The situation in Syria

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Apr 20, 2015 5:43 am

Greetings to everyone. Here is news on the latest atrocity of the so-called 'Islamic State'. It happened in Libya, once the most stable and prosperous country in northern Africa, if not all of Africa, but now a burning, seething, violent failed-state thanks to the 'humanitarian intervention' of NATO on the side of violent anti-government jihadists ('democractic freedom fighters', according to the government/media).

This 'intervention', for those of you still unaware, overthrew the government of that country, brutally murdered its leader in extra-judicial fashion, slaughtered thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of civilians and innocent soldiers in that country, destroyed any semblance of law and order in that country, and threw its 100,000 previously protected Christians to the wolves.

Read for news of the latest atrocity in the link below: ... ns-us.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Apr 23, 2015 7:46 am

Here is an article about the recent fall of the city of Idlib, in north-western Syria, to jihadist forces sponsored by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and others. Needless to say, it was a negative outcome for the city's Christians: ... usra-.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon May 04, 2015 6:46 am

The Syrian Army and its allies have been losing a lot of territory in north-western Syria, as well as southern Syria, of late. Many mainstream media outlets are now trumpeting the imminent downfall of the Syrian government. For the record, no-one is denying that the Syrian 'rebels' are largely made up of violent al-queda jihadists. And this is not even taking the 'Islamic State' into consideration.

The usual suspects who are covertly behind this latest jihadist push are the USA, Britain, France, Israel (hard for many Christians to accept this, but not to accept it is to deny the indisputable truth), Saudi Arabia, Turkey, France and Qatar. Each of the aforementioned has its respective hands soaked in blood.

An article detailing this is below. What is interesting is that this article is from an Israeli, pro-western site that is certainly no fan of Assad or Iran. But even this source can't deny the dirty, inconvenient truth: ... m-Al-Qaeda’s-Syrian-branches
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri May 22, 2015 5:10 pm

There are some clear signs that both the Syrian and Iraqi governments are losing large swathes of territory to the so-called 'Islamic State', who are now uncomfortably close to both Damascus and Baghdad. Meanwhile, people such as the radio presenter Michael Savage have wondered why a half-mile long convoy of islamic state military hardware was allowed to hold a parade out in the open marking one of their recent conquests (I believe it was Ramadi, Iraq).

Remember, this is an age of hyper-surveillance. Two people having an anti-government conversation in the middle of the wilderness could be observed through technology, and their conversation recorded. Why then was this massive convoy not attacked and wiped out, like a 'highway of death'? It was attacked by no-one. Repeat, no-one in the world. Why? I don't think I need to tell you what I think.

Below is an article dealing with the march (of islamic state) on Baghdad and Damascus: ... is-alarmed

There are horror stories coming out of Palmyra, the regional Syrian city recently conquered by the 'IS'. There is a link to an article below about what is happening there. Keep in mind that this is what 'IS' and other similar groups tend to do with each new area conquered: ... 46354.html

Here is another article about what it would be like to be at the mercy of the 'Islamic State': ... .html?_r=0
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Jun 05, 2015 6:44 pm

Hello All,

Things have not been more dire in Syria since the start of the war. There is reporting that Iran is planning its first large-scale, open intervention into the war, possibly with tens of thousands of its troops, to prevent the fall of the Syrian government, who has been reeling from defeat after defeat on the battlefield of late.

Meanwhile, I have personally seen still photos of people who had just been beheaded by Syrian 'rebels'-ISIS, including a young girl, with limbs flayed out, running rivers of blood from the neck area, and the heads displayed about a metre away from their bodies.

Michael Savage, usually an ardent supporter of Israel and American patriot, and usually not one to seriously consider conspiracy theories, recently asked, "Why the hell are Israel and America, two of the most modern militaries on the planet, not lifting a finger against ISIS?' His answer, as I have already concluded myself, is that Israel and the USA are both enabling ISIS, and quite possibly aiding them covertly, to topple the Assad government of Syria.

