The situation in Syria

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby Dora » Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:06 am

God help us. Come quickly Lord Jesus.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:04 am

I try not to post too regularly on this thread. But there has been such an explosion of 'rebel' atrocities taking place across Syria on a daily basis, it's hard to keep up with.

In addition to massacres committed by western-backed rebels against Kurds in northern Syria, and against captured government soldiers, the 'rebels' have launched an invasion of northern Latakia, a province heavily populated by alawites (a sect of moderate islam that has been traditionally friendly with Christians).

The western-backed rebels hate the alawites as much as Christians and other minorities in Syria, and have already committed numerous sectarian massacres against alawite civilians throughout the Syrian civil war.

Now, with this invasion of the northern part of the Latakia province, they are at it again. They briefly conquered several alawite villages, and were reported to have abducted up to 200 alawite civilians from these villages.

Now, reports are coming through that most of the abducted were taken elsewhere and executed in cold blood. Videos have also been uploaded which indicate that torture of some of these civilians took place before they were murdered.

This is all verifiable. It's not being denied, and it's even being admitted by some groups that are supportive of the 'rebels'. Tellingly, however, I am yet to come across a single western mainstream media source that makes mention of this massacre, let alone the ongoing western-backed massacre of the Kurds.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Aug 16, 2013 6:51 am

This is just a little general round-up of events in Syria and the middle-east from recent times. I'll try to keep it brief.

As mentioned in earlier posts, the western-backed rebels have been running amok in northern Syria, where they have recently murdered several hundred Kurd civilians in cold blood. It's been just as bad in western Syria, where they have murdered several hundred Alawite civilians in cold blood.

In the case of the atrocities against Kurds, I have uncovered some of the horrifying details. The massacres against Kurd civilians were in response to the fact that Kurdish militias had been having battlefield victories against western-backed jihadists.

The 'rebels' have responded by trying to obtain the names of family members of Kurdish fighters. They have made concerted efforts to then track down these family members. Upon finding them, they abduct and murder them. As a result so far, not only young men but all kinds of civilians of both genders, including elderly people and children, have been burned alive, beheaded with knives and all manner of satanic savagery.

When unable to find relatives of Kurdish militia fighters, the 'rebels' have proven themselves more than happy to simply murder civilians at random.

Similar atrocities have recently taken place against Alawite civilians in the north of the Latakia province, western Syria.

Then again, such atrocities are being carried out by western-backed rebels all over Syria on a daily basis. There are two predominantly shiite towns in Aleppo province that are under government control, but also under tight siege by the 'rebels'. All sorts of sectarian violence has been taking place in that area, as with others around the country.

Just yesterday, the western-backed jihadists released a film of themselves murdering two shiite teenagers from one of the villages. The boys, who have since been verified as being under 18 years of age, were on their knees and bound. After a statement was read out by a masked terrorist, 'justifying' the decision to murder the boys, the victims are both literally torn apart by a volley of machine gun fire.

In other news, a Christian priest of Italian descent, who was not even a supporter of the Syrian government, was abducted by a group of rebels. This occured in the city of Raqqah. He approached a jihadist faction in the town in order to try to mediate a peace between warring rebel factions (some of them are fighting each other as much as they are fighting the Syrian government). He then disappeared, and now unconfirmed reports are starting to circulate that he was murdered by the rebels while in their custody.

I have yet other news of atrocities carried out by western-backed rebels, but I can't tell you everything because I haven't got the time to write it all, and you probably haven't got the time to read such long posts.

The sobering reality is that what I am generally documenting in this thread is assuredly only the tip of the iceberg of the atrocities being commited in Syria.

Just one last thought; I think it might be a good idea for anyone with the time and inclination to ask the Lord to not let the internal turmoil currently happening in countries like Egypt and Lebanon to explode into full scale civil wars, like the one raging in Syria. It is quite disturbing to think that the hellish war in Syria today started in 2011 with relatively smaller scale events like what are now happening in Egypt, and to a lesser extent Lebanon.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:29 am

Just a single item of news to report on in this thread. It has been confirmed that at least 11 Syrian Chrístians were murdered in a single incident in the last 24 hours in the province of Homs.

