The situation in Syria

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:58 pm

It's highly unusual for me to make two posts in one day, so I will keep this one very short.

Syrian government forces, backed by Hezbollah and others, have apparently had one of their biggest military victories in the war since earlier this year when they captured Al-Qusayr.

Here is an article about it from the Israeli intelligence site, 'Debkafile', which is usually but not always reliable; ... ing-defeat

UPDATE; There is evidence that the 'rebels' have commited another sectarian massacre in Syria, with the death-toll estimated to be anywhere betwee 15 and 40. The victims were primarily Alawites or Druze, both of them minorities that support the Syrian government. Details are in the link below. ... PM20131212

FURTHER UPDATE: More bad news. It appears that history tends to repeat itself. One example of this is how the western-backed rebels attacked and conquered the Christian town of Maaloula in September and commited a massacre before the Syrian government forces and allies retook the town soon thereafter. Then, of course, in the last few weeks the western-backed rebels attacked and reconquered the town.

Now, as happened earlier in the year, the western-backed rebels, furious at their ongoing battlefield losses against Kurdish militias in northern Syria, have again kidnapped large numbers of Kurdish civilians.

The last time this happened, several months ago, the rebels commited a massacre against Kurdish civilians, burning, beheading, shooting, and so on, hundreds of Kurdish civilians, in an act of apparent fury following battlefield losses against armed Kurdish militias.

Now, the same has apparently happened. There are numerous reports that at least 120 Kurdish civilians have been abducted by the 'rebels' in the north of Syria. We should pray that they, by some miracle of The Lord, experience more mercy than their fellow Kurds did at the hands of the 'rebels' several months back.

By the way, I have just read an interesting article about recent happenings in the conflict. Make of it all what you will. Link is below. ... z2nLHXDOIx
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Dec 16, 2013 3:48 am

I'm not sure what to make of this latest news. We know that in war both sides put out propaganda.

In this Syrian civil war, the western-backed 'rebels' have had the full backing of the western mainstream media, which has trustfully exaggerated or lied about what the Syrian government forces have done (or allegedly done), and almost completely ignored all reports of rebel atrocities.

Of course, this is to condition western populations to believe that the guys the west are backing are the 'good guys', and the Syrian government and its allies are the 'bad guys'.

To be fair, I have no doubt that Syria and its supporters such as Iran, Russia and Hezbollah play a similar game in reverse.

All of that aside, there is of course abundant evidence of rebel atrocities since the outbreak of hostilities and, despite what the mainstream media has said, the Syrian Assad government is clearly the lesser of two evils (having said this, I am not saying that it is 100 per cent blameless in the whole conflict).

To get to my point, I mentioned in the previous post, with a link to an article, that the western-nacked 'rebels' had recently massacred between 15-40 Alawites and Druze (minorities who support the Syrian government). This is an established fact.

The latest article I read, linked below, suggests that the death toll is at least 80, all of whom were civilians. According to the article, whole families were targetted and wiped out, and the 'rebels' baked some of the victms alive in bread ovens.

The news source is a Russian newspaper, and is therefore sympathetic to the Assad government. Whether or not there is propaganda in the article, I don't know.

I sincerely hope that not all of the extremely evil details are true. I hope it's propaganda. And if it is propaganda, then it's wrong of the newspaper to be spreading this propaganda.

But, this is the realistic part of me speaking now, we know full well what al-queda type terrorists are capable of. This entire thread has documented volumes of the most unspeakably evil and satanic crimes that the western-backed 'rebels' have commited in Syria.

And remember, what I have documented here is only the tip of the iceberg. Most of the stuff that happens there never gets documented or made known.

Was the death toll of this sectarian massacre so high? Were entire families wiped out, and people baked alive in bread ovens? We know the rebels have been doing this sort of stuff all along. But as to whether it really happened on this occasion, only The Lord (and perhaps perpetrators or other witnesses) know at this stage.

UPDATE; I've done some more looking into this atrocity, and it's starting to come clear to me that it is every bit as bad as could be imagined. The eyewitness testimony is very specific, and speaks not only of those who were burned alive in the bread ovens, but of mass decapitations of all sorts of civilians, including children.

