The situation in Syria

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Jul 10, 2014 12:55 am

The latest confirmed atrocity committed by western-backed rebels has even been admitted by the pro-rebel 'Syrian Observatory of Human Rights', although this organization uses vague language like, "(The victims) were executed on charges of dealing with the regular forces."

Upon further investigation, however, the vague language can be quickly stripped away and you can see the exact nature of what took place. There is even photographic evidence of the heinous massacre, made by the demons themselves.

At least 14 civilians, about half of them women (and one of them a young girl), were slaughtered (in most cases by decapitation with knives) by western-backed rebels in the village of Khattab in the Syrian province of Hama.

One of the victims was reportedly an elderly man in a wheelchair who had his head hacked off with a knife because he had a Syrian national flag in his shop.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:22 am

An interesting little report here from infowars in the aftermath of the plane tragedy in Ukraine and the savage media propaganda campaign that followed it.

What is apparent is that the psychotic, degenerate western government-media establishment is sending the world into the abyss. Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Libya, and the list goes on, are all part of the same terrible story. Article ink is below: ... firestorm/

Let it be said that I don't know anything about the plane tragedy, who brought it down and why. What I do know is that it's way too early for anyone to know, and that what has come from western mainstream media since the tragedy has been filthy, one-sided war propaganda straight out of the playbook already used against Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Syria and so on.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Jul 27, 2014 7:40 am

The latest news to come out of Syria has to do with the rise of the so-called IS (Islamic State), the most vile, evil, fanatical bloodthirsty creatures that satan himself could inspire. This group is currently well on the way to carving out their caliphate on both sides of the Syrian/Iraqi border.

During their onsalught in Iraq in recent times they embarked on a campaign of slaughter and blood-letting, executing hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Iraqi POW captives in cold-blood. They have also been bent on wiping out the presence of minorites in the province of Nineveh. Christians have been hit hard, and have been warned that they must leave the city of Mosul, or face death.

The IS has also been on the warpath in Syria, and has recently taken several Syrian military positions, and inflicted heavy casualties on government forces. I have also seen photographs of smiling 'rebels' brandishing the bloodied, decapitated heads of Syrian POWs. In one incident, they are said to have decapitated dozens of Syrian soldiers with knives before impaling the heads on fence pickets (photos I've seen appear to show this).

Needless to say, the birth of this demonic army known as IS has been largely the result of the decision of the west to attack Iraq back in 2003, not to mention the decision to fund, support, arm and train brutal, jihadist, anti-government forces throughout the Syrian civil war. Of course, there would also be other factors at play here that most people, including myself, would be completely unaware of.

I want to post an article from here. It is a generally good news source when it comes to exposing the sins of the western government-media complex, although it is sometimes a little bit over the top in my opinion.

The article deals with the behaviour of the current regime in Washington, and its dangerous brinkmanship in the renewed Cold War against Russia.

I'm not saying that Russia is blameless in this whole thing. Russia is certainly not without sin and its fair share of aggressive behaviour. But the western government-media narrative, that Russia is the only aggressor in Ukraine, is a laughable fairy-tale, to put it nicely. The facts prove this.

Link is below: ... souciance/
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:15 am

Hi Friends,

As you no doubt know, the big news in recent weeks has been the onslaught of the vile IS jihadist group on either side of the Iraqi/Syrian border.

They have been shooting, bombing, slitting, cutting, raping and beheading their merry way across the areas of those two countries.

Besides sick, self-made propaganda films of themselves slaughtering shiite muslims en masse, there are also countless new beheading videos and even images of kids holding up severed heads that are usually bloody, and sometimes blackened due to the start of decomposition.

Kurds and Christians have been targetted for extermination by this group and there are reports of the mass beheadings of children in a park of a certain town, and the ongoing attempted genocide against a Kurdish sect known as the Yazidis.

And what we know about would only be a drop in the ocean. The airstrikes by the current regime in Washington are only a piddly public relations exercise, nothing more. They need to be seen to be doing something.

The IS are flush with high-tech US military equipment. The establishment media tells us it was aqcuired from the weapons depots of fleeing Iraqi troops in the previous weeks. But let's not forget that, until recently, the IS, formerly known as ISIS, fought alongside the so-called Syrian 'rebels', who have been armed, funded, trained and supported by the west since the start of the Syrian civil war.

Even if some of their American-made weapons were indeed looted from Iraqi military depots, many others were deliberately given to them before the west decided that that they were an 'enemy' and no longer 'freedom fighters'.

I won't continue on with my musings. I will just leave you with this link to an article about apparents attempts by the IS to eliminate all traced of Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus. ... -of-jesus/
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Aug 22, 2014 6:24 pm

Hello again,

The news of the last few days has centred around the decapitation of the American journalist, obviously an unspeakable crime.