An eyewitness stated that western-backed rebels opened fire with machine guns on a busy street in a Christian area, where there was apparently a Christian festival or gathering going on.

Eleven have been confirmed as dead. Rebel sources are trying to justify the murders by stating that all victims were armed members of a Christian pro-Syrian government militia, but other sources have confirmed that at least 6 were civilians, and possibly all of them were civilians.

Details are sketchy and differ from one report of the incident to the next, but this is all I can tell you so far.

P.S. I don't know a great deal about what's currently happening in Egypt. What I do know is that the former President Mubarak, who was deposed a couple of years ago, was a secular dicator who was friendly to Christians and other minorities in Egypt.

He was ultimately deposed by a western-backed/incited insurrection, which resulted in the Muslim Brotherhood being installed into power. As we all know, they were themselves deposed by a military coup a couple of months back, and hundreds of Egyptians have died violently in recent days as the authorities crack down on the muslim brotherhood and try to stamp them out.

It's obviously tragic. Many muslim brotherhood supporters have been gunned down by security forces. The western media has focussed almost exclusively on this, because it was western policy which saw the muslim brotherhood installed in the first place.

What the media has not focussed on, however, is that dozens, perhaps even hundreds of Egyptian soldiers and police have already been killed by muslim brotherhood 'protesters' during the recent turmoil. So, what we are really seing here is the same childish, dishonest one-sided story-telling from the mainstream media as we have seen with Syria.

What the media has also not focussed on are reports that about 25 churches and other Christian centres in Egypt have been attacked in recent days by muslim brotherhood protesters. What the media has also not told us is that dozens of Christians, dozens, lost their lives in these attacks.

I hate to say it, but most of this turmoil can be blamed squarely on the west, its immoral interference in the business of other countries, its quest to dominate the the world, and ultimately its desire to build satan's one-world kingdom.

I pray that the Lord will ultimately rule over the middle east, as soon as possible, and stamp out such evil activity for once and for all.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:09 pm

This is a real red-alert update.

Currently dominating mainstream media reports are accusations that the Syrian government has in the last 24 hours used chemical weapons against rebel-held areas to the east of the capital, Damascus.

The accusations all come from 'rebel' groups, and are completely unsubstantiated. But many mainstream media outlets are already reporting on it as if it's an established fact that the Syrian government did this. I have already seen some aggressive journalists calling for the west to finally move in and bomb the country to the ground in response.

This is very, very serious stuff. I admit that I don't know who is responsible for this atrocity, or even if it happened at all. Certainly, the pathologically dishonest mainstream media can't be trusted to tell the truth.

Here is my big question, though; if it really happened, which side benefits? The Syrian government side is widely seen to have the upper hand in the war at this point, and the capital city Damascus was not under threat. Further to this, they know that if they really did use chemical weapons, it would give the west the justification it has long been waiting for to move in, bomb the country to the ground, topple the current government, and install its jihadist proxy force into power. Clearly, the Syrian government would not benefit at all by using chemical weapons, and had no good reason to.

The western-backed rebels, however, are currently not going well in the war. They have long been wishing for the west to give them heavier weapons, and also have long wanted the west to give them direct military support via aerial bombardment and so on, which would then probably be enough to topple the Syrian government. Moreover, the 'rebels' know that if the Syrian government really used chemical weapons on a large scale, this could well be the tipping point that brings the west directly into the conflict. Clearly, the western-backed rebels could greatly benefit if the Syrian government really did use chemical weapons.

The war against Syria is ultimatley a new world order project driven by the western countries. If this chemical weapon atrocity really did happen, it is highly likely that it was carried out by the western-backed 'rebels' with direct assistance from western agents on the ground in Syria, ie. black operations people or intelligence agents from western countries or western-aligned countries.

