The situation in Syria

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Nov 11, 2014 7:08 pm

Here is an interesting little article by Robert Fisk about the Syrian Military and its battles with ISIS. ... 54693.html

UPDATE; There has been a fair bit of sickening news coming out of Syria in recent days, including the murderous, unspeakably cruel sins of the so-called 'Islamic State' group.The latest western hostage who was apparently one of their recent victims, referred to in corporate mainstream media as an 'aid worker', was purportedly in reality a mercenary/intelligence agent fighting on the side of the western-backed Syrian jihadist 'rebels' against the Syrian government.

I can not confirm with any certainty that this is true, but I've heard it from several sources, including the source below. If he was really murdered as the media is telling us, then it is obviously unspeakable regardless of his immoral reasons for being there in the first place. But let's not forget each of the dozen-or-so Syrian prisoners who had their heads sawn off with serrated blades (they were simulataneously decapitated, shown in all of its cruel, prolonged, hideous horror in the same video that apparently showed the severed head of the American).

Link is below to an interesting article detailing some of the recent events in Syria: ... assig.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:58 pm

Here is an article that purports to know something about some of the victims in the mass-decapitation video mentioned in the previous post. There still appears to be uncertainty about who all of the victims were. But what is clear is that the perpetrators were members of the so-called 'Islamic State' terrorist group, and the victims were either pro-Syrian government combatants or civilians.

Furthermore, at least one of the victims, according to this article, was a Christian. Link is below:
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:25 am

Hi All,

I'd like to take this chance to thank all of those who have checked out this forum. And I'd like to extend an extra thanks to those of you who check back from time to time.

I have just come across a surprisingly honest and straightforward article from a mainstream source. If you read the link below you will get a good insight into the horrible truth that led me to start up this forum in the first place. It is all summed up below. ... rists.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Dec 13, 2014 4:57 pm


Here is a link to an article that features an interview with a Syrian patriarch about the war and plight of Christians there. He gives his views on the situation and opinion on the best way forward.

He does not seem to accuse anyone in particular but expresses his concerns in a generally gentle, neutral kind of way. LInk is below: ... apons.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Jan 03, 2015 1:40 pm

Happy New Year to you all,

There is not much new to report from Syria, as far as I know. There are more uncomfirmed (but very believable) reports of the so-called 'Islamic State' turning churches into torture chambers, and decapitating entire Christiam families, one after the other, with knives.

There is also disturbing evidence that the so-called American-led coalition that is bombing the 'Islamic State' is going exceptionally easy on them, with the number of strikes on them ammounting to a tiny percentage of the strikes that were launched on places like Iraq and Libya when it was decided by the international community to decimate those countries and remove their governments, and any semblance of law and order that may have existed there.

There are games being played, and it is hard to know what is going on. That aside, here is an article, from a maintream source, surprisingly, that takes pains to come across as neutral and not supporting any one side. It describes persecution of Christians in Syria by western-backed rebels. Nothing knew, here.

For what it's worth, I recently read what was purporting to be an interview with a former fighter from the so-called 'Islamic State', and he openly said that there was little if any difference between 'Islamic State' fighters and fighters from other rebel groups, in terms of their lust for beheading, massacres, extremism and the like. Any real difference there may really be seems to be a figment of the western government-media's imagination.

Link to the article is below: ... raves.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Jan 15, 2015 5:21 am

Just a few little items from Syria and the Middle-East. Among the frequent evil acts being committed by the so-called
'Islamic State', one stood out to me recently. In the east-Syrian city of Al-Raqqah, which is controlled by the 'IS', there was apparently a street magician who did tricks like making things disappear, and the like, illusions and such stuff to enterain passers-by. He was said to have been very popular with the kids. Anyway, when the 'IS' came across him they arrested him for sorcery, and he was decapitated in the public square.

Meanwhile, in Libya, a formerly rather prosperous country that was targetted and annihilated by the unholy alliance between the western government-media complex and Islamic extremism, we have the continual meltdown of what was once a rather orderly state. Jihadist militias rule the roost and murder anyone who stands in their way, or is not with them whole-heartedly. Below is a link to a story abot how 'ISIS' in Libya has kidnapped about 20 Christians, and plans to slaughter them, if they haven't already.: ... -in-libya/

What has happened in Libya since the NATO/al-queda unholy alliance removed the government of that country is unspeakable. And, of course, what we hear about would only be the tip of the iceberg.