To be fair, these are not the only two countries doing it. As mentioned before, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Britain and France are doing equally evil things, aiding ISIS as well as other jihadist groups in Syria.

For a couple of interesting articles on topics mentioned above, click on the links below: ... t-to-Syria ... 01084.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Jun 12, 2015 5:52 pm

Below is a link to a new article by Robert Fisk, summarising the current general military situation in Syria: ... 17350.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Jul 06, 2015 6:18 pm

It's been an interesting few weeks in Syria but, as far as I know, there have been no major developments aside from the regular killing.

Here are a few snippets that I've noticed: The 'rebel-on-rebel' violence is going along strongly. The so-called 'Islamic State' is killing its fair share of other rebels, often by beheading after capturing them, while other rebel groups have started doing the same to the 'IS'.

The fighting is not only ongoing amongst rebel groups, but also between the IS and Kurdish groups, the latter of which is generally doing quite well, and making up ground. Moreover, the Kurds have some allies amongst arab tribes not too closely aligned with the 'Syrian rebels', as the Kurds know full well that the Syrian rebels are largely made up of unsympathetic jihadists who are no better than the IS.

The 'rebels' have tried to start a big push to conquer the city of Aleppo from Syrian government forces, but have so far made little headway. Meanwhile, one of the only few areas the Syrian government is currently doing well is along the Lebanese border in the Qalamon mountains where Syrian government forces, led by Hezbollah, have been making a lot of advances against Syrian rebel groups, amongst them the 'al-nusra front', al-queda's official branch in Syria.

There have been some ruptures in Israeli society recently, too, primarily among its Druze population. The Syrian Druze have been largely pro-government in the Syrian civil war (they are a sect that is an offshoot of shiite islam). However, there are many Druze in Israel, too, who naturally are closely connected to their brethren in Syria. Moreover, the Syrian Druze have suffered periodoically from brutal violence at the hands of Syrian rebels throughout the war. Now, rebels are threatening to march on several more Druze areas in Syria and have made no secret of their plans to do those communities harm.

The Israeli Druze, quite clearly fed up at the Israeli government's support of anti-Druze jihadist groups in Syria, has started to show open hostility to their government's support of al-queda. In one instance, a Druze group stopped an Israeli ambulance that was carrying two wounded al-queda fighters from the Syrian battlefield into Israel for treatment. The Druze group surrounded the ambulance and lynched the two jihadists, although one managed to eventually escape alive.

All of that aside, here is a little article about the current situation in Syria: ... 1436206834

UPDATE: Below is a link to another good summary of the current military situation in Syria. ... 10981.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Jul 11, 2015 6:50 pm

Here is a different sort of a post. I had a little bit of a surreal experience recently, but then thought nothing of it. Then I came across an article from the quite good 'al-monitor' news site which confirmed that it's not me that's crazy, but the world.

I recently read an article from the 'Washington Post'. Sure, I know full well that it's a part of the controlled establishment media, and is nothing more than a globalist propaganda outlet.

However, it still struck me as bizarre to see a major western 'newspaper' unquestioningly provide significant 'opinion' space to a radical, al-queda affiliated jihadist group. Yes, that's right, only 14 years after the September 11 attacks, the Washington Post has provided 'opinion' space to people very closely allied with al-queda.

Of course, there is no doubt that similar outlets like the New York Times are also more than happy to sink to the same lows. Link to original al-queda opinion piece is below: ... story.html

The al-monitor article questioning this move, and shedding light on the real nature of the 'opinion' piece and its author, can be accessed below: ... ition.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Jul 26, 2015 7:03 am

Hi Brothers and Sisters,

Wonders never cease. I have come across an apparently thorough, hard-hitting article about the plight of Christians in the middle-east from, and I can't believe this is the case, the New York Times. The aforementioned rag is normally nothing more than a propaganda mouth-piece for the globalist agenda.

I haven't had time to read the whole article yet, as I have to get up very early in the morning, but I'll be sure to do so in the coming days. The scanning I undertook, however, indicated to me that it was a genuine, researched article detailing the persecution of Christians in Iraq, among other places, in all its horror.

