Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:11 am

January 4


Revelation 19:4-9
The marriage of the
Lamb has come, and
His wife has made
herself ready.
__Revelation 19:7

I have officiated at a lot of weddings. Often planned according to the dreams of the bride, each of the weddings has been unique. but one thing is the same: adorned in their wedding dresses with hair beautifully done and faces aglow, brides steal the show.

I find it intriguing that God describes us as His bride. Speaking of the church, he says, "The marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready" (Rev. 19:7 ESV).

This is a great thought for those of us who have become discouraged about the condition of the church. I grew up as a pastor's kid, pastored three churches, and have preached in churches all over the world. I've counseled both pastors and parishioners about deep and troubling problems in the church. And though the church often seems unlovable, my love for the church has not changed.

But my reason for loving the church has changed. I now love it most of all for whose it is. The church belongs to Christ; it is the bride of Christ. Since the church is precious to him, it is precious to me as well. His love for His bride, as flawed as we may be, is nothing less than extraordinary!
__Joe Stowell

```````````````Lord, we look forward to the day when we will be``````````````````
```````````````robed in the fine linens of purity and join You at the```````````````
````````````````marriage supper of the Lamb. Until then, remind us``````````````
`````````````````to love Your bride and to live beautifully for You.````````````````
Since Christ loves His bride, the church, so should we.

********************Today's Bible Reading __ Revelation 19:4-9********************

4 And the twenty-four
elders and the four living
creatures fell down and
worshiped God who sat on
the throne, saying, "Amen!

5 Then a voice came from
the throne, saying, "Praise
our God, all you His
servants and those who fear
Him both small and great!"

6 And I heard, as it were,
the voice of a great
multitude, as the sound of
many waters and as the
sound of mighty
thunderings, saying,
"alleluia! for the Lord
God Omnipotent reigns!

7 Let us be glad and rejoice
and give him glory, for the
marriage of the Lamb has
come, and His wife has
made herself ready," 8 and
to her it was granted to be
arrayed in fine linen, clean
and bright, for the fine linen
is the righteous acts of the

9 Then he said to me,
"Write: 'Blessed are those
who are called to the
marriage supper of the
Lamb!' And he said to
me, "These are the true
saying of God."

The imagery of the church as the "bride of Christ" is found
repeatedly in the New Testament. While seen several times in the
book of Revelation (including today's reading), this word-picture also
appears in John's gospel. In John 3:29, John the Baptist describes
Christ as the bridegroom, then identifies himself as the "friend of
the bridegroom"__a role that in ancient times paralleled the role of
the "best man" in modern wedding ceremonies.
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