In other news, there is more evidence of actual collaboration and strategic partnership between Israel and the
Jabhat-al-nusra front (al-queda's official affiliate in Syria). Israel was a country that I personally loved and put up on a pedastal. To be confronted with evidence upon evidence that it is actually in an open strategic alliance with Christian-murdering jihadists has been very difficult for me to digest. However, facts are facts and anyone interested in the truth must try to digest even the most uncomfortable facts.

Yes, the Syrian government has been equally hostile to Israel in recent decades and even further back. This is a fact. However, that Israel gives comfort, training, support, arms and even air force cover to help Christian murdering al-queda jihadists in Syria is also another established fact. And for many well-meaning Christians, to which I consider myself one of, it should be a darned uncomfortable fact to digest. Link is below. Please note that this is only one article on the topic, but I have come across many such articles and indisputable evidence over the years I've been researching the Syrian Civil War. ... nusra.html

Lastly, everyone would have heard about the terror act in France. As terrible as it was, only about 20 people died. Compare this to the carnage that the west has unleashed on the middle-east. The so-called desire to spread 'democracy and human rights' in the middle-east, which we all know is of course propaganda double-speak for globalist imperialism, has killed hundreds of thousands in recent years, and counting.

Also, at around the same time as the Paris massacre, the Boko Haram islamist terror group committed a massacre in Nigeria that is said to have killed up to 2,000 people in a single terror attack. Many of these, if not most of them, would have presumably been Christian.

That's all for today. God bless. Until next time.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Jan 30, 2015 4:38 pm

Here is a nice little summary of the background to the Syrian Civil War. It brushes aside propaganda, fake concern for 'human rights' and 'democracy', and gets to the nuts and bolts of why the war started, got out of control, and the true motivations of the western countries and others who were responsible for the start and continuation of the mayhem: ... sponsible/
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Feb 14, 2015 5:04 pm

In one of the previous posts I mentioned that a branch of ISIS in Libya had abducted about 20 Coptic Christians. It is now apparent that they have been murdered in a mass, simulatenous slaughter.

It is a well-established fact that Libya was arguably the most prosperous state in all of Africa and had high standards of education compared to most other African countries. Ghaddafi, for all of his faults, was understood to be a ruler that generally ruled for the good of his country. Christians numbered about 100,000 and were tolerated under his rule.

Extremism was only allowed to gain real traction in Libya after the unholy NATO/al-queda alliance destroyed Ghaddafi, his government, as well as rule and order in the entire country. Libya is now a seething, violent, lawless basket-case. This is what our corporate media refers to as 'regime change', 'nation building' and 'democracy'.

We largely have that cackling demon of hell, Hilary Clinton, to thank for this (if anyone takes offense at my choice of words here, try turning your attention to the tens of thousands murdered by NATO/al-queda in Libya, and the fact that 100,000 pre-war Libyan Christians now number 3,000). A dishonourable mention has to go to Clinton's fellow travellers, puppet masters and the vile, collaborating liars that dominate the mainstream media.

A link to a small article from, with what appear to be still images from the seconds leading up to the mass slaughter, is below: ... -in-libya/

UPDATE: The mass slaughter has been all but confirmed, with the beheadings being featured in another carefully produced ISIS snuff film. Read the link below: ... a0015.html

Sometimes words are worthless. However, on this occasion I would certainly welcome any comments that anyone would like to make on this matter.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:42 am

Hi All,

More horrid news. It's even being covered by the mainstream media. The so-called 'Islamic State' has abducted approximately 100 Assyrian Christians in northern Syria (some estimates speak of over 200).

Here is one link:

Prayers for their release would be a good idea. But when purely evil filth, like the so-called 'IS', abduct people, there is little reason to believe that the victims will receive anything other than a cruel, savage fate.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:32 am

Been a while since I offered an update, so now it's time.