The lying media, which is completely controlled by the new world order, could then serve its propagandistic role by telling the world that the Syrian government was responsible, which would then give the leaders of the new world order their 'justification' to fulfil their evil objectives with Syria.

Please note, I admit that the above is speculation, and I am not saying for a moment that this is exactly what is happening right now regarding Syria. But this is how the new world order works. And a very similar process has already been used against other countries before, ie. Serbia (1999), Iraq (2003-...) and Libya a couple of years back.

Yes, my speculation above may well not be 100 per cent accurate. But yes, the mainstream media version we are now witnessing is almost guaranteed to be 100 per cent lies.

It will be interesting to see how this pans out. We must pray that the will of the Lord, and not the new world order, ultimately plays out in Syria.

Here is a very good article detailing how incredibly fishy this whole thing is: ... ganda-796/
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:42 pm

Here are some general musings regarding the last post I made,

I have real concerns about the alleged chemical attack near Damascus which, if it even happened at all, might well have been a western false-flag operation in conjuction with the jihadist rebels.

It seems like it could well be the 'event' which finally brings the west to feel 'justified' in unleashing its lust for more war, which in this case would involve bombarding Syria, destroying vast amounts of infrastructure and slaughtering civilians ('collateral damage' is the popular new world order term).

The west's jihadist proxy rebels had not succeeded in bringing down the Syrian government. It seems the west might have lost patience with its 'rebels' for once and for all, and now wants to finish the evil job itself.

I can't help but feel anger at a lot of people who are blinded by political partisanship. Don't get me wrong, it's not hate I feel here, just legitimate anger (and I'm not blaming anyone in particular. I, myself, made the error of supporting the Iraq war, and now greatly regret that I did so).

This is what I mean, and I am not just talking about one country, I am talking about all of the west in general; in 1999, with full collaboration and connivance from the media, the american president of the time decimated Serbia through aerial bombardment for reasons that were later proven to be absolute lies. But no-one in the west really cared, because it was a 'popular' president from a particular so-called side of politics.

In 2003, a different politician launched a war on Iraq based absolutley on new world order lies. However, he at least copped some heat for it from the media and many other people. The only possible reason for this is that he wasn't 'popular', as he didn't belong to the correct so-called party.

The west, featuring Britain, France and the USA, then decimated Libya in 2011, and they saw to it that its leader was brutally murdered, all based on new world order lies and again, media connivance and collaboration. But, unlike the Iraq case, no-one in the west really cared, because the president at that time was again a 'popular' one, from the correct so-called party.

Now, it appears that we are on the brink of the same thing in Syria, and no-one cares, because its still the same 'popular' president in power who was also there during the western war crimes in Libya.

That's the end of my musings today. I am firmly convinced that political partisanship blinds people, and makes them not very interested in the truth. Around about election time in various western countries, the same old tired question pops up every now and again; 'Who would Jesus vote for?'

Of course, a true Christian knows the answer to this. The Lord in his infinite perfection would never lower Himself to vote in our filthy, shambolic so-called democratic system.

Before signing off for now, I make a plea to Russia and China; Where are you? You have been silent over the last few days as the west ramps up its preparations to fulfill its evil end-game in Syria. Where are you, Russia and China? WIll you simply sit back and watch as the west does this yet again, after what its already done in so many countries?

Maybe my last paragraph was a bit silly, as Russia and China can not hear my calls. So I will make a last final plea to the One who can hear my plea- Lord, please, please, thwart the evil plans of the western leaders and all new world order countries in general. Please thwart them, and please do not allow them to do this to Syria. Please, please thwart their evil plans. Amen.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby Timothy » Sun Aug 25, 2013 3:28 pm

> and no-one cares <
> and no-one cares <
> and no-one cares <

Where did I hear that before?
Oh yes, from that guy who went in hiding and God asked him what he was doing.
He told God, he was the only one spreading God's message. There is no other.
God told him he was not alone, that there are thousands more out there spreading the message.