It has barely gotten any coverage at all in the western media. This is not surprising because we know that they are in the business of covering things up that don't fit the offical government-media narrative.

Moreover, when the 'rebels' arrived in the town they apparently had with them lists of people, including addresses and names of family members, who were in any way associated with the Syrian government.

These people were targetted first, showing that it was a completely pre-planned action.

I don't even know where to start praying to The Lord about such an atrocity. What could one even pray about after such a thing has just happened?

UPDATE; There is now virtually no doubt that the massacre happened and was as bad as I feared it might have been. Besides significant, specific eyewitness testimony that independent news media have reported on, the western-backed 'rebel's have now released images of themselves in the act of beheading innocent civilians in the town of Adra (generally Alawites, Druze, Shiite and Christian), and also brandishing some of the severed heads like trophies.

Judging by the images (I caught a glimpse of several still images), there were scores of victims. Meanwhile, western mainstream media remains silent on the issue, and so-called western 'human rights groups' pretend that it's still uncertain whether the massacre even took place, so for this reason they 'can't comment' on it, while they continue to take every excuse to freely criticize the Syrian government.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Dec 25, 2013 8:09 am

Here is a little Christmas Day post about the suffering of our Christian brothers and sisters in the middle-east. Remember to spare a thought and a prayer for them if, like me, you are lucky enough to be experiencing a peaceful Christmas time this season.

This terrible story is hot off the presses. Salafist jihadists in Iraq, who have been largely responsible for more than halfing Iraq's pre-war Christian population of approximately 1.5 million (through ethnic and religious cleansing, massacres, and forcing them to flee elsewhere) have now attacked packed Christmas Day services in Baghdad with car bombs, killing (at last count) at least 37 Christians. ... a-17323644

The above link was an initial report of the massacre, but it is already dated because it speaks of only one bomb attack and at least 14 dead.

The link below, from debkafile, is more up to date at it speaks of two bomb attacks and at least 37 dead Christians.

I will update this post at another time with more reports, if they come through.

UPDATE; Details are still emerging from the terrorist attacks in Iraq on Christmas day. Here is a link to an article with more details than the previous two links in this post. ... 5-06-40-33

Below is an article with a general summary of the plight of Syria's Christians in the context of the lead-up to and celebration of Christmas, 2013.

In my opinion, it somewhat understates the level of deliberate, savage targeting of Christians by so-called 'rebel' groups, not to mention the sadistic nature of a lot of this persecution. But it still gives a good, general overview. ... stmas.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Dec 26, 2013 5:31 pm

Hi all,

Being Christmas and all, there seem to be a few articles being printed about the plight of Christians in Syria and the Middle-East in general.

Here is another one which I think is quite interesting. A couple of points that stand out to me are the following;

It seems that a lof of our Christian brothers and sisters in Syria origially inhabited areas in the north, in and around the city of Aleppo which is Syria's biggest city.

While Damascus has remained heavily militarized and fortified against the rebels, Aleppo's proximity to the Turkish border made it vulnerable to rebel invasion and sustained attack (Turkey and Saudi Arabia are the two biggest supporters of the 'rebels').

The city was indeed invaded by the western-Turkish-Saudi backed jihadists in mid-2012, and since then the city of Aleppo has been split into areas under government control (about 50 per cent), rebel control (about 30-40 per cent) and Kurdish control (roughly 15 per cent). Front lines in the city have remained rather stagnant, though fighting is ongoing.

The reason I am pointing this out is to highlight that precisely where large sections of Syria's Christian community are (or) were living is tragically in or near the northern part of the country, where the Christian-hating jihadist rebels are most heavily concentrated.

From all accounts, the Christian population of Aleppo and area has been persecuted by the rebels with extreme savagery. Those that are able to escape either seek sanctuary in other countries, or flee to the safety of government-controlled parts of Syria. ... /id/543919

Just another little note; the article refers to the Hezbollah militia (from Lebanon) as a group that's been officially listed as a 'terrorist' group by western countries.

The article also mentions that Hezbollah has played a role in clearing out al-queda style jihadist 'rebels' out of areas in north-western Syria where large Christian minorities live.

I am not saying that Hezbollah is a great moral beacon in this world. But what I am suggesting is for Christians to be cautious about labelling such a group as 'terrorist'.