Needless to say, many in the west are completely ignorant of the fact that (at the very least) hundreds, but more likely thousands; yes, thousands, of murder snuff videos have been made over the last 3 years of western-backed rebels shooting, stabbing, slaughtering, beheading innocent people in countries such as Libya, Syria, Tunisia and Egypt. Of course, few if any of those murders have been covered by the establishment media and even if they get a brief mention it is often in vague, brief terms that hide the nature of the murders and the identity of the (usually western-backed) perpetrators.

As someone who was once a patriotic citizen of a western country, I used to think of the world in black and white, ie. 'they' are the bad guys, and 'we' are the good guys. It has caused me considerable frustration to slowly learn that this view is a long way from the truth.

The basic truth today is that the west has created a monster called the IS, so it's just impossible to see how the west could be the solution to a problem created by itself. It would be like appointing the mafia to tackle the problem of mafia corruption. So how will this scourge known as the IS be dealt with? Who is there to stand against it? Will we have to wait for the return of Jesus Himself to eliminate this evil?

I'm honestly lost for answers. I will post a couple of articles below. One is from The Independent, one of the very few half-decent mainstream media newspapers.

The other is from The Washington Post, which I do not regard as anything more than propaganda. However, even it is posing the question as to whether or not President Putin of Russia was right all along about Syria, meaning that the western position was wrong. Article links are below: ... 86666.html ... out-syria/
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Aug 29, 2014 5:10 pm

Hi All,

I just wanted to summarise a portion of the crimes of the so-called 'Islamic State' since their lighting offensive into Iraq was launched in the last month or two (their crimes prior to that point were already massive, though unreported).

We know that their most recent crime wave started with the massive incursion across Iraq, still ongoing, which saw them capture hundreds, perhaps thousands of Iraqi troops and slaughter them en masse, much of which was filmed by them and posted online. Sometimes there was even a demonic flair to their snuff films. For example, in one such film, they executed kneeling captives one-by-one on a pier. And by the time the next victim was lined up, the previous had already been washed downstream like he was never there to start with.

We know that the IS has also massacred civilians at random during this time. In particular, the Kurdish Yazidi sect, which you might remember was targetted and had to flee to a mountain top to try and escape the IS, has been heavily targetted and at least 500 of them were reportedly massacred in one particular incident.

Christians, who also lived in that area, in the northern Iraqi province of Nineveh (this is indeed biblical Nineveh), have copped it just as badly, with massacres, decapitations, mass shootings and the like also being inflicted on them.

Moreover, there is nothing to indicate at this stage that the IS has been in any way hindered from continuing on with any of the aforementioned.

Recently in eastern Syria the al-Sheitaat tribe rose up against the IS and tried to push them out of their area. The IS response was swift, rounding up approximately 700 of this tribe including fighters and civilians, marched them out into the desert and murdered all of them in a mass execution, many by shooting but at least some by decapitation. A lot of this particular massacre was also filmed and is available online.

Most recently, the IS captured a Syrian air base called al-Raqqah. There was heavy fighting in which many combatants were killed from both sides. However, approximately 200 Syrian soldiers were taken prisoner.

It was clear from the images that these were not adequately prepared soldiers. The vast majority looked like terrified conscripts who had not been amply prepared by their government for what they were being thrown into. I also read reports that they ran out of ammo and were left with nothing to defend themselves against the IS attacking the airbase.

Whatever it was that led to them being taken prisoner, the end result was apparent yesterday in yet another snuff video released by the IS. In the video the 150-200 young victims were stripped to their underwear, marched into the desert, lined up and machine-gunned to death. As usual, it was apparent that some were set aside to be murdered by decapitation with knives.

To top it all off for yesterday, the IS released a video of 15 Kurdish hostages that they have. After giving a rant, they then picked one out and decapitated him with a knife right in front of the other hostages.

And remember, what we hear about is only the tip of the iceberg. And this sort of stuff is happening every single day, and has happened since right back at the start of the trouble in places such as Libya and Syria.

I'll keep you updated with any major developments.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby Dora » Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:19 am

I am so sorry this is happening. I do pray daily for His people. I ask Him when will He no longer hold back His revenge for these people who are horrendously harming His people. But it's not for me to know. It's not for me to understand. I just have to keep praying and trusting in Him and sharing who He is with everyone I can because the time must be drawing near. *Pray* Save us Lord Jesus.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Sep 13, 2014 5:43 pm

Thanks for the post, Pine.

