In depression and needing lots of prayer

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Re: In depression and needing lots of prayer

Postby ElvinH » Mon Sep 14, 2015 4:50 am

Yesterday was a bad day for me. I have a job I really don't like and it is a big part of my depression. Why is it that the people that are your boss have to be so mean. I'm doing my job even though it is very hard for me and I need it to pay the bills. Why is it that bosses feel like they have to mentally torcher you as well. If I was a boss or manager I would try to be more understanding and help my employee. This is my second boss and he's not much different from the first. I have been praying for a different job everyday and sometimes 3 and 4 times a day and this has been going on for 2 years now what is it that I'm doing wrong ? I feel like I'm stuck in a prison. I ask everyone who reads this to PLEASE pray for me that I will get ether a better job or a better boss SOON. Thank you for your prayers
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Re: In depression and needing lots of prayer

Postby dema » Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:05 am

Are you looking? (Carefully) And are you looking outside the box? Do you have a church? It is important to have a church family. It is sometimes difficult to find one that fits. But it is worth the effort.
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Re: In depression and needing lots of prayer

Postby ElvinH » Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:20 am

I was going to church and because of the job I have I work every Sunday now 10 hours so I can't go in the morning or in the evening. I love going to church, I've gone all my life and now because of the position I'm in I can't go when I need something like that in my life the most. It's like the devil is coming against me all the time anymore.i lost my son in a car accident in 2006, had a severe car accident myself in 2010 from the car accident I have had two shoulder surgeries, a back surgery and a neck surgery, then I got laid off from my job because the company I worked for got bought out and they didn't need me anymore after 19 years. I tried to start a business but that drained my retirement and it failed after 2 years. Then I got this job which I felt was a blessing but it's been a curse. Because of how strict they are and wanting you to commit your life to them I have been physically and mentally sick for the last two years. The bosses I have aren't kind at all and it's like they have drunk the company koolaid. Maybe they weren't nice before either. The boss I had before this one would change my name slightly and make it sound like a girls name. He thought that was funny, I thought it was very unprofessional. I have had people working for me before and I show them respect because I expect respect back. It seems like if you don't drink the company juice and become one of them you need to leave.
I know there is nothing anyone can do for me here in this forum except pray but it seems to slightly help to put down my thoughts and get them off my chest.
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