After all, Hezbollah is not on the side that is commiting genocide against Christians. Hezbollah is not killing Christians. The ones doing this are the good old 'rebels' who have been lovingly backed by our western governments and media right from the start of this thing.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:24 am

Here is a link to an article about the ongoing hellish genocide which western-backed 'rebels' in Syria are inflicting upon the Christian population of that country.

For what it's worth, the author tends to lay the blame with one particular American politician. I don't agree with this. Single politicians, even 'world leaders' are only puppets with controllers from above. The new world order and its activities can't be blamed on a single person. Rather, the entire western government-media complex, and all of the institutions under this international umbrella, are to blame.

Anyway, in the linked article below you will read about satanic blood-ritual ceremonies carried out by 'rebels' and their supporters that involve beheading Christians with knives, collecting the blood spurting from the victim's necks in small bottles, and later selling it (often to 'rebel' supporters in Saudi Arabia) for use in bizarre satanic blood rituals that involve 'washing' one's hands in the blood to ostensibly secure a place in heaven.

You will also read about a video that has been circulating online lately of western-backed 'rebels' actually playing soccer with the decapitated heads of innocent Syrians they had earlier murdered.

Be warned, there is also the option to click on video links within the article in order to verify some of the information in the article. I didn't dare to do it myself, and I strongly recommend you think twice before deciding to do it for yourself.

Article is below. ... -in-syria/

Another article about the sort of demonic savages that the west has been supporting since the start of the Syrian civil war. Note that the article is from pravda, which is typically anti-western. But please also note that it appears to be only talking about known facts and events that have been documented. ... ia_west-0/

For westerners like myself, the last few years have led to the discovery that the 'bad guys' are not necessarily the ones in other countries. Rather, the 'bad guys' are the ones running all of the western countries. This is the new world order.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:27 pm

A journalist by the name of Robert Fisk has been mentioned in this thread several times previously. He is notable because, very unusually for a western journalist, he actually has an intellect and appears to have at least a shred of decency and truth in him.

Here is his latest article. When I read it I just thought to myself, 'Wow!' It is a stunning article about the current state of the middle-east, and the western interference there that has contributed to the anarchy and chaos. This is a great article. I strongly recommend you to have a read: ... 39977.html

UPDATE; For anyone interested, I thought I would make a mention of what has been the biggest news out of Syria over the last week. Namely, the ongoing rebel-on-rebel violence, which has been evident but generally tit-for-tat and low intensity during the Syrian civil war, has recently exploded into a fierce, high-intensity war of its very own.

Most of this violence has been happening in and around Aleppo in north-western Syria, but there are now reports that it has spread eastwards to the province of Raqqah (spelling can vary for this place).

Since Friday alone, over a hundred rebels have been killed in this rebel-on-rebel fighting. It appears that a motley array of rebel groups have for one reason or another ganged up on one particular group that goes by the acronym ISIL (arguably the most powerful of the rebel groups).

The media are trying to portray it as the 'good rebels' ganging up on the 'bad rebels'. This is simplistic nonsense. While ISIL is a hardcore jihadist group openly affiliated with al-queda, some of the rebel groups currently attacking ISIL, such as the al-nusra front, are equally extremist and are also openly loyal to al-queda.

In a nutshell, this is jihadist on jihadist violence. There are certainly no good guys in this particular fight. My only prayer to the Lord is that he keep innocent people out of the firing line.

Here is an article that provides a general summary of this rebel infighting; ... siege-raqa

FURTHER UPDATE: It is now about a week since the full-scale war between the various rebel groups broke out.

As of about a day ago, the most credible reports had tallied about 400 dead rebels from this infighting alone (roughly 250 from the rebel coalition, and roughly 150 from the ISIL) and roughly 50 dead civilians, including 2 Christian Armenians who were decapitated by one of the rebel groups (some suggest ISIL did it, although some of the rebel groups fighting ISIL, especially the al-nusra front, have also done a lot of this sort of thing).
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Jan 17, 2014 4:12 pm

Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ,

I am now living in a different country with a far more rigorous work schedule than I have had before, so the time available for me to research Syria in depth will decrease significantly compared to how it was before.

However, 'decrease' does not mean 'cease' altogether and I believe that the Lord wants me to find time to continue to maintain this thread any way I can.