My friend, there *are* others in opposition to U.S. engagement in the direction it appears we are going.
It is true that one will not hear much, if any, about it in the mainstream news. There are other news
and journalists who do report with more objective views and who actually try to seek truth.

My brother in Christ and friend, there are those who join with you in prayer over this horrible situation.
We don't all post our personal political views, and some may differ than what is posted here.
But we are God fearing Christians who seek the will of God in our personal ways.
You are not alone. Let me say that again. You are not alone. There are others who care!

Standing with you in prayer,
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:48 am

Thanks for the message of support, Timothy.

Yes, it's not wise to delve too deeply into political views, especially when Christ ought to be our front and centre. I agree.

I also agree with you that there are numerous decent journalists and commentators in the west, who must generally do their work outside of the mainstream media.

I also take a bit of heart at opinion polls, if they can be believed, that most people in the west are against the idea of waging war on Syria.

Some of the anger I expressed about political partisanship actually stems from the behaviour I have seen among a couple of life-long best friends of mine, who cheer on a war or oppose a war simply based on what the media tells them, and what 'side of politics' is the one responsible for it, ie. a war waged by a president from one particular side is 'good', but if it's a president from the other side, then it's automatically a 'bad' war. Unfortunately, there are many people like them who should know better, or at least think a bit more.

However, at this stage it appears that there is nothing to stand against the new world order. Praise be to God that His son will one day return and smash the new world order to pieces. But that could still be a while off.

Until then, can His will be done with regards Syria, or at least partially done? We pray for it, and we can only wait and see.

P.S. Apologies to anyone who may have felt I was coming on a bit strong with the political angle. My policy is usually not to discuss politics with anyone (unless I already know them very well). I'm just feeling super agitated, and quite anxious and down at the moment, regarding what the west is doing to Syria.

**Update:** Here is a snipet of news just to remind everyone of the sort of people the west is backing in Syria. A video has surfaced online of western-backed rebels, apparently in eastern Syria (near the border with Iraq). They are heavily armed, and flag down 3 Syrian truck drivers.

They then probe them at gunpoint on what their ethnic-religious background is. The 'rebels' want to know if the men, who are only truck driving civilians, are from the alawite background. When it becomes clear that the men are indeed Syrian alawites, the western backed rebels then line them up and murder them in cold blood with gun-shots to the head.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Aug 29, 2013 3:12 am

Here is an update on the general situation regarding Syria,

I've spent quite a lot of time researching various aspects, and will attempt to give you an unbiased summary of what is going on.

Regarding the alleged use of chemical weapons, the western countries and mainstream media had decided that the Assad government of Syria was guilty almost immediately, before any of the evidence had come in. This is of course somewhat suspicious, and indicates that they WANT Assad to be guilty of the alleged attack, regardless of evidence or lack thereof.

The mainstream media has been baying for war against the Assad government of Syria, with some elements even calling for his complete overthrow, despite the fact that this would almost certainly result in large-scale sectarian slaughters of a larger scale than already seen so far.

On the subject of the chemical attacks, if they even happened, it would be fair to say that there are three possibilities of who is guilty; either the Assad government of Syria, the western-backed 'rebels' alone, or the western-backed rebels in collusion with western intelligence agents or 'black operations' personnel. But who is really guilty? I have no idea and let me tell you, the mainstream media, despite its insistence that Assad is guilty, also has no idea.

Certainly, there is no substantial evidence so far that it was the government, besides some 'intercepted' radio messages between Syrian officers that indicated the Syrian government was guilty. Needless to say, the intercepted messages have not yet been produced in public and even if they would be, it would have been easy to forge or fake such messages to make the Syrian government look guilty.

So, some form of military strike on Syria appears to be coming. The worst-case scenario would be a total over-throw of the Syrian government, which would, as mentioned before, be a total disaster and would leave our Christian brothers and sisters in Syria, and other minorities there, completely at the mercy of al-queda jihadists. The thought itself is horrifying.

