Do You belong To God's Family?

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Do You belong To God's Family?

Postby cimi » Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:10 pm


It's the most important issue of life: Can you say that
God is your Father? Have you become a child of God by
declaring your personal faith in Jesus as Savior? Your
answer determines whether all the joys of knowing God
as Father now and throughout eternity will be yours.

Perhaps you are not sure that you are a member of the
family of God. Now is a good time to settle the issue,

The Father longs to adopt you, and the procedure is
simple. Come to Him in childlike faith, accepting His
offer of forgiveness from your sins, which have
kept you out of the family. Jesus lived, died, and
rose from the grave to show you the Father's
love and to make it possible to become a member
of God's family.

The Father is waiting to hear from you. He does not expect flowery words,
just a simple expression of childlike faith. Tell Him that
you believe Jesus died to pay the penalty for your sins.
Accept His gift of forgiveness (Rom. 6:23) and the invita-
tion to be part of His family forever.

If you've done that, welcome to the family!
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