That aside, I have two themes from the Syrian war to share with you today. The first is about what has been the biggest news out of Syria in the last two weeks, namely the explosion of total warfare amongst various rebel groups (mentioned in the previous post).

At last count, approximately 1000 rebels, but perhaps hundreds more, have already been killed in two weeks of this rebel-on-rebel violence. About one-third of these are from the extremist jihadist ISIL group, and the remaining two-thirds are from the coalition of equally extreme jihadist groups that are fighting the ISIL group. Most of this fighting is concentrated in northern and eastern-central Syria.

Tragically, over a hundred civilians have also lost their lives during these two weeks.

You can check more details about all of this from the link below: ... eam_ref=10

The other news is about the massive gas attacks near eastern Damascus a few months back- the event that brought the westto within a heartbeat of assuming the role of al-queda's air-force and bombing Syria to the ground in support of these jihadists.

Well, that is of course old news now, and praise be to the Lord that He hindered this. What is becoming clear now, though, is that the evidence is more and more proving beyond a doubt that the Syrian government was not responsible for this atrocity.

The New York Times, one of the new world order's most well-known propaganda disseminating organs, was of course leading the charge to war based on lies following the gas attack.

Recently, this awful excuse for a newspaper has had to distance itself from its earlier position due to the emergence of more and more evidence that the western-backed 'rebels', and not the Syrian government, was responsible for the attack (if you haven't looked into this sort of thing before and are a bit confused about it all, simply google "false flag operations").

Now, even high up people from UN weapons inspectors are admitting that all of the evidence is strongly indicating that the gas attacks were launched from rebel-held areas, where there are no government forces present (!)

Detailed information on all of this is below, on the following link: ... itory.html

God bless you all. I feel that this year could be a better year for Syria than the last. There are little signs here and there that the fighting and killing could at least be de-escalated. If you have the time, please pray for this, and that The Lord may now directly intervene to enforce peace there as soon as possible.

I'll try to maintain this thread with a couple of posts per month. Until next time.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:55 pm

Hi all,

Here is a link to a fascinating article about the massive persecution against Christians across the middle-east, and the role of the western countries in this, and their cold indifference to the whole situation (on a governmental and media level, at least). ... -one-cares

UPDATE: I have another fascinating article to post. The CNN cable 'news' network is a new world order propaganda network. It really is as bad as the media can get, and has some profoundly evil people associated with it.

However, by some freak of nature, even horribly dishonest sources like CNN can accidentally produce an article or a story that is quite interesting and has some truth in it.

Below is a link to an article about a small Christian town in Syria that is continually under siege by 'rebel' forces who repeatedly attack the town but have so far been unable to enter, take it over and have their way with the residents in the community: ... monastery/

UPDATE: Here is a link to another great article which is absolutely blunt and to the point. It is about the direct link between American-western interference in the middle-east, and the resulting carnage suffered by Christians in the middle-east. No speculation here. Only facts. ... _and_syria
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby ServeGod » Tue Feb 04, 2014 9:37 pm

Hi Brother,

I am standing with you in prayer... God has also touched my heart for the people of israel, and especially of what is happening in Syria. They need to know that we love them, for many Jews still think that Christians are against them.

Brother, there is a way we all can help, and let the jewish people know that we are standing in unity... There is a wonderful saint called Mike Evans, he has written many books, he is also a journalist...but he is also helping the holocaust victims in Israel, providing shelter and food... if you want to know more.. you can join the jerusalem prayer team.., or visit Mike Evans site...

your sister in Christ
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Feb 14, 2014 2:44 am

Hi all,

I have just clicked on a link, expecting to read about an atrocity committed by western-backed rebels in Syria and, as has happened before, was taken straight to a video link which I would have preferred not to have cast my eyes on.

To cut a long story short, western-backed rebels had kidnapped a little girl who was apparently from a family supportive of the government.

In the video link, masked rebels are strangulating the (tied up) little girl with a metal wire until her death (from the little bit I saw it didn't look quick).

Videos of this nature are coming out of Syria daily. But the rebels are just fine. They are swell freedom fighters, or so our wonderful political-media establishment tells us.

I might write a new update in the coming weeks with a military update.