The latest information I have been reading suggests something which I have suspected for quite a while; that the terrorist Islamic State group wreaking havoc across parts of Iraq and Syria could not have become so powerful so quickly without state backing. I am not suggesting any particular suspects at this stage, because I would have no hard evidence to back it up.

But what I am certain of is that, as usual, we are being kept in the dark by the media about what is really happening. Numerous credible, independent voices point to significant circumstantial evidence that the terrorist IS group (sometimes also referred to as ISIS or ISIL) could only be doing what it is currently doing with the full (but strictly covert/confidential) support and backing from the highest level of government/s from certain countries that have been making trouble in that part of the world all along.

That aside, here is an interesting article from The Independent. It clarifies without a shadow of a doubt that the western mainstream government-media has been lying to us all along about Syria, that there actually are no 'moderate rebels' in Syria, and that there have been very few of them all along. Have a read if you have the time: ... 33424.html

Update: Here is a link to another article which absolutley proves that there are not, and never were 'moderate rebels' in Syria. ... ssion-pact

Read the article and let the mind boggle at the sheer chaotic, evil nature of western interference in the Middle-East.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Sep 21, 2014 12:37 am

Hello All,

I have a couple of interesting articles to post. The first is from The Independent, and it features an interesting and balanced look at the geo-political realities of the situation regarding the rise of the islamic state terror group in Iraq and Syria. ... 46373.html

The second link includes a video grab of what appears to be IS (otherwise known as ISIS or ISIL) terrorists using public transport openly in Turkey without fear of arrest or recrimination. I do not know if the video is genuine, but what I do know for sure is that it is documented fact that the government of Turkey has been arming, funding, accommodating and supporting jihadist terrorists since the start of the Syrian civil war.

Moreover, the government of Turkey has allowed these jihadists to use Turkish territory as a base to launch cross-border raids into Syria, which have often resulted in the massacre of Christians, Kurds and others. It is also an 'open secret' that the Turkish government has close relations with the IS terror group. For this reason, the video is not surprising. The Turkish government is diabolical. LInk is below: ... -istanbul/

Update: here is a link to another article from The Independent outlining the close relationship between NATO member Turkey and the IS terrorist army. ... 47394.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Sep 26, 2014 6:38 pm

I'd like to share some thoughts with you today based on some of my research. It's about the current US/Arab allies and their bombardment of the so-called Islamic State terrorists in Iraq and now in Syria.

While I support the elimination of murderous terrorists, there are some elements about the current US-led campaign that simply don't add up. In a nutshell, there are quite a number of credible independent researchers who are genuinely concerned that the current campaign against the Islamic State is just a smokescreen and a means for the illuminati-new world order nations to ultimately attack the Assad government in Syria, and bring about their long-held desire for 'regime change' in that country.

Here are some elements that indicate that the US and its allies are not really interested in fighting terrorism, even if they currently appear to be bombing rogue terrorists on either side of the Iraqi-Syrian border:

As has been well documented in this thread, the US, Europe and their allies in the middle-eastern countries have been arming, funding, training and supporting jihadists in Syria and other countries they wish to bring down since right back at the start of the so-called 'Arab Spring'. Syrian soldiers, police and also civilians were being attacked and even beheaded since right back at the start of the strife, disproving the western government-media narrative that the civil war came out of a 'government crackdown on peaceful protests'.

There have been countless massacres carried out by US-backed jihadits in Syria and other countries, which the western establishment propaganda media would then normally pin on the Syrian government. So the question is this: do we really think the west and its allies are really interested in fighting terrorism?

The recent beheading videos of the two American journalists and the British man have all the hallmarks of propaganda operations. While I have no doubt that the men in the videos were murdered, there is every indication that the murders did not happen in the way the media told us. Firstly, there are many REAL beheading snuff films on the internet. The jihadist-terrorists invariably love to show their evil acts in all of their demonic glory. So the question is this: why were the actual beheadings NOT SHOWN in the recent snuff films?

Many commentators who have watched real, verifiable snuff murder-films swear that the latest ones are fakes that include photoshopping, evidence of tampering, and NO ACTUAL BEHEADINGS. It has even been admitted in pockets of the mainstream media, including the so-called aljazeera network, that the videos have been tampered with. In fact, each video appears to show only the first cuts across the neck, with virtually no blood, then the next scenes cut straight to the beheaded corpse, with the act already done. The question in this: why would these lunatic jihadists, who usually love to advertise and show their evil acts, actually edit them out of these apparent snuff-films?

More food for thought; there is evidence to suggest that one of the American victims was not so much a 'journalist' as he was a mercenary fighting with the Syrian rebels. There is also circumstantial evidence that he was double-crossed by some of his 'comrades' and handed over to their IS allies for execution. There is also circumstantial evidence that the British victim was not so much an 'aide worker' as an intelligence worker.

