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Hope :)

Postby PrincessMcleod » Thu May 30, 2013 3:55 am

You say you have no hope
That nothing’s going right
You say that life’s not worth it
You want to give up the fight

You see no point in trying
To struggle through the day
You’ve given up on hope
And you’ve lost your way

What happened to the hope?
The light buried deep inside
I miss the spark you had
But now all you do is hide

Caught up in imperfection
I wish that you could see
Perfection is not possible
Please listen to me!

I have a friend, He knows what’s right
He knows what’s good and true
If you hear these words I say
I’ll introduce Him to you

He’s my hope in times of trouble
He never leaves my side
He loves no matter what
He’s everything in my life

I was once in your position
Hopeless, broken, lost
But Jesus came and rescued me
He paid the ultimate cost

Death upon a cross
Undeserving shame
He knows what it’s like
To walk through times of pain

He also know what’s best
He knows how to help you cope
When you feel like nothing
Remember Jesus can always be your hope
In His arms
I will rest safe
With this behind
Wrapped in His grace
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Posts: 40
Location: NZ
Marital Status: Single

Re: Hope :)

Postby Truesovereigncrown » Thu May 30, 2013 5:53 am

Beautiful poem lil sis,thanks for sharing and inspiring.
God bless you.
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Posts: 142
Marital Status: Married

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