The Biology of the Christian Spirit

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

The Biology of the Christian Spirit

Postby saint701 » Sat Sep 14, 2013 7:59 pm

Wishin' you a Happy Lord's Day Christianity Oasis, All...


If you think about it, the concept of a loving father telling his children not to eat berries from a particular tree because they are poisonous, or not to eat a mushroom unless they know it is edible and not poisonous is a good thing. As the Apostle Paul said, “The Law is good.” Laws are set boundaries that keep us from harm. If we stay within the boundaries of the laws we are governed by we are protected from the consequences of breaking those laws.

However…whether I live within the set boundaries of all the laws that govern all the people on this planet or break them all, there is one law my body is punished for whether I’ve broken it or not. It is the law of death. All know that at birth we are born only to die. One might say we are born with the disease of death within us, and that it has been passed to us by our parents.

Let’s consider the disease HIV/AIDS. A woman infected with AIDS that is pregnant transmits the disease to her fetus, and when born that baby is also infected with AIDS. Likewise, when any baby is born into this world it is infected with death, from which there is no cure…all die.

Let’s take a trip back in time to the Middle Ages and take a quick look at how the bodies of Bubonic Plague victims were disposed of. According to various sources the deceased were first thrown into pits that were mass graves, but when the number of dead increased to the point burial became too burdensome, the bodies were burned. Although we can’t say whether those killed by Bubonic Plague at the time had believed on Christ, we can say death took them. One might say that death itself was the source of the disease, or that the Bubonic plague had its origin in death. Either way we want you to understand that death, itself, is a disease.

It doesn’t matter what name we give to the cause of death, whether it be old age or the bubonic plague, the disease of death ended that person’s life. Likewise, the soul that has the disease death in it when its physical body ceases to function must be disposed of. It has no place among the living any more than a dead physical body does. Of consequence, as with the Bubonic Plague victims of the Middle Ages, it is cast into a vast inferno and destroyed.

Nevertheless, unlike the disease of death that inhabits all physical bodies and has no cure for, there is a cure for the disease of death that plagues the human soul after the passing of the human body; albeit the cure must be administered while the physical body is still alive.

The cure is widely available all over the world to anyone willing to seek out and find a great physician that understands the nature of the disease of death in the human soul, how to cure it. The process is similar to a doctor treating strep throat with a shot of penicillin, and augmentin pills (super penicillin) as a follow up precaution. However, the inoculation that rids the human soul of death is free and when applied to the human soul, that soul is cleansed of the disease of death. One inoculation is sufficient for some, but most require a follow up regimen that reactivates the effectiveness of the first shot.

Here is how the cure for the human soul is administered and how various organs of the human body cooperate with the inoculation so that it will always remain in the human blood stream and give life to the soul. To begin with we all have supernatural eternal white blood cells within us whether we know it or not that we use in a natural way. These white cells may be called either faith or belief. Let’s apply belief or faith, as it is more commonly called, to an illness that requires a regular MD.

You wake up one morning with a terrible sore throat, a high fever, and swollen lymph nodes. You call your doctor’s office to set up an appointment. You believe your doctor knows what illness you have acquired and what is needed to make you well again. He gives you a shot and writes a prescription for you to get filled by a local pharmacist. Once you have picked up your prescription, you go home and crawl under the covers until all of the symptoms have disappeared.

Where belief is concerned, you believed in your physician. You believed in him first before you called to make an appointment to see him. You believed in Him second when he diagnosed your illness, and you believed in him a third time when his nurse administered the first part of the treatment needed to make you well. You believed in him a fourth time when you picked up your prescription, and a fifth time when you began taking the pills.

Then, having received the prescribed treatment, you believed you would get well even while you still had a horrible sore throat, a high fever, swollen lymph nodes and now the chills. By the next afternoon you find that all the symptoms have disappeared and you will be able to return to work the following day.

One remarkable thing about the process you went through to become well again was that in each step of the way you believed before you acted, and you believed you would be well before any of the symptoms disappeared. Another remarkable thing is that you believed without once thinking to yourself that you believed.
Faith is not a normal part of our conscious thinking because it is a supernatural part of us. We were born with it. Faith is the supernatural white cell of the soul.

