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Postby cimi » Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:23 pm

April 11


Psalm 29

Give unto the LORD the
glory due to His name.
__Psalm 29:2
One day, my 3-year-old grand-daughter Katie surprised her mom and dad with a bit of theological expertise. She said to them, "You both had sisters who died. Then God took them up to heaven to be with Him. Isn't God powerful!"

God's immense power is a mystery, yet it is simple enough for a child to understand. In Katie's young way of thinking, she knew that for God to do something so miraculous, it would mean that He is powerful. Without understanding all the details, she knew that God did something wonderful by taking her two aunts to heaven.

How often do we sit back in our more sophisticated world and marvel: "Isn't God powerful"? Probably not often enough. We can't know how God spun the worlds into existence with His voice (Job 38-39; Ps. 33:9; Heb. 11:3), nor can we know how He maintains control of them (Neh. 9:6). We can't know how He planned and fulfilled the incarnation of Jesus, nor can we understand how He can make Christ's sacrifice sufficient for our salvation. But we know these things are true.

The power of God: immeasurable in its wonder yet clear enough for us to understand. It's yet another reason to praise Him. __Dave Branon

````````````````````````Our God is an awesome God!``````````````````````
````````````````````````He reigns from heaven above``````````````````````
```````````````````````With wisdom, power, and love__```````````````````
````````````````````````Our God is an awesome God```````````````````````
Everything God does is marked with simplicity and
power. __Tertullian

**********************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 29***************************
1 Give unto the LORD, O
you mighty ones, give unto
the LORD glory and
strength. 2 Give unto the
LORD the glory due to His
name; worship the LORD in
the beauty of holiness

3 The voice of the LORD is
over the waters. 4 The
voice of the LORD is
powerful; the voice of the
LORD is full of majesty.

5 The voice of the LORD
breaks the cedars, yes, the
LORD splinters the cedars of
Lebanon. 6 He makes them
also skip like a calf,
Lebanon and Sirion like a
young wild ox. 7 The voice
of the LORD divides the
flames of ire.

8 The voice of the LORD
shakes the wilderness; the
LORD shakes the Wilderness
of Kadesh. 9 The voice of
the LORD makes the deer
give birth, and strips the
forests bare; and in His
temple everyone says,

10 The LORD sat enthroned
at the Flood, and the LORD
sits as King forever. 11 The
LORD will give strength to
His people; the LORD will
bless His people with peace.


Psalm 29 is a graphic celebration of the strength of the Lord. Each of
the elements on which the voice of the Lord is said to have an effect
was a recognized symbol of strength in the ancient world, and the
voice of the Lord shakes these elements with ease. But the beginning
and the end of the psalm talk about the strength of people. In
verse 1, the "mighty ones" are to give glory and strength to the
Lord. And verse 11 gives the source of that strength, God Himself.
what God gives us, we are to offer back to him.
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