The Long Road To Judgement

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

The Long Road To Judgement

Postby saint701 » Fri Mar 15, 2013 4:22 pm


The Long Road to Judgement
The Almighty God has taken us on a journey with many pit stops along the way. However, where this article is concerned, we will examine only those major stops our Lord has led us through that pertain to His judgement of men in a terrifying way. Our purpose in examining each judgement is to illustrate how each event is relevant to us today. We will begin with the flood judgement of Noah’s day.
At this time many people around the world give little thought to violence in sports, on TV, cinema, or in video games and paint ball contests. Most of us have been conditioned to understand it all as harmless entertainment. Now some of us may shy away from all such things for conscience sake, but I dare say that is the exception rather than the rule. In truth most of us enjoy some form of violence as entertainment. However, The Almighty God hates it wherever the intent of the violence is malicious.
Such was the case in Noah’s day. In his time within the world around him there was only violence continually. In fact it was so bad it grieved God that He had made man on the earth. Thus, at that time, His Spirit brought to His attention…actually caused Him to see…that the great fountains of the deep were about to break apart. I do believe our Lord had the choice to stop the fountains from breaking up or to simply let the calamity destroy that which grieved Him so much. He chose the latter.
To that we must ask ourselves why. Yes, we know He was grieved, but what things were going on that made up His grief? With the exception of Noah and His family He could find none righteous. None! Noah and his family were the only ones on the planet doing no harm to themselves or others. They feared God and gave Him glory. They made every effort to tell all they could right doing was the only sensible way to live. No one paid any attention whatsoever to that which Noah preached to them. None! All just kept eating and drinking and giving in marriage and killing each other. It was pretty much a let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die society.
The Spirit of God could not find a home in any household or person with the exception of Noah and His family. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, kindness, meekness etc. God is love. God is light and there isn’t a speck of darkness in Him at all. Many in this old world today think God is responsible for every ill of mankind. Such couldn’t be further from the truth! Wherever and in whomever God finds right doing and His love He is well pleased to dwell therein.
God does not inhabit the malicious violence or the maliciously violent at all. Period! You will not find the Spirit of God in the same room with a group of teenagers playing kill the fantasy beings, a TV program or movie portraying malicious intent, hate filled songs that spark violence in our youth, or a marriage where strife reigns. The Spirit of God does not inhabit the violent, nor is He the author of violence.
Such brings us to the bottom line. If the Spirit of God does not inhabit violence, whose spirit does? And therein lies the problem. Resident evil inhabits malevolent intent whether real or imagined, and the more violence reigns the more dark spirits inhabit the peoples of the Earth.
How does such apply to the United States of America? I would say most likely we are about to get nuked! We haven’t followed the golden brick road the past 60 years, but rather the shiny bright pitch black one that spirals its way down to hell. If America’s light be darkness, how great is that darkness?
Let’s ask Lot.

Love, In Christ Jesus, Saint701.
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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