Bless you.
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