All media talk so far, and also talk from western politicians, seems to indicate that the planned strikes will be symbolic in nature, not aimed at overthrowing the Syrian government, but at 'sending it a message' that its alleged 'use of chemical weapons' is not acceptable.

Maybe there is someone in the American government who is smart enough to know that over-throwing Assad's government in Syria would be a complete moral and humanitarian disaster. I don't know, just speculating.

I remain skeptical and cautious at the moment, because the NATO operation in Libya was supposed to be only about 'protecting civilians', but as soon as they were able to establish their 'no-fly zone', it became their launching pad to decimate Libya from the air, and overthrow its government.

The media is ignoring Libya today, but all credible reports suggest that it was a generally prosperous little land before the NATO intervention, but is now a sectarian hell dominated by warloads and jihadists, and is a country only in name.

So, the west is now talking about its upcoming strike as if it will only be a minor punitive action on Syria, not to overthrow Assad but to deter him from 'future 'use of chemical weapons'.

This is either a lie, Libya-style, or it could be that the west really does only want to launch a limited symbolic action.

I think any western interference in Syria is immoral, but if it really is unavoidable, then I really pray to The Lord that it will be this limited strike scenario, that would likely only involve a few dozen missiles fired from ships over the course of a couple of days.

My reading tells me that the Syrian military and its allies have been making massive preparations for the coming strike, mainly geared around minimizing the damages and losses they would suffer. Syrian military personnel and allies have moved out of their bases on mass, and spread out across the countryside, for example, while they have moved most of their important military hardware away from sites that are expected to be hit.

I have also heard reports that Russian and Syrian intelligence have received tip-offs about what sites are expected to be hit by rockets, and they have acted on these tip-offs accordingly.

I have wondered why Russia and China have been so silent of late. The optimistic part of me hopes that the American government has quietly assured them that any attack would not be about regime change, but symbolic, which might explain why Russia and China have not protested so much. I have read reports which allude to this, and hope it is true.

But the skeptical part of me remembers Libya. Russia and China did not object to the 'no-fly zone' in Libya because the west assured them it was only about 'protecting civilians'. When the west then used the 'no-fly zone' to decimate Libya through bombardment and topple the government, in a clearly pre-planned action, Russia and China felt completely duped by the west, because Russia and China never wanted Libya to be bombarded and destroyed, or to have its government toppled.

Another variable is that even if it really is intended as a 'limited operation' over a day or two in Syria, a situation can easily escalate through any number of ways, even if it wasn't initially meant to escalate.

There are so many variables here. I think it might be a good idea to pray to the Lord that, if an attack is inevitable here, to please let it be brief and limited, and NOT aimed at toppling Assad's government, and with minimal losses to Syria's civilians, military and allies, as well as infrastructure.

That' all for today. God bless.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby Dora » Fri Aug 30, 2013 6:22 am

My heart aches over this. I'm not one to get involved even by reading such things as I struggle to understand what is happening. Your posts have helped me understand more.

I read about Isiah 17 where Damascas is destroyed. It seems like a warning from God and that people should run out of the country. Why do they stay?

I am sorry if you question is out of ignorance.

Praying. God is concerned as well.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby Dora » Fri Aug 30, 2013 6:23 am

Also these last few posts have reminded me of how the bible says love will wax cold. Evil will prevail. It seems things are lining up quickly.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:03 am

Hi Pine,

Thanks for the post. Your question regarding Isaiah 17 is a very relevant and important one, and I have wondered myself if this verse could end up having a connection to the current ongoing crisis in Syria.

Your reference to the bible mentioning love waxing cold is also highly relevant to these modern times. Evil is certainly having a field day in our world right now. It's easy to feel down about all of this at times.

We just have to keep close with Christ, and in this instance to ask Him to let His will be done in Syria, and not the will of the new world order.
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