The vaccine itself is made of the Word of God. The human organ that must operate before the white cells of faith or belief can be activated by the Word of God is the human ear. The human ear must open so that a pathway is made for the Word of God to pass through and stimulate the white cells of faith or belief that are present in the human heart. Once faith (also called belief) is activated by the Word of God, faith in the vaccine passes into the human soul. When faith enters the human soul it opens the eyes of the soul. Once the eyes of the soul are opened the light of the Word of God flows into it and the disease of death is destroyed.

[17] So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Now I would like for you to understand the great lengths the Eternal God went to in order to provide our entire world with a cure for death in the human soul. He sent is Son to die on the cross for us which was the price required to purchase the cure for the death in us.

If we compare the disposal of Bubonic Plague victims with the disposal of a dead soul, being tossed into a fiery pit because we have an incurable disease is reasonable. It isn’t necessarily the wrath of an angry God that puts us there if we have a diseased soul. It is more like there is a kingdom beyond our physical senses where only a living soul can go. I ask you…Would you take a relative’s body that has died from the Bubonic Plague and give it a seat at your kitchen table? Of course not! What a nightmare that would be for you and the rest of those in your family still alive.

Likewise, there is no place in the Kingdom of Heaven for a soul with the disease of death in it. Should the disease of death be allowed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven all would immediately become at risk to catch that disease and die. A diseased soul that is dead has no place among the living in the Kingdom of Heaven anymore than one that has died of the Bubonic Plague has on earth.

However, God, the supreme scientist, never intended for His creation of man to be infected with the disease of death. He created man as a living soul, not a dead one. He desired a loving relationship with a living son. Now just think about that for a minute…If a child of yours died that you loved greatly, and you had the ability to cure your child’s dead body, i.e., raise that child from the dead, wouldn’t you? Of course you would!

Another thing that I would like for you to think about is this. The science of the dimension we can’t see is different from the science of what we can see here on earth. Albeit, many of the things we can see here have been made analogous to those of the realm beyond, or above, or around us, that through them we might understand things of the Kingdom of God written for us in His Holy Book.

For example, let’s consider the Parable of the Sewer. We plant a seed of corn in good ground. The seed dies to itself and out of that death comes a plant that when grown has a few ears of corn containing many times more seed than the single seed we planted to begin with. Moreover, the seeds on the ears of corn are exactly like the seed we planted. We call such asexual reproduction.

The seed of the Kingdom of God is just like a grain of corn when planted. One major difference is the place wherein the seed of God’s Kingdom is planted. The seed of God’s Kingdom is planted in the human heart. The seed is called The Word of God. It dies to itself and begins to grow. It grows until it has developed many, many seeds that are exactly like the parent seed.

Another major difference between the seed of God’s Kingdom, and a grain of corn, is in the method the seed of the Kingdom is sewn. The Word of God is planted in the human heart via the spoken word. It enters the human heart via a hole that has been opened to receive it just as a hole is made in the ground to receive a grain of corn. The hole that has been opened is the human ear.

Our problem is that we need to stop having opinions about the purpose of the Bible and become objective like a scientist. Let’s take a look at God and His only begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ. Simply put He was the one man on this earth born without the disease of death in Him. And even though the disease of death took Him from this world, it wasn’t death that made its home in Him that took its toll on Him; it was the death abiding in all of us that was laid upon Him.

Unlike the scientists here on earth, the Supreme Scientist didn’t need lab rats as test subjects before He administered the cure for death to His only begotten. Jesus was free from death when He was born here. He didn’t do one single thing to acquire the disease of death while He was here, and when His soul was made to suffer the disease of death for us all, death could not remain in Him beyond the grave. Like a grain of corn the outer shell had to die in order for the life in it to spring up. Jesus, the Word of God, was planted in the earth, and sprang up a living soul, the first born of all that would receive Him, the Word of God, into their hearts.

Even while His soul was dead, he had the white corpuscle of faith still alive in Him, and even in death, the white corpuscle of His faith in His Father, chased the disease of death from Him and His physical body, even all the deaths of all of our souls of all time combined, and He rose from the dead the first born of a new race of man…men free from the disease of the death of the soul.

I ask you this. Who in their right mind would turn down the inoculation that frees the soul from death such that said soul might live forever?

Thus it is written…

1. [8] But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;
2. [9] That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
3. [10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Love, In Christ Jesus, saint...

Suggested by the author

The battle for our soul
Understanding the disposition of our soul
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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