Link is below. Please remember that it is very long but, unless my first impression was misguided, it would be well worth reading. ... .html?_r=0
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Aug 08, 2015 6:11 pm

Greetings to all again,

Despite some tit-for-tat gains and losses, the war has recently settled back into the status quo.

The USA and Turkey have apparently come up with an agreement to get Turkey active in the fight against the so-called 'Islamic State'. This is a little puzzling given that Turkey has been one of the biggest supporters of the 'IS', with plenty of evidence that they have harboured them, helped finance and train them, ferried them across the border into Syria, and let their fighters move about freely in Turkey.

So why would Turkey suddenly start to bomb their own alley, the Islamic State? I don't claim to know. But, as usual, there are some disturbing pieces of evidence that seem to suggest that, as usual, things are not as they might seem.

To cut a long story short, it seems that Turkey, just like the USA, is conducting a very low-intensity air campaign against the terror group, bombing empty warehouses and maybe a few low level operatives in a pick-up truck or whatever else, while deliberately going easy against the 'IS' as a whole.

Against this backdrop, it appears that Turkey is launching its heaviest aggression and attacks against the Kurds of Iraq and Syria. Remember, the Kurds are a group that has been long-persecuted by Turkey, often brutally so. What is particularly interesting, though, is that the Kurds have clearly been the most successful group at fighting against IS.

Overall, the American-Turkish alliance against IS seems to be more about strengthening the terror group, rather than seriously damaging it.

Then we have Israel, which I honestly believed for most of my life were the 'good guys' while everyone who didn't love them were simply the 'bad guys'. A few years ago I was jolted out of this naive stupour when I was confronted with simply too much evidence that Israel has aligned itself with head-sawing, Christian-slaughering al-queda jihadists. The reason for this demonic alliance is their joint desire to bring down the Assad government in Damascus, at all costs. It's still incredible to realize this fact: Israel and al-queda are allies (This was even reported on by the Wall Street Journal recently).

That aside, there is more horrific news from the last few days, with news that the demonic 'Islamic State' terror group has abducted dozens, perhaps hundreds of Assyrian Christians after it captured the town of Qaryatain in central Syria. There were also other pro-government people who were abducted and to this point, the whereabouts of all of them remain unknown.

Link to a relevant article is below: ... en-1514496

Some urgent prayer on behalf of these innocent victims is surely a good idea.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:30 am


No word on the Christians kidnapped by the 'Islamic State' so far.

I have read an interesting article and wanted to post it. It is perhaps a little biased in favour of the Syrian government/Hezbollah/Iran, etc, but it is an interesting alternative to the western mainstream media, which is generally against these three, but more supportive of jihadist terrorists with whom the west has allied itself.

Make of it what you will. Link is below: ... st/5468277

UPDATE: There is some apparent information on the fate of the abducted Assyrian Christians, recently mentioned. There is no evidence as yet that some of them may have been murdered by their 'Islamic State' abductors but, if this article is anything to go by, their fate is looking very grim to say the least. Link is below: ... -paid.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Aug 19, 2015 7:30 am

Two more articles for you to read. The first involves the barbaric murder of an elderly Syrian scholar. LInk is below: ... gist-syria

The next one is an interesting opinion piece about the merits of teaming up with the Assad government to fight ISIS: ... eader.html

Lastly, there has been a lot of media reports lately denouncing the Assad government for a 'massacre' of civilians in a bombing raid in southern Syria. All of the usual suspects have been loudly pretending to be horrified.

Here's an interesting fact for you; out of the approximately 100 fatalities, all of which are 'civilians' according to the western government-media complex, three were women and two were children. The rest were grown-up males.

Obviously, the bombing resulted in a horrible tragedy that would have claimed some innocent victims. But two children and three women out of approximately 100 fatalities means it is a near-certainty that many of the remaining victims, most likely the bulk of them, were not 'civilians' as the government-media is claiming, but western-backed anti-Assad rebels.
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