Need help

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Re: Need help

Postby Mackenaw » Wed Dec 19, 2012 6:21 pm

Hello Musician561 :)

God bless you this day.

Both you and your wife are Christians, and God desires that the two of you become one. The Lord works in each person differently, and that goes for husbands and wives, as well. Your wife may sound more "spiritual" than you, and she may even read His Word more often than you, but it doesn't mean that she is the only one that is guided by The Lord.

Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.

The Lord God is not about confusion, He is God of order. The Lord loves your wife, completely. The Lord loves you, completely, also. Whether or not mankind approves completely, God's Word tells us that God is First, then man (husbands), then woman (wives). Your wife is your help mate. As long as you are not demanding that she agree with you and follow you in a matter that is immoral, illegal or founded on deceit or hate, but that you are seeking to do the righteous thing, then, as your wife, she should pray and ask God to help her respect your final decision on a matter.

She may have come to know The Lord before you did. Cool! However, God still has a reason for the order of things, and since you are now seeking The Lord, too, she honors God in showing you, her husband, the due respect that God desires that she give you.

Ephesians 5:33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

Now, I feel the need to share something :) I, too, came to The Lord first, before my husband, and I was, and am still able to spend more time in His Word than my husband. And, yes, there was a time that I struggled with loosening my white-knuckle grip on the steering wheel/controls -- both with God, and then more so concerning my husband. However, there came a time I could no longer dodge or avert my eyes from the scriptures that were correcting me. The Holy Spirit is so Awesome!!!

Musician, we all have room to grow in our relationship with The Lord, and in that blessed process of growth (a.k.a. new life in Christ), we continue to grow in the knowledge and the understanding of Him and His will. Yeah!!! God is Good!!!

You said:

...I say that with the confidence that God has given me.

To wit, I say..."say it to your wife" in that same confidence in Christ. Each time you waver and wobble, your wife feels the need to grab the steering wheel. Fear has her do so...but, because fear is powerless, she is then tempted by the enemy of our souls to reach for anger in the form of arrogance.

Confidence in Christ does not include fear nor anger nor arrogance. Confidence in Christ is founded on His love. Love is strong, love is powerful and confident -- confident in Him, and His order. :)

She may resist your new-found confidence, initially, but with love, prayer and consistency, she'll, soon, find great relief and blessed rest.

Prayers are rising to our Lord in the name of Jesus, on your behalf. May God's will be done.

God bless and keep you.
In Christ Jesus' love,
Sister Mack
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Re: Need help

Postby musician561 » Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:07 am

Thanks sister Mack. Happy New Year!

I'vew been out for a while. Still going through...hanging in there. It just seems to get harder for me, though. Not only am I dealing with this, my father's health isn't good. He's a diabetic and he's going through therapy for prostate cancer. I know God is my ultimate help and provider, it's just that when I'm in a bind...especially finacially, my father was always there. Yes, my mother is by his side and helps, also, but I'm surrounded with people that aren't working and can't help much finacially. Neither my mother, mother-in-law, or wife works. My father is retired, but he and my mother collect social security. They manage, but for me, it hurts to see my father in his current health situation. I feel lot's of pressure because I, to, have kids. (two boys) and me and my wfie are unstable at the time. (Not marriage wise) So..there is a lot going on and I trying to not go down a road that I've been twice. I 've had episodes of depression and anxiety twice in my life. Once, when I was in college, I had to be hospitalized for two days, and the other time, I managed, but eventually worked my way out. I'm going to counseling now. It just that times are hard and I'm trying to hold on to God as much as I can. Thanks again, and I'll be in touch.
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