Understanding the Law of Faith part 2

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

Understanding the Law of Faith part 2

Postby saint701 » Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:10 pm

Hello Christianity Oasis, All...


We visited our doctor as scheduled the following week and discussed my progress. I was fine...but...the good doctor insisted I take his last bottle of elixir, as it would make me strong against all of the assaults of the enemy. The label on the bottle said...take as needed to quench all of the fiery darts of the wicked one.

I noticed that the medicine itself read, "Understanding the Tenets of the Law of Faith." I looked up at the good doctor after reading the label.

He gave me a look of concern that was quite unnerving, then said. "You can't fall back into unbelief over and over again, for if you do, you will die, not because of some unseemly thing you did or because of superfluity naughtiness, or because you do something that appears unrighteous even though it isn't, but because of unbelief. The Law of Sin and Death has been put away. The Law of Faith reigns in its place. You must overcome through faith.

The Law of Faith Tenet Number One


[23] For whatsoever is not of faith is sin.

Here is where I could just throw up my hands and say it is simply impossible to explain how it is we overcome by faith, our faith being our belief in Jesus, that God raised Him from the dead, and us within Him.

But it is through faith that we overcome, and that word cannot be usurped by any force, for it is separate from the Law of Sin and Death. If what we do, we do by faith, the Law of Sin and Death has been set aside. The Law of Faith is public enemy number one to the devil, for it is through faith that the Law of Life in Christ Jesus comes to us. As it is written...the Law of Life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the Law of Sin and Death. The Law of Faith puts the Law of Sin and Death aside for the expressed purpose of destroying the work of the devil, for it is through the Law of Sin and Death that the devil reigns over us unto death. Faith is public enemy number one to devils. Therefore, have faith to do whatsoever it is you do and keep Christ as our Lord. The devil's primary objective is to get you to fall into unbelief. That is why it is your faith that is put on trial by him...if the devil catches you doing something in unbelief...he has the right to bring death upon you in the form of a fiery trial. Should that happen to you...begin confessing you have faith to do whatsoever you will and that you love God and your brethren in Christ Jesus...we're saved by faith! The motivation of every devil is to bring death to all that are of The Law of Sin and Death, for it is the devil that wields the power of death. Don't cast away your faith!!!

For whatsoever is not of faith is sin...why? Because we either live in faith, being strong, and believing in God or die in unbelief. I suppose this is the place I should lay down the parameters of sin for a believer. I can't mention the sin of unbelief often enough...because it is through unbelief that God comes to judge the world. As Paul said, "if we continue in sin...unbelief...we shall die.

Please understand this scripture.


[7] Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
[8] And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:
[9] Of sin, because they believe not on me;
[10] Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;
[11] Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.

Do you want to be condemned with the world? If not...loose yourself from unbelief and be strong in faith, believing. Otherwise he that wields the power of death has the right to sting you...to bring the fiery trial upon you...to the glory of God I've been made to suffer through such things in order to warn you to keep your faith and love in the time of trial...you really do not want to suffer the things I've been blessed to suffer...I mean you don't...you don't...you don't...keep your shield of faith up!

The second part of sin as defined in the New Testament are these things.


[25] As touching the Gentiles which believe, we have written and concluded that they observe no such thing, save only that they keep themselves from things offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication.

I would like the preceding scripture to be interpreted like this. If you are worshiping devils you do not believe in our Lord's faithfulness to keep those wonderful promises He has so graciously made to us that believe. You are attempting to gain something you lack through the fortunes of evil. Blood...the life is in the blood...do you like your steaks rare, or medium rare? Can you live through the life of the blood of bulls? That is what you are declaring if you love your steaks bloody. We live by the blood of Jesus within His Spirit within us. You have been made a partaker of the flesh and blood of our Lord. Don't mix the blood of lambs and cattle with the blood of our Lord. You cannot live by their blood.

Strangled things are cursed things...Jesus was made a curse for us...you are free from the curse of Adam...don't curse yourself by eating things that have been strangled.

Blatant fornication is this...having fellowship with devils and cavorting with temple prostitutes. In other words...don't go to Las Vegas, gamble, get a little tipsy and end up in the bed of a temple prostitute. I see little difference between a temple prostitute of our Lord's time and a hooker welcomed into a casino to apply their trade. Just fornication...stay away from prostitutes...they are that way because of a devil or devils...Jesus cast 7 devils out of Mary Magdalene. Otherwise fornication...you do what you have faith to do...but if the Lord within you holds you back from your intent because He said no...don't you dare follow through...look out for traps...flirting with that coworker while having a wife isn't harmless...if he/she flirts back...be careful...the devil is in there somewhere...and if you yield to the temptation, you will be trapped in sin for as long as the affair lasts or until you repent...be careful!

Unlike sin in the Old Testament where all were obligated to keep all the law, in the New Testament doing those things our Lord hates are few. As touching the Lord, the things just discussed are part of the Law of the New Testament ratified by His own blood. Our law is this...we must do no harm, but do good unto all...including our enemies, for we must forgive them. Our commandment is love...to love the Lord our God with all of heart, mind, soul, and strength and love each other in the faith. Here, I can't emphasize our obligation to forgive all...all...enough, for we have been forgiven all!

In summary of part 2 I would just like to say...whatsoever you do, do so in faith, for whatever is not of faith is sin. Don't open the door to a devil by falling into unbelief! There are circumstances where one is justified in having faith to do something the rest of us might not...if so...have that faith for yourself...don't temp others. One other thing I must mention in closing is this. I've had my faith put to the test in the fiery trial of the devil more than once because I lacked understanding...I did not understand the Law of Faith. Such is why I say to you, "KEEP YOUR SHIELD OF FAITH UP NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO!" The devil's power is death, and that through the Law of Sin and Death. It is through The Law of Faith that life comes to us, and that Life is The Law of Life in Christ Jesus!!!

In part 3 we will discuss tenet number 2 of The Law of Faith.

End, part 2


Love, in Christ Jesus, Saint.
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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