There is still no word on the approximately 200 Assyrian Christians abducted by the 'Islamic State' in Syria. About 20 were released, according to reports. The others are still unaccounted for. They are either still in captivity, or are already dead. Conversely, it is wholly possible that some are still alive while others have already been murdered.

A link to an update on the situation is below:

There have also been numerous reports about the forming of Christian militias in northern Syria, who have been fighting alongside Kurdish and Syrian government forces against the 'Islamic State' and other jihadist groups.

Many Christians have been serving in the Syrian government forces before and during the conflict, as well as in pro-government militias such as the NDF (National Defense Forces) but, as far as I know, the newly formed Christian militias are the first exclusively Christian militias of several thousand members that have sprung up during the Syrian Civil War (there have been others, but they were generally smaller).

I'll keep you updated when I come across more news. I hope the year is going okay for all of you so far. God bless you.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Mar 27, 2015 5:17 pm

Hello Everyone,

Here is an interesting article about Christians in and around Aleppo, Syria's biggest city, and how they are depending almost entirely on Syrian government forces to protect them from Syrian rebels and the so-called 'Islamic State' (which, as previously mentioned, are pretty much one and the same). ... ty-is.html

In other news, I have come across more disturbing evidence that all of the the high-tech, modern military gear used by the 'Islamic State' has been given to them covertly by the USA. The official story from the media is that all of this stuff was 'stolen' by 'IS' from fleeing Iraqi troops. The evidence, however, is continuing to suggest that the hidden truth is far more sinister than that.

Air-drops of supplies to the Kurds apparently continue to miss their mark wildly, and end up in 'IS' hands, for example. Whole columns of 'IS' terrorists drive along in formation in brand-spanking new US humvees, brandishing US-made weapons. The US airstrikes against 'IS', meanwhile, are pitiful, often hitting empty warehouses, or maybe the occasional small gatherings of low-level 'IS' operatives. Little more than this.

The Iraqi government (an Iranian proxy, admittedly) has openly accused the US regime of deliberately aiding the 'IS' with air drops. In the meantime, credible analysts have maintained that the 'IS' could not have risen so dramatically, and be doing what they're still doing, without covert support from nation-states.

There are also reports every now and again of the 'IS' actually 'stealing' large amount of money from the US. To be fair, the US is not the only country supporting them and other jihadists. The same old culprits such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia, France, Britain, etc, also have their dirty paw prints all over this.

So, what is really going on? I don't pretend to have a clear answer to that. What is certain, however, is that, as usual, the narrative that the western government-media complex is telling us to believe is, in reality, a long, long, long way from the actual truth.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Apr 01, 2015 4:59 pm

The bad news keeps rolling out of Syria. A few days ago, jihadist rebel groups in north-western Syria were able to overrun the city of Idlib, a provincial capital of between 100,000-200,000. It had largely been under Syrian government control for the duration of the war.

Yet, its proximity to the Turkish border made securing the city all but impossible. Weapons and fighters flow freely across the Turkish border with the full, open support of the Turkish government. They have also helped jihadist/rebel groups to establish and maintain bases, training areas and rest and recovery facilities on the Turkish side of the border, and they also give intelligence and artillety support to jihadists battling the Syrian government.

In the recent conquest of Idlib, up to seven thousand fighters are believed to have swarmed on the city in a co-ordinated invasion. Many of these apparently crossed over from the Turkish side of the border.

The assault featured several jihadist groups, but was led by the al-nusra front, the official franchise of al-queda in Syria. The al-nusra front doesn't have the international profile of the so-called 'Islamic State', but it is every bit as genocidal, and is known for its sectarian massacres, beheadings, burning people alive, and the whole lot. Moreover, the al-nusra front has often co-operated with the Islamic State and so-called 'moderate' rebels alike, showing how blurred the lines really are between all of these insurgent/terrorist groups, even though they sometimes battle each other, too.

The fate of minorities, including Christians, in Idlib must now be very uncertain (to put it mildly). For a general overview of the situation, I suggest you read the following article. Link is below: ... 02880.html

In other horrible news, the so-called IS embarked on another massacre of civilians a couple of days ago, beheading, burning and shooting many dozens of pro-government civilians in a small village, while abducting an unknown number as well. Link is below: ... 45-people/
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