I don't know if any of this evidence is 100 per cent certifiable. But what I do know is that, as usual, the mainstream media reports are superficial at best and not interested in telling any real truths.

Let's also not forget that credible commentators have suggested that the so-called IS group could not have risen so dramatically without assistance from national governments. Let's also not forget that one of these is NATO member Turkey, who is open in its close relationship with these pyschopathic terrorists.

Now let's look at all of the so-called Arab allies of the US who are currently bombing the IS; they include Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia among others. These are all countries who have helped the west to sustain and support the jihadist rebels in Syria. The question is this: why are we suddenly supposed to accept that all of these terror-supporting nations are suddenly interested in fighting against terrorism?

I don't know for sure. But let's not forget the gas attacks near Damascus about a year ago. The western government-media was quick to blame them on the Assad government in Damascus, and were just itching to use it as the excuse to bombard Syria from the air. Of course, it has since emerged that the gas attacks were in all likelihood carried out by Syrian rebels perhaps with the tacit support of their Turkish, Saudi Arabian or even western masters. Classic false-flag stuff- carry out an atrocity, blame it on your enemy, punish the enemy for 'carrying out the atrocity.'

There is also abundant evidence that the IS group is flush with modern weapons, many of them from America. The establishment media tell is it was all looted from fleeing Iraqi soldiers, or passed on to them by other Syrian rebel jihadists who are officially receiving support and arms. It's all so murky. So hard to know what's really going on there.

Now to get to the crux of the matter; remember that the bombardment of Libya and overthrow of Ghaddafi by violent western-backed jihadist forces was enabled by NATO warplanes operating out of a 'no-fly zone' that was initially supposed to be simply a 'humantarian corridor' to protect civilians. This utterly deceptive, false concern for human rights 'modus operandi' is exactly how the new world order works to cover its evil actions.

The concern that many now have is that the same kind of deception could very soon see the US and its dubious allies use the temporary bombardment of IS jihadists as a stepping stone/smokescreen to ultimately turn their wrath on the Assad government in Damascus, which has been their relentless desire all along.

The recent 'filmed behadings' of the westerners might well have happened. It is highly likely that the victims indeed died, but not at all in the manner suggested by the videos or told to us by the media. In all likelihood, the videos were new world order propaganda tools used to justify initial military strikes against the IS in Iraq, which would then extend to the same terrorists across the border in Syria, and then, as many fear was intended all along, perhaps against the Assad government.

Before I close, let me admit that some of what I have noted here is speculative in nature and perhaps not 100 per cent accurate. But I can guarantee you one thing; it would be a good deal closer to the truth than what is told to us by the government-media complex in the west.

Have a good weekend.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:20 am

Just read a great article. It summarizes pretty much what this whole thread has been about since it was started a couple of years back. If you are a first-time visitor to this thread I suggest you read this article. Actually, I recommend that anyone with a few spare minutes to read this article: ... t_assad-0/

UPDATE: Here is another great article, if 'great' is the right word. It's also chilling, revolting, disturbing, and many other such adjectives as well. It describes in vivid detail the activities of the so-called 'moderate' rebels in Syria in one particular town. The so-called moderate rebels are simply indistinguishable from the 'Islamic State' terror group. Not surprising, really, when we consider that the 'Islamic State' was born out of other rebel groups in Syria.

Article link is below: ... 0714000557
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Nov 02, 2014 5:12 pm

Here is an article that gives a general summary of the current situation in Syria from a seemingly neutral point of view. ... t-26633429

UPDATE: There has been a fair bit of talk recently about fighting around Aleppo, the biggest city in Syria and the most important one after Damascus. The Syrian government is apparently closing in on completely securing Aleppo, but are facing a bit of pressure in the south of the country, where the 'rebels' and their international backers are particularly busy. Here are a couple of interesting articles. ... north.html ... 67237.html

Post-script: There has been concern in some quarters that that recent election in America will see demented individuals like John McCain with more of a platform to push for an aggressive escalation against the Syrian government, in support of Syrian jihadist 'rebels', perhaps by attempting to shift current attacks against ISIS across to the forces of President Assad.

Remember that McCain was the individual who had a photo-op with some very dubious men in Syria who have turned out to be violent jihadists with alleged ties to ISIS. I don't mean to be political here; believe me, I strongly dislike both 'sides' of politics. But McCain and his ilk, in my reasoned opinion, are dangerous criminals with immoral alliances and sinister motives. My prayer to The Lord is that He would continue to hinder the plans of such people.
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