God bless.

UPDATE: I don't have the time at current to write a long post, but here is an interesting article that summarizes the current status quo in Syria: ... 46750.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Mar 02, 2014 5:43 am

Hi all,

I have a little bit of time to share with you some of my thoughts on what has been happening in the Ukraine. People may legitimately ask what Ukraine has to do with Syria. The question is fair. The answer to this is that, in an indirect kind of way, it has quite a lot to do with it.

For instance, the same western government-media new world order that is guilty for so much of the strife in Syria and elsewhere is also largely guilty of the recent strife in the Ukraine.

There can be no doubt that the recent removal of the pro-Russian President was a western-backed coup-de-tat of what was a democratically elected leader. The west, of course, only likes leaders that are its puppets. And if world leaders are not western new world order puppets, they are targeted for removal, regardless of who they are and how they got into power in the first place.

Needless to say, media disinformation, new world order financial interference, on-the-ground intelligence operatives (whose job it was to whip up protests and insurrection, etc.) were all a part of the process. We've seen it all before. The new world order pretty much goes by the same playbook every time it targets a certain country.

The corporate media only tells us that the deposed President is a 'killer' who 'murdered protesters'. What the media doesn't tell us is that there is strong evidence that western agents shipped in gunmen and mercenaries to fire on police and other government people. Thus, media lies aside, the 'dead protesters' were mainly a mixture of pro-western and pro-Russian gunmen.

Of course, western agencies have already declared the deposed President a 'killer' and so on. He is wanted in the west and new world order organizations have put out a warrant for his arrest, with the aim of putting him on trial in the 'International Criminal Court'. This is why he escaped to Russia for protection.

There have been suggestions that British intelligence agents are on the ground in Kiev, removing evidence that proves pro-western gunmen were killing pro-Russian people, and planting fake evidence that would give the impression that only pro-Russian gunmen were doing the killing.

I could go on with more and more of what I have come across. Those who know how this new world order works would see its dirty paw prints all over the current crisis in the Ukraine.

And no, I am not saying that the pro-Russian side is without blame or blood on its hands. But again, the western countries and their allies, in full collaboration with mainstream corporate media, are embarking on their psychotic quest for world domination with absolutely no concern about the chaos and mayhem they are causing.

That's all for today. I must admit that Ukraine is not really an area of expertise for me. Would welcome extra information or insights from anyone else in a position to give it.

All the best.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:01 pm

Hi all,

Lots of interesting and terrible things happening across the world at the moment.

Here is a link to a little summary about the current status quo in Syria: ... story.html

I hope you are all going well. God bless you.

UPDATE: I thought I'd share with you some little items that I've heard about in recent weeks. I have come across several confirmed reports of Christians being murdered on the spot by rebels, particularly in the eastern city of Raqqah, the only Syrian provincial city that is under rebel control.

Also, about a dozen nuns who were kidnapped from the Christian village of Maa'loula (not sure if my spelling is correct here) have been released by their rebel captors in a prisoner swap agreed with the Syrian government who had been negotiating for the release of the nuns.

The western media have been talking enthusiastically about the 'good treatment' that the nuns enjoyed while in the captivity of the 'al-nusra front' rebel group (al-queda's official branch in Syria, and a leading insurgent group fighting against the Syrian government).

While it is nice that the nuns were not slaughtered by this 'rebel' group, let's just remember that it was this same rebel group that committed at least one massacre of the town's Christian residents at the same time that they abducted the nuns. Let's also keep in mind that this very group has been responsible for countless sectarian massacres, shootings, bombings, beheadings, etc, across all of Syria, targeting military, police, civilians, young, old, male, female, and even babies without mercy.

Yes, praise the Lord that the nuns got out alive, but let's not get too excited about the suggested goodness about those who had taken them hostage.

In other news, there seems to be evidence that the Syrian government and its allies are about to secure a significant victory in the last major rebel stronghold in the Qalamon mountains, as they attempt to take the city of Yabrud (spelling can vary with places such as these).

Also, I just read an interesting article about the military situation in Aleppo, which seems to contradict the western media narrative that all sunni muslims are against the Syrian government. See the link below: ... gades.html

I'll leave it at that today. I'll provide another update whenever I can.
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