Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Tue Dec 11, 2007 7:25 pm

December 11


Psalm 33:1-9

The earth is full of the
goodness of the LORD.
__ Psalm 33:5

The maple trees in my front yard are the last to lose their leaves in the autumn. So, on a frigid November day, I was grumbling to myself as I raked and bagged the last of my leaves.

Then a cheery voice said, "Good morning!" The woman who reads our gas meter had walked up unnoticed. I asked, "And how are you on this blustery morning?"

"I'm richly blessed," she said with a smile. after a quick attitude adjustment, I replied, "So am I. Isn't God wonderful?

"He sure is," she answered. "Are you a believer in Jesus too?" "Yes, I am," I responded, "and He has filled my life with blessing."

That brief exchange not only brightened my mood, it reminded me that we who believe in Christ are blessed beyond measure. After this sister in Christ left, the sky didn't seem to be as dark; the wind lost some of its chill; the leaf raking became less toilsome. The Lord had used a fellow believer to turn my attention to Him to see His goodness (Ps. 33:5).

Christians are part of a community. Let's encourage one another. We never know when a fellow pilgrim may need a reminder of the goodness of God. __ Dave Egner

~~~~~~~~~~If you are ready to share God's great love,~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~Follow His Spirit and give Him your all;~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~Numberless blessings are waiting for you~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~As you respond and obey Jesus' call. __ Hess~~~~~~~~

Faith in God's goodness puts a song in your heart
and praise on your lips.

*****************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 33:1-9************

1 Rejoice in the LORD, O
you righteous! For praise
from the upright is
beautiful. 2 Praise the LORD
with the harp; make melody
to Him with an instrument
of ten strings. 3 Sing to Him
a new song; play skillfully
with a shout of joy.

4 For the word of the LORD
is right, and all His work is
done in truth. 5 He loves
righteousness and justice;
the earth is full of the
goodness of the LORD.

6 By the word of the LORD
the heavens were made, and
all the host of them by the
breath of His mouth. 7 He
gathers the waters of the sea
together as a heap; He lays
up the deep in storehouses.

8 Let all the earth fear the
LORD; let all the inhabitants
of the world stand in awe of
Him. 0 For He spoke, and it
was done; He commanded,
and it stood fast.


"Let the word of christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching
and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual
songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord" (Co. 3:16).
According to this verse, praising God for His goodness may be
expressed in several ways. "Psalms" are Scripture songs lifted from
the Bible and set to music, "Hymns" are those songs that express
a personal relationship with God. And "spiritual songs" include a
variety of worship lyrics and music, what they all have in common
is genuine spiritual content that reflects on the greatness of God.
__ HDF
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Posts: 2622
Location: Washington

Postby Mackenaw » Wed Dec 12, 2007 6:14 pm

Encouraging message here -- wonderful reminder of the power of thoughts and the power of a heart focused on Jesus. Wooooohooooo!

Psalm 33:2 stood out -- about the 10 strings. the "ten" stood out.

Ok, all of you that know the significance of numbers -- help me out here. In the meantime, I and The Holy Spirit are gonna delve into Strong's Concordance. :)

God's blessings,
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Posts: 2